89 Now, with his feet, legs and thighs dried and rough; with his belly, deformed and swollen on the sides and sinking into the back; the rings of his ribs, visible; the joints of the backbone, easy to reckon like the rosary of Aksa fruits; the divisions of his breast-bone like the waves of the Ganges; his arms like dried snakes; his hands dangling like loose bridle-rods; his pot-like head shaking as that of one suffering from palsy; the lotus of his face faded; his mouth open like that of a pot; his eyelids sunken, Friar Dhanna walked only with the force of his spirit, stopped too with the force of his spirit; he was faint when he intended to speak at all times past, present, and future He, to wit, was like a cart of burning coals [ just as in the case of Khanda-a ] [until] like fire covered with the heap of ashes, he stood resplendent with glow, with lustre, with the splendour of the glow of lustre,
In that age, at that time...the city of Rayagiba; the sanctuary Gunasıla-a; the king Seniya. In that age, at that time, the Ascetic Lord Mahavira arrived; the congregation went out; Seniya also went out; the story of the doctrine; the congregation went