looseness of style the discarding of the use of pronouns, I would like to cite an example:
तए णं से मोग्गरपाणी जक्खे सुदंसणे समणोवासयं सव्वओ समंताओ परिघोलेमाणे परिघोलेमाणे जाहे नो चेव णं संचाएइ तेयसा समभिपडित्तए, ताहे सुदंसणस्स समणोवासयस्स पुरओ सपक्खि सपडिदिसिं ठिच्चा सुदंसणं समणोवासयं अणिमिसाए दिहिए सुचिरं निरिक्खइ ।
Here atau is mentioned thrice where looking to the previous context only the use of a pronoun would have been sufficient to achieve brevity. The repetition of synonymous expressionsat times almost a volley of them, is a feature which one often comes across in the Sutras.47 The remarks on style; at the end of the section on style he draws the resemblance of Brahmana and Buddhist scriptural style.
46. Ant. Text. P. 42 1. 7-13. A wary reader will find a lot of such examples in the text. representing looseness of style.
47. For example पुन्वावरण्हकालसमयसि (अंत० पृ. १६ पं. १९) भडचडगरपहकरवंदपरिक्तित्ते (अंत० पृ. १८. पं, १९) कोसंबवणकाणणे (अंत० पृ. २८ पं. १.) पत्थियपिडगाइं (अंत० पृ. ३६. पं. १) पच्चूसकालसमयंसि ( अंत० पृ. ३६. पं. १५) etc.
Also अदीणे अकलुसे अणाइले etc. ( अंत. पृ. ४५. पं. ४) भासुरुते रुड़े कुविए etc. (अंत० पृ. १७. पं. १५) etc. are few. illustrations.