Moggarapani saw the worshipper of the Ascetic coming over. Having seen him, he enraged [5] resolved to go towards the worshipper of the Ascetic, Sudamsana, brandishing his iron mace of the weight of thousand palas Then that worshipper of the Ascetic, Sudamsana saw Jakkha Moggarapāņi coming up. Sudamsana unafraid, unterrified, unalarmed, undisturbed, unmovedandunpurturbed cleansed the ground by the flap of garment, and making the folded hands, made up with palms of his hand, covered by the (bowed) head, with ten nails together on the head, said thus; "Homage to the saints [until] attained. Homage to the Ascetic [ until ) who intends to attain. Even before, by me in the presence of the Ascetic, Lord Mahávìra, for for all my life. I have renounced gross harm to living things, gross falsehood, gross taking of things not given; I have vowed to satisfy also myself with my own wife for all my life. I have vowed for all my life to limit my desires. Even now