Book Title: Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts In Madras Vol 01 Part 01
Author(s): M Sheshgiri Shastri
Publisher: Government Press Madras
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS OF THE GOVERNMENT ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY, MADRAS. BY THE LATE M. SESHAGIRI SASTRI, M.A., Curator, GOVERNMENT ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY; AND PROFESSOR OF SANSKRIT AND COMPABATIVE PHILOLOGY, PRESIDENCY COLLECE, UTC, PREPARED UNDER THE ORDERS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF MADRAS. VOL. 1.-VEDIC LITERATURE FIRST PART. MADRAS: PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, GOVERNMENT PRESS. 1901. [Price, 12 annas.] [1 shilling pence.] For Private and Personal Use Only Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS OF THE GOVERNMENT ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY, MADRAS. BY THE LATE M. SESHAGIRI SASTRI, M.A., CURATOR, GOVERNMENT ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY; AND PROFESSOR OF SANSKRIT AND COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY, PRESIDENCY COLLEGE, ETC. PREPARED UNDER THE ORDERS OF THE GOVT. OF MADRAS. VOL. I.-VEDIC LITERATURE. FIRST PART. MADRAS: PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, GOVERNMENT PRESS. 1901. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PREFATORY NOTE. Tuis catalogue was prepared and made ready for publication under the orders of the Government of Madras by the late Professor M. Seshagiri Sastriar, M.A., some time before his death; and it is now published as prepared by him, although it covers only a part of the Manuscripts on Vedic Literature to be found in this Library. The following table explains the principle of transliteration adopted in the catalogue : Consonants. Vowels. Diphthongs. Gutturals ... k kh g gh i h h a a 7 ... e ch j jh n y s Palatals ... iis S () ai Linguals ... t th d dh nrs l si Dentals ... t th d dh nls l li Labials ... p ph b bh mv h u u O (0) au M. RANGACHARYA, M.A. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Rgveda Samhita... Rgvedapadapathah ... INDEX *** CLASS I-VEDIC LITERATURE. I-SAMHITA AND BRAHMANA. 1. THE RG VEDA (1). Name of the work. *** Rgvedabhasyam (Vedarthaprakasah) Srisuktam Srisuktabhasyam Srisuktavyakhya Rgbhasyam Rgveda-Brahmanam Rgveda-Brahmanabhasyam Rgvedaranyakam (Rgvedaranam) *** CONTENTS. ... ... ** ... ... Samavedasamhita and Rkpathab Samavedaganam Prakrtih *** 144 ... 2.-THE SAMA VEDA (71). 201 141 *** Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Number. 1 to 7 8 to 15 16 17 to 22 23 to 27 28 to 30 31 32 to 34 35 to 37 38 to 40 41 to 45 46 Page 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 32 34, 37, 38, 39, 42 43, 46, 51, 52 53, 55, 56 57 59, 62, 63 64, 67, 68 69,70,71 78, 102, 103, 104 104 ... 105 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. CLASS I.-VEDIC LITERATURE. i. Samhita and Brahmana-1. The Rg Veda. No. 1. HEAT. RGVEDA SANHITA. Substance, paper. Size, 13 x 8 inches. Pages, 942. Li'es, 22 on a page. Character, Telugi. Appearance, od. In good con Wition. Contains the cight Astakas complete. The Sawhiti portion of the Rgveda is divided in two ways: it is divided into eight parts, cach of which is called Astaka. Each Astaka is sub-divided into eight Adhyayas, whence the name Astaka, which agam are sub-divided into Vargas; and these, again into Rcas. The number of Rcas in a Varga and the number of Vargas in an Adhyaya are not the same and are various. The Samhita is again divided into ten Mandalas ; each Mandala is composed of a number of Anuvakas which are sub-divided into Suktas composed of Rcas. The codex under notice and all the manuscripts of this Library containing the work, adopt the Astaka division. The text in this manuscript is not accented. With regard to the accentuation sce the remarks on page 3. A list of the authors of the Rgveda Sarhiti, which will be of much use to the student of history and mythology, is given on pages 11---24. The Samhita has been published completely by Th. Aufrecht in Roman letters, 1861-3; the second edition was published in 1877.. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning: 2 F. M. Muller edited the Samhita and the Pada texts in parallel volumes in 1873, and both the texts with Sayana's commentary and a copious verbal index in six volumes (1849-74). Complete translations of the Samhita have been published by Alfred Ludwig (Prag. 1876) and Hermann Grassman (Leipzig, 1876-77). The latter has published a valuable index under the designation of Worterbuch zum Rigveda. An English translation of the whole Samhita has been printed by Griffith recently. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir animIle purohitaM yajJasya devmRtvijm| hotAraM ratnadhAtamam // End: samAnI va AkUtiH samAnA hRdayAni vaH / samAnamastu vo mano 74 7: g (8)ziaia || 49 || git: 7 || From a passage occurring in a Karika it is said that the text of the Sakala Sakha of the Rgveda ends with the Rk AkUtiH and that of the Baskala Sakha, with the Rk tacchaM yoH But this opinion is refuted by Dr. Bhandarkar in his Report for the three years 1895 to 1897. No. 2. RgvedasaMhitA. RGVEDA SAMHITA. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 14 x 1 inches. Pages, 386. Lines, 7 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, old. Injured. Contains the 3rd Astaka (pages 1-126), the 1st Astaka (pages 127-288) and the 2nd Astaka, Adhyayas 1-6 (pages 289-386). Accented. 1 zAkalAnAM samAnI va ityRcAntyAhutirbhavet / bASkalAnAM tu tacchaMyorityRcAnyAhutirbhavet // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra TUE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The following is a scheme of Vedic accents which deserves the attention of foreign readers for understanding the general principles of the Vedic svaras in the light of music :-- Udatta, and Pracaya, i.c., Anudatta following Svarita. .. Anudatta preceding the Udatta and }.. marked as Svarita. ani ma Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir - not marked. Svarita do. | There are three Svaras or accents in the Vedas; the Udatta, acute,' the Anudatta, 'grave,' and the Svarita, toned.' When more than one Anudatta precede an Udatta, all but the last are often sounded lower. The 1st Anudatta following an Udatta becomes Svarita; and all the rest are sounded like the Udatta and called Pracayas. If we compare the above accents with the tones of a musical gamut, we can know the exact sounds of those accents. Let the Udatta be represented by any key on the piano and be marked as C, and sa according to the Hindu method; then the two sounds of the Anudatta will be marked as B and ni, and G and qpa, respectively. The Svarita will be sounded as C sharp and fri.2 The Pracaya svara, as it is pronounced by the Brahmans of the Taittiriya Sakha and the Rgveda, is identical with the Udatta, and therefore is equal to C and H sa. A long Svarita in the Rgveda is split into two long sounds-the first of which is sounded as Udatta and the second, as Svarita. nissa sA rI sA ni sA ri sA ni sa ri nau sa -- ke pu rohi'taM ya'jJasya' de' va It is called suddha rsabha by the Hindus. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mRtvijaM ni rasa sArI sA sArI sAsa ni sA ri sA wl A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF - P ho to dya trI sU sA sA rI sA sa 2/ pA pani rasA no sa sA rI nI tI Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir raM ratna dhArta man ma Rgveda, I. 1. 1. to nAM sa nI sA For Private and Personal Use Only tI nAma Ibid., I. 3. 4. This system of accentuation is not scientific, nor does it prevail in many parts of India such as the northern countrics and Malabar. It differs considerably from the mode of accentuation adopted in the Sama Veda in reriting the original hymns or rks taken from the Rigveda. From the musical notation given above, it is seen that the sound of the Svarita is higher by one note than the Udatta, and this is wrong as the Udatta must be raised above the other svaras. The Anudatta being lower than the Udatta, the Svarita must be higher than the Anudatta and lower than the Udatta, and so must intervene between them. In any case we have simply to mark only the Udatta, and the positions of the remaining svaras can be settled. Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir TIE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. There is a Bhurja manuscript of the Rgveda which is more than five hundred years old and was discovered by Dr. Buhler. In the manuscript the Udatta alone is marked, and that by a perpendicular stroke ; and the same is the case with one of the two schools of the Maitrayani samhita. (Weber's Hist. of Ind. Lit., p. 314). There are two manuscripts in the Library in which this notation is adopted. This notation is more scientific than the cxisting one. Generally the same accentuation is adopted both in the Rgvida and the Yajur Veda. The whole of the ten Mandalas of the Rgveda, and the Samhita and the major portions of the Brahmasas of the Yajur Vedas are accented; and many of the remaining Brahmanas and generally the Upanisads are not accented. Beginning of Astaka III: hariH oM // pra ya AruH zitipRSThasya dhAserA mAtarA vivizusmRpta vANIH / parikSitA pitarA saM carete pra sote dIrghamAyuH prayaH // End: sa kSepayat sa poSayadvadvAjasya sAtaya usaidhi pRtsunau vRdhe // 27 // . . . . idamutyat samyaktravanti supratIke SaT // For an explanation of this mnemonical formula see p. 11. Colophon:-tRtIyASTakaH samAptaH // Beginning of Astaka I: agnimIle purohitaM yajJasya devamRtvija / hotAraM ratnadhAtamam // End: (Last two leaves in this Aptaka are wanting.) pra yA ghore bhagavANe na zobhe yayA vAcA yajati pajiyo vA / preSayurna vidvAn // 22 // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning of Astaka II : ___ hariH oM // pra vaH pAntai raghumanya vo'ndhau yajJaM rudrAya ma.huSe bharadhvaM / divo astoSyasurasya vIraureSudhyevaM maruto rodasyoH / / End: brahmaNaspate' tvamasya yantA sUktasya bodhi tanayaM ca jinva / vizva tadbhadraM yadavanti devA bRhadema vidathai sUvIrAH / / 32 // hariH oM // Colophon:-dvitIyASTake SaSTho'dhyAyaH // No. 3. RgvedasaMhitA. RGVEDA SAMHITA. Pages, 69. Lines, Appearance, old. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 14 x 1 inches. 5 on a page. Character, Nandinagari. Injured. Contains 1-2 Adhyayas in the 1st Astaka. Accented. Beginning: hariH oM // agnimIle purohitaM yajJasya devamRtvijam / hotAraM ratnadhAtamam // End: ___ indrau yAto'vasitasya' rAjA zamasya ca zRGgiNo vajrabAhuH / sedu rAjA kSayati carSaNInAmarAnna nemiH pari tA babhUva // hariH oM // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ayaM devAyAM va yo va yanti yaciddhi zazvatA zazvadindro'STau // For an explanation of this mnemonical formula see p. 11. Colophon:-iti prathamASTake dvitIyo'dhyAyaH // No. 4. RgvedasaMhitA. RGVEDA SAMHITA. Subst nce, palm leaf. Size, 151 x 1 inches. Pages, 111. Lines, 7 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, old. Injured. The first folio is marked 31. Contains Adhyayas 2-8 in the 3rd Astaka. The 8th Adhyaya, according to the MS. Nos 1 and 2 contains 27 Vargas, while the printed books and this manuscript have 26 Vargas, and the 27th is added to the next Adhyaya. Beginning : hariH oM // icchanti tvA somyAsaH saravAyaH sunvanti somaM dadhati prayAMsi / titikSante anta (bhi)zasti janA(nA)mindra tvadA kazcana hi praketaH // End: vAmagne pradiva AhutaM ghRtaissumnAyavassuSamidhA samIdhire / sa vAbadhAna oSadhibhirukSito3bhi jayAMsi pArthivA vi tiSThase // 26 // hariH oM / / ___No. 5. RgvedasaMhitA. RGVEDA SAMHITA. Substanco, palm-leaf. Size, 12 x 1} inches. Pages, 96. Lines, 5 on a page. Character, Nardinagari. Appearance, old. Injured. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 4 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Sixteen folios are wanting in the beginning. Begins in folio 17. Contains the 6th Astaka, from 31st Varga of the 1st Adhyaya to the 13th Varga of the 4th Adhyaya. Beginning: yasyAnirvargRhe stomaM cano dadhIta vizvavAryaH / havyA vA veviSa dviSaH // End: tvannaH soma vizvato vayodhAstvaM svarvidA vizA nRcakSAH / tvanna indra UtibhiH sajoSAH pAhi pazcAtAduta vA purastAt // 13 // Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir No. 6. RgvedasaMhitA. RGVEDA SAMHITA. Substance, paper. Size, 9 x 8 inches. Pages, 8. 65. Lines, 12 on a page. Character, Telugu. In good condition. * Contains (1) Astaka 2 Adhyaya 8, Vargas 13, 14, 15. do. (2) Do. 6, 7, do. 10. (3) Do. 8, do. 7, do. 15. 8, do. 20. 4, do. 10. (4) Do. 7, do. (5) Do. 3, do. Pages 1 to 63 contain the Asvamedha portion of the Srauta Sutra. . Beginning of (1) : bhadraM vada dakSiNato bhadramuttarato vada / bhadraM purastAnno vada bhadraM yauvanAni mahayati jigyuSAmiva dundubhiH / pazcAtkapiJjara || zakuntaka pradakSiNaM zatapatrAbhino vada || Begins on page Appea: ance, old. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. This is an apocryphal hymu mentioned by Professor Max Muller in the Preface to his Rgveda, Vol. II. It is added at the end of a manuscript consulted hy him after the 12th Varga of the 8th Adhyaya of the 2nd Astaka. Then follows the last hymn of the 12th Varga, the 13th, 14th and 15th Vargas of the 8th Adhyaya of the 2nd Astaka. The 11th and 12th Vargas contain hymns to be rocited on hearing any unpleasant cries of birds as stated in the commentary. They are also recited in the marriage ceremony on the occasion of the bride going to the father-in-law's house and are called Sumangala Sakta. They are addressed to the bird Kapiinjara, a kind of partridge, which is supposed to represent the god Siva and Indra, and are to be recited with the other passages. The apocryphal passage beginning with a faz 197077: is addressed to the same bird kapiJjara. (3) contains a Khila or apocryphal hymn called Ratrisukta which is printed in the Preface to Vol. VI. Rgveda, by Profossor Max Miller. The passage occurs at the end of X, 127 in two of the manuscripts consulted by him, This Sukta is a hymn addressed to the Night deity and is called Ratrisukta and, according to the quotation made from the Aranyaka, should be recited at a sacrifice for removing the effects of cvil dreams. It is referred to also in Asva-Grihya Paris., 1. The text in the manuscript under notice is slightly different from what is printed by him. After the 4th Rk, occurs T a uri Agat which is the 12th in the text printed by him. The next hymn is gaa94 art, which occurs as the 9th in the printed text. Then follow the hymns Grig' tag and Trail to STFH14T: which are the 13th and 14th in the latter text with which the Sukta ends. But the text in the manuscript is then followed by the following hymns, 379 VII, 104-22; KTIVI TA IV, 3-14; if I miga I, 133-5; de CHIH, 36 aaa, Bartu zaht. After this occur the five hymns of the Sukta For Private and Personal Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 10 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF 128 of X, which constitute the 15th Varga of the 7th Adhyaya of the VIII Astaka, No. 7. RgvedasaMhitA. RGVEDA SAMHITA. Substance, palm-leat. Size, 14 x 13 inches. Pages, 254. Lines, 6 on a page. Character, Nandinagari. Appearance, old. Injured; first two leaves torn at the ends. Accented. Contains the 8th Astaka. complete. The first leaf is wanting. As can be scen from the following colophons at the end of the 1st and the 7th Adhyayas iti zrIzAkalasaMhitAyAmapTamASTake prathamo'dhyAyaH and iti zrIzAkalasaM . . . . saptamo'dhyAyaH, the text given in the manuscript under notice professes to belong to the Sakala Sakha of the Rgveda Sarishita. Vide p. 2 and the foot-note. Beginning: ___ (Third Varga of the I Adhyikya of the 8th Astaka..) . jagRbhmA te svAyudhaM subrahmANaM sanadvAjamazvAvantaM paJca / jammA te dakSiNamindrahastaM vasUyavo vasupate vasUnAM / vidmA hi tvA gopItaM zUragonAmasmabhyaM citraM sapaNaM rabindAH // End : ___samAnI va AkassimAnA hRdaya nivaH / samAnamastu vo mano yathA vaH sasahAsati / / 49 ||-|| agni devAnAmavamoviSNuH / saMsamiAvase vRSan / RtaM ca satyaM cAbhIDAt / . . . . ayaM hi te amrtyH| tvaM cidatrimRtajuraM // - // tyAMcidIravayantI rakSAbhyAmAtvAhAmapazyantvA nava // Colophon:-ityaSTama.pTake'STamo mAyaH samAtaH / For Private and Personal Use Only Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 11 The first passage of the extract is a kind of index giving the first few words, and the number, of the Reas in the Varga. Such an index is added to many of the Vargas in this codex. Another peculiar feature is that an index is added at the end of each Adhyaya which gives the initial two or three words of every Varga, beginning from the 1st Varga of the next Adhyaya, and going backwards up to the 1st Varga of the Adhyaya. For instance, at the end of the 8th Adhyaya, the index begins with the first four words of the 1st Varga of the next Adhyaya, viz., the Brahmana, which begins as 3rfa 291714941 Tacos: (Vide p. 10). Next comes the first few words of the last Varga in the 8th Adhyaya, i.e., of the 49th Varga, then of the 48th Varga and so on, till the 1st Varga. Then follows another index which gives the first words of the 1st, 11th, 21st, 31st, 41st, &c,, Vargas. The number of Vargas remaining over the decennial number, i.e., over 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, &c., is also added. For example in the 8th Adhyaya, the words tyaMcit, IkhayantIH, akSIbhyAM, AtvAhA, apazyantvA are the initial words of the 1st, 11th, 21st, 31st and 41st Vargas; and 99 or 9 at the end shows that there are nine Vargas over 40, making up a total of 49 Vargas. Similar mnemonical formalae occur in the Yajur Vedas also. The following list of the authors and authoresses of the Suktas of the Rgveda, which is of much interest to the students of history and mythology, is given in alphabetical order. The same list is printed also in Vol. VI of Professor Max Muller's Rgveda, aMhomuk vAmade OTT: ... 10 126 HAT: HATI ... 1034 3416: ... 1 165 to agastyaH viSazaGkA ar? ... 191 agastyasya svasA Dramai 1 ... 10 agnayaH dhiSNyAH 4: ... 9 60 109 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A L'ESCRIPTIVE CATALOGCE OF 106 141 140 174 61 ma. sU. agniH ... 8 102 anAnataH pArucche ____9 106 | piH ... 9 111 10 124 agniH cAkSuSaH ... 9 anilaH (vAtAya naH) ... 10 agniH(tApasaH)... 10 168 agniH pAvakaH ... 10 anovAsI brahmaagniyutaH (sthau | cArI ... 1 173 raH) ... 10 116 andhIguH zyAvAzciH 9 101 agniyUpaH sthauraH 10 116 | apAlAtreyI ... 8 91 agnivaruNasomAnAM apratirathaH (aindraH) 10 103 nivahaH ... 10 124 AbhitapAH sauryaH 1037 AgnaH saucIkaH. 10 51 to abhIvataH ... 10 53,79, amahIyuH ... 9 80 ambarISaH ... 9 ___ 98 aghamarSaNaH (mAdhu ambarISaH vArSagiraH cchandasaH) ... 10 190 | rAjarSiH ... 1 100 aGgaH (auravaH) ... 10 138 ayAsyaH ... 9 44 to ajamIvhaH sauhotraH 4 43, 44 atriH ... ... 5 27, 37, | 10 67, 68 to 43, ariSTanemiH tAyaH 10 178 76, 77, aruNAH vaitahavyaH 1091 83 to arcana hairaNyastRpaH 10 149 86 9 67,86 | acenAnA ... 8 42 atriH (sAyaH). 10 143 | arcanAnA AtreyaH 5 63, 64 aditiH ... 4 18 arbudaH (kAdraveaditiH dAkSAyaNI 10 | yaH) ... 10 94 ____46 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MAXUSCRIPTS. 13 50 50 101 53 ma. sU. avatsAraH ... 9 53 to | indraH vaikuNThaH ... 10 48 to 60 avatsAraH kAzyapaH 5 44 | indrapramatiH (vAsi. avasyurAtreyaH ... 5 31, 75STaH ) ... 9 97 azvamedhaH bhArataH 5 27 indramAtaraH devajAazvasUktI kANvA. mayaH ... 10 153 yanaH ... 8 14, 15 indrANI ... 10 145 aSTakaH (vaizvAmi | irimbiTiH kANvaH 8 16 to traH) ... 10 18 aSTAdaMSTraH (vairU iSaH AtreyaH ... 57,8 paH) ... 10 111 ucathyaH ... 9 50 to asitaH kAzyapaH. 9 5 to utkIlaH kAtyaH 3 15, 18 AruSTA mASAH ... upamanyuH vAsiSThaH 9 97 AtmA ... 3 26 upastataH vATihaAyuH kANvaH ... 8 52 vyaH ... 10 115 AsaGgaH prAyogiH. urukSayaH AmahI. iTaH (bhArgavaH) ... 10 yavaH ... 10 118 idhmavAhaH dArTacyu urucaktirAtreyaH ... 5 69, 70 taH ... 9 26 urvazI ... 1095 indraH ... 1 165, | ulaH (vAtAyanaH) 10 186 18, 26 uzanA ... 9 87 to 89 100 10 28 uzanA (kAvyaH) 8 84 indraH (muSkavAn). 10 38 uruH ... 9 108 170 4 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF 97 4 ___49 ma. sa. urvakazanaH (yA karNazrudrAsiSThaH ... 9 ___ mAyanaH) .. 10 144 kaliH prAgAthaH ... 8 UrdhvagrAvA Adhu- | kavaSaH airUSaH ... 10 10 30 to diH ... 10 urdhanAbhA (bA 9 to 79 UrdhvasadmA ... 9 100 kaviH bhArgavaH ... 9 47 to RjizvA ... 6 49 to kazyapaH ... 9 64,67 9 98,108 91,92 113, RNaJcapaH ... 9 103 114 RSabhaH vairAjaH kazyapaH mArIcaH... 1 99 zAkvaro vA ... 10 166 829 RSabhaH vaizvAmitraH. 3 13, 14 kutsaH ... 9 97 9 71 kalsaH AGgirasaH 194 to ekAH nodhasaH ... 880 evayAmarudAtreyaH... 5 87 101 to kasIvAn ... 9 104, kakSIvAn dairghatama 106 to 115 saH auzijaH 1 116 to 128 | kutsaH aptyaH ... 1 105 kaNvaH ... 9 94 kumAraH AgneyaH ... 7 102 kaNvaH ghauraH ... 1 36 to kumAraH AtreyaH... 5 2 kumAraH (yAmAyanaH) 10 135 kAH vaizvAmitraH... 3 17, 18 kurusutiH kANvaH 876 to kapotaH nai mataH ... 10 1651 98, 43 78 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 15 31 vulmalabarhiSaH gRtsamadaH AGgira(zailUpiH) ... 10 __125 saH zaunahotraH kuzikaH ... 3 ___ pazcAdbhArgavaH kuzikaH (saubharaH) 10 127 zaunakaH ... 2 1 kusIdI kApvaH... 8 81 to gRhapatyabhiH sahasaH sutaH ... 8 102 kUrmaH ga.saMbhadaH ... 2 27 to godhA ... ... 10 134 29 gopavanaH AtreyaH. 8 73, 74 kRtayazAH ... " gotamaH ... 9 31, 67 chattuH bhArgavaH ... 8 golamaH (rAhagaNaH) 1 to kRzaH (kANvaH)... 8 53 kRSNaH... ... 885, 86 gaurivatiH ... 9 103 10 42 to 10 78,74 41 ritItiH zAkRSNaH (dyumnIkaH) 887 ktayaH ... 5 29 kenaH AgneyaH ... 10 156 goSaktI azvasUktI gayaH AtreyaH ... 5 9, 10 kANvAyano... 8 14, 15 gayaH plAtaH ... 10 dharmaH tApasaH ... 10 114 gargaH ... ... 6 47 | dharmaH sauryaH ... 10 181 gaviSThiraH AtreyaH 5 1 ghoraH AGgArasaH 3 36 gAturAtreyaH ... 5 32 | ghoSA kAkSIvatI .. 10 39, 40 gAthI ... ... 3 19 to cakSaH mAnavaH ... 5 106 22 | cakSuH sauryaH ... 10 158 gRtsamadaH ... 2 2, 3,8 to 43 citramahAH (vAsi 86 SThaH) ... 10 122 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 16 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF 107 ma. sU. cyavano bhArgavaH ... 10 19 | trizirAH tyASTra:... 10 8, 9 jamadagniH ... 3 trizokaH (kApvaH) 8 962, 65 kRSNA pauruka 67 syaH ... 5 27 ___10 110, aruNaH ... 9 167 110 | vyaruNaH paurukutsyaH 5 27 jamadagniH bhArga tvaSTA (garbhakartA) 10 181 vaH ... 8 101 dakSiNA prAjApatyA 10 jayaH aindraH ... 10 180 damanaH yAmAyanaH 10 16 jaratkarNa airAvataH __ sarpaH ... 10 divyaH ... ... 10 107 datimAH aucathyaH 1 110 to juhUH brahmajAyA... 10 164 jetA mAdhucchandasaH 1 11 | duvasyaH vandanaH... 10 100 tAnvaH (pArthyaH)... 10 93 durmitraH kautsaH tirazcIH ... 8 95, 96 ___ sumitraH ... 10 105 trapumUrdhA bArhaspatyaH 10 182 | haLadacyutaH gatrasadasyuH pauruku tyaH ... 9 25 tsyaH ... 4 42 devarAtaH kRtrimo| 5 27 __ vaizvAmitraH ... 1 24 trasadasyaH ... 9 110 | tritaH ... devamuniH (airamma... 102 daH) ... 10 146 tritaH ... ... 10 1 to7 devalaH ... 9 5th tritaH AptyaH ... 1 105 8 47 devavAtaH bhArataH... 3 23 9 33,34, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 17 devazravAH bhArataH 3 23 | nidhruviH kAzyapaH 9 63 devazravAH yAmAya nIpAtithiH kANvaH 8 naH ... 10 17 nRmedhaH ... 8 89, 90 devAH ... ... 10 51, 53 9 8, 99 devAtithiH (kA. nRmedhaH ... ... NvaH) ... 8 4 nemaH bhArgavaH ... 8 100 devApirASTaSeNaH ... 1098 | nodhAH ... ... 9 93 dyutAnaH mArutaH ... 896 | nodhAH 888 dyannaH vizvacarSiNiH 5 23 nodhA gautamaH ... 1 58 to dvitaH AptyaH ... 9 103 ___64 dvitaH mRtkavAhAH paNayaH asurAH ... 10 128 __ AtreyaH ... 5 18 pataGgaH prAjApatyaH 10 177 dharuNaH AGgirasaH 5 15 parAzaraH ... 9 97 dhruvaH ... ... 10 173 parAzaraH zAktayaH 1 65 to 73 nabhaH prabhedano vairU. parucchepaH daivodApaH... ... 10 112 siH ... 1 127 to naraH ... ... 6 35, 36 nahuSaH (mAnavaH)... 9 101 parvataH kANvaH ... 8 12 nAbhAkaH kANvaH 8 39 to parvatanAradI ... 9 104, 42 nAbhAnediSThaH mAna pavitraH ___67 ___ vaH... ... 10 61, 62 pavitraH ... 9 73, 83 nAradaH (kApvaH) 8 13 pAyuH ... ... 10 87 nArAyaNaH ... 1090 pAyuH bhAradvAjaH... 6 15 139 105 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 18 A DESCRIITIVE CATALOGUE OF . pAvako baha patyaH 8 102 | prajApatiH vaizvAmipunarvattaH kANvaH 8 7 H ... 3 38, 54 purumIlhaH ... 8 71 to 56 purumILhaH sauhotraH 443 11 | prajAvAn prAjApa. ... purumedhaH 8 89.90 tyaH ... 10 183 puruhanmA ... 8 pratardanaH kAzirApurUravAH (ailaH) 10 95 ___ jaH ... 10 179 puSTiguH kANvaH ... 8 prArdanaH deve dAsiH 9 6 pUtadakSaH ... 8 94 pratikSatra AtreyaH 546 pUraNaH vaizvAmitraH 10 100 pratiprabha AtreyaH 5 49 48 pUruH AtreyaH ... 5 18.17 | pratibhAnuH AtreyaH 5 pyuH vainyaH ... 10 pratiratha AtreyaH... 5 47 prazrayaH anAH ... 9 ____86 prathaH vAsiSThaH ... 10 181 pRSabhraH kANvaH ... 8 __46 prabhUvatuH ... 9 35, 36 pauraH AtreyaH ... 5 prabhUvasuH AGgirasaH 5 35, 36 pragAthaH kANvaH ... 8 prayasvantaH AtreyaH 520 prayogaH bhArgavaH ... 8 48,62 102 to 65 praskaNvaH ... 9 95 praskapvaH kANvaH 141 to pragAthaH ghauraH ... 8 1 pracetAH ... 10 praskaNvaH (kANva) 840 prajApatiH ... 9 101 | prAjApatyo vAmukraH 10 20 to prajApatiH (parame___SThI) ... 10 129 priyamedhaH ... 8 68, 69 prajApatiH vAcyaH 984 928 7 50 164 26 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 19 ma. sU. priyamedhaH AGgira- bharadvAjaH varhispa saH ... 8 2 tyaH ... 6 1to30 priyamedhaH vAsiSThaH 887 37 to 43,53 bandhuH gopAyanaH... 10 57 to to 74 bandhuH gopAyano bhargaH prAgAthaH ... 8 60, 61 le pAyano vA 5 24 bhAvavyaH ... 1 126 babhraH AtreyaH ... 5 80 bhikSuH ... 10 117 baruH ... ... 1096 | bhiSaka AtharvaNaH 107 bAhuktaH AtreyaH bhuvanaH (AptyaH) 10 binduH ... ... bhUtAMzaH kAzyapaH 10 894 bhRguH vAruNiH ... 965 budhaH AtreyaH ... 5 10 budhaH saumyaH ... 10 101 matsyaH (mAnyaH)... 8 bRhaduktho vAmade matsyaH sAmadaH ... 8 vyaH / ... 10 54 to | matsyAH jAlana 6 dvAH ... 8 67 bRhaddivaH AtharvaNaH 10 120 mathitaH yAmAyanaH 10 10 bRhanmatiH ... 9 39, 40 madhucchandAH vaizvA. bRhaspatiH ... 10 71 72 | mitraH ... 1 1 to 10 bRhaspatiH laukyaH 1072 | madhucchandAH ... 9 1 brahmAtithiH kANvaH 85 manugapsavaH ... 9 106 bhayamAnaH vArSagiraH manuH (vaivasvataH)... 8 27 to rAjarSiH ... 1 100 31 bharadvAjaH ... 9 67 manuH sAMvaraNaH ... 9 101 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 20 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF 10 ma. sU. ma. sU. manyuH tApasaH ... 10- 83, 84 medhyAtithiH kANvaH 8 1, 3, manyuH vAsiSThaH ... 997 33 marutaH ... 1 165, | maitrAvarugiH ... 8 67 1 171 | yakSmanAzanaH prAmAtarizvA (kANvaH) 8 4 jApatyaH ... 10 161 mAndhAtA yauvanA yajata AtreyaH ... 5 67, 68 zvaH ... 10 134 | yajJaH prAjApatyaH... 10 130 mudgalaH bhAHzvaH... 10 102 | yamaH ... 10 14 munayaH vAtarazanAH 10 136 | yamo vaivasvataH ... 10 10 mUrdhanvAn AGgira yamI ... 10 154 * so vAmadevyo yamI vaivakhatI ... 10 vA ... 10 __88 | yayAti huSaH ... " mUlIkaH vAsiSThaH... 9 97 yaviSThAgniH sahasaH ___10 150 sutaH ... 8 102 medhAtithiH ... 8 2 rakSohA brAhmaH ... 10 162 9 2 rahagaNaH ... 9 37, 38 medhAtithiH kA rAtahavyaH AtreyaH 5 65, 66 NvaH ... 1 12 to rAtriH bhAradvAjI 10 127 23 rAmaH jamadagnisutaH 10 8 1, 2, reNuH ... 10 89 reNuH vaizvAmitraH ... 9 medhyaH kANvaH ... 8 53,57, | rebhaH kAzyapaH ... 8 bhedhyAtithiH ... 9 41 to rebhasUnU kAzyapau... 9 101 110 43 100 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 21 TIIE SANSKRIT VANUSCRIPTS. romazA ... ... 1 126 | vasukraH vAsiSThaH... 9 97 labaH aindraH ... 10 119 | vasurociSaH AGgiluzaH dhAnAkaH ... 10 35, 36 | rasAH sahasraM... 8 34 lopAmudrA ... 1 179 | vamuzrutaH AtreyaH 5 3 to 6 vajAzvaH vArSagiraH | vasamanA rauhidazvaH 10 179 ___ (rAjarSiH) ... 1 100 | vasUyavaH AtreyAH 5 25, 26 vatsaH kANvaH ... 8 6, 11 | vAgAMbhRNI ... 10 125 vatsaH AgneyaH ... 10 187 | vAcyaH ... 3 38, 54 vatsapriH ... 10 45, 46 to 56 vatsaMtriH bhAlandanaH 9 68. | vAmadevaH ... 4 1 to vamraH vairavAnasaH... 10 99 41, 45 vaviH AtreyaH ... 5 ____ 19 to 58 vazaH azvayaH ... 8 18 viprabandhuH gopA. vasiSThaH ... 7 1 to/ yanaH ... 10 57 to 104 vasiSThaH ... 9 67,50, | viprabandhuH gopAya | nalopAyano vA 5 24 vasiSThaputrAH ... 7 33 | vitrAT sAyaH ... 10 170 vasuH bhAradvAjaH ... 9 80, 82 vimadaH aindraH ... 10 vasukarNaH vAsukaH 10 26 vamud vAsukraH 10 20, to | virUpaH ... 8 75 26 | virUpaH AGgirasaH 8 43, 44 vasukraH ... 10 29 | vivasvAn AdityaH 10 13 vamukraH aindraH ... 10 27, 28 viTahAH kAzyapaH 10 163 97 26 pila. mAga For Private and Personal Use Only Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 22 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUB OF 97 150 vizvakaH kANiH 8 6 vaizvAnaraH ... 10 79, 80 vizvakarmA bhauvanaH 10 81, 82 vyazvaH AGgirasaH 8 26 vizvamanA vaiyazvaH 8 23 to vyAghrapAdvAsiSThaH 9 97 26 zaMyuH bArhaspatyaH... 6 44 to vizvavAratreyI ... 5 28 46, 48 vizvasAmAtreyaH ... 5 ____22 | zakapUnaH nArmedhaH 10 132 vizvAmitraH ... zaktiH ... ... 7 32 12, 249 103 | zaktivAsiSThaH ... 9 57 to zaGko yAmAyanaH... 10 15 zacI paulomo ... 10 zataprabhedano vairUpaH 10 113 ___ 10 167 zabaraH kAkSIvataH 10 169 vizvAmitraH gAthinaH 3 1 zAryAno mAnavaH 10 92 vizvAvatuH devaga zazakarNaH kANvaH 89 ndharvaH ... 10 zazvatI AGgirasI viSNuH prAjApatyaH ___ AsaGgasya patnI 8 1 vihavyaH ... 10 128 | zAIH ... 10 142 vItahavyaH ... 6 15 zAsaH bharadvAjaH... 10 152 vRzaH jAraH ... 5 ziravaNDinyau kAvRSAkapiraindraH ... 10 | zyappI apsavRSagaNo vAsiSThaH 9 97 rasau ... 9 104 venaH ... 10 zibirauzInaraH ... 10 179 venaH bhArgavaH ... 9 85 | ziribiTaH bhAravairavAnasAH zatam 9 66 dvAjaH ... 10 155 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra zizuH .. zunazzephaH zunazzephaH AjI gartiH zunahotraH zyAvAzvaH 2.4 ... ... Dvl zyAvAzvaH AtreyaH zyenaH AgneyaH zraddhA kAmAyanI ... ... THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ma. 9 9 1 10 10 8 zrutakakSaH zrubandhuH gopAdanaH 10 5 6 33, 34 8 35 to 38 32 52 to 61,81 82 188 151 92 57 to 60 bandhuH gopAyanaH lopAyano vA 5 zrutavidAtreyaH 5 zrRSTiguH kANvaH. 8 saGkumukaH yAmAyanaH 10 saMvananaH 10 saMvaraNaH prAjApatyaH 5 saMva: 10 ma. 112 | satyadhRtiH vAruNi: 10 3 satyazravA AtreyaH 24 to 30 sadASTaNaH AtreyaH sabhiH vairUpaH sadhvaMsaH kANvaH 191 33, 34 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 24 62 sArparAjJI ... saptaguH 10 saptarSayaH 9 saptarSayaH ekarcA:... 10 saptavadhiH 8 saptavadhitreyaH ... 172 sukakSaH... ... 5 satiH vAjambharaH... 10 sapratho bhAradvAjaH 10 10 saramA devazunI sarvahariH aindraH 10 savyaH AGgirasaH 1 For Private and Personal Use Only sasaH AtreyaH sahadevaH vArSa giraH sAdhanaH bhauvanaH ... 51 sikatAnivAvarI 18 ... 1 10 10 9 sindhukSit maiyamedhaH 10 sindhudvIpaH amba - rISaH ... 8 5 79,80 5 45 10 114 8 47 107 137 73 78 79 181 108 96 51 to 57 21 100 157 189 ... 5 23 10 sU. 185 86 75 9 8 92,93 Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 24 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ma. sukIrtiH kAkSIvanaH 10 sutambharaH AtreyaH sudA: paijavanaH sudItiH 8 suparNaH kANvaH suparNaH tArkSyaputraH 10 subandhuH gopAvanaH ... lopAyano vA subandhuH gopAyanaH 10 durmitraH surAdhasaH vArSagiraH rAjarSiH 5 10 10 1 suvedAH zairISiH ... 10 suharatyaH ghauSeH 1: 10 sU. 131 sumitra: vAzrayazva: 10 69, 70 sumitraH kautsaH suhotraH 11 to mUnu: ArbhavaH 14 sUryA sAvitrI 133 | somAhutiH bhArgavaH 71 saiaubhariH kANvaH 59 144 24 | svastyAtreyaH 57 to | haryataH prAgAthaH 60 harimantaH ma. 31,32 176 85 2 4 to 7 8 19 to 22, 103 syUmarazmiH bhArgava: 10 77, 78 5 50, 51 8 72 9 72 havirdhAna: AGgiH 10 11, 12 hiraNyagarbhaH prAjA Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 105 For Private and Personal Use Only ... ... patyaH hiraNyastUpaH 100 | hiraNyastUpa : A GgirasaH 147 41 *** ... ma. 6 10 10 10 9 1 121 4,69 31 to 35 Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra maNDalam I II III IV V VI VII VIII The following table, prepared from a printed text of the Rgveda, shows the number of Suktas and Rcas in each Mandala and the number of Vargas and Reas in cach Astaka of the Rgveda :-- varga: IX X aSTakam II III IV THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. VI VII VIII sUktam 191 43 62 58 87 75 104 103 114 191 1,028 Ia. x*E. ..... X #sh 1,986 429 617 589 726 765 841 1,716 1,108 1,754 10,531 372974 VI VII VIII 1 27-2243 The following shows the relation of Astaka to Mandala : From 9 62 12 I II III IV 44 46 For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ma. 265 221 2,024 x x*E.<.. 225 250 238 331 248 246 Rk To 1,350 1.147 1.209 1.288 1,263 1,730 1,263 1,281 10,531 sU. 25 121 6 8 61 11 43 45 191 Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 26 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir No. 8. RgvedapadapAThaH. RGVED APADA PATHAI. Substance, paper. Size, 13 x 8 inches. Pages, 956. Lines, 27 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, old. In good condition. Contains the Padapatha of the eight Astakas complete. The Padapatha is a particular mode of reciting the Rigveda Samhita, in which each word is uttered separately and without the euphonic changes in the forms and the svaras of the words. A sage named Sakalya is said to have been the author of the Padapatha of the Rgveda. Beginning: 1 1 hariH oM // agni / Ile / puraH hitaM / yajJasya / devaM / RtvijaM / hotAraM / ratna dhAtamam // End: samAnI / vaH / AkUtiH / samAnA / hRdayAni / vaH // samAnam / astu / vaH / manaH / yathA / vaH / su saha / asati // hariH oM // CALICUT, January 1825. No. 9. RgvedapadapAThaH. RGVEDAPADAPATHAH. Substance, palm-leaf (eritala). Size, 16 x 1 inches. Pages, 460. Lines, 8 on a page. Character, Malayalam. Appearance, new. In excellent order. Begins with folio, 2. Contains the first four Astakas complete. Accented. The very first folio contains the following written in ink:-- "Vol. I. This volume contains the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Astakas of the Samhita of the Rigvedam, Malayalam, Arya character. For Private and Personal Use Only C. W. WHISH." Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir TIE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 27 The last folio contains the following: "This volume contains the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Astakas of the Samhita of the Rigvedah. Here ends the first volume of the Rigvedam. Arya character. CALICUT, 1825. C. W. WHISR." Memorandum. " The Gayatri in this copy is found in the last line of the first side of the 146th page. CALICCT, 1825. C. W. WHISH." The perpendicular stroko stands for the Udatta in this and the following manuscripts except in Nos. 12 and 15. Beginning: agni / Ile / puraH hitaM / yajJasya / deva / RtvijaM / hotAraM / ratna dhAtamam / End: sarasvati / abhi / naH / neSi / vasyaH / mA / apa / spharIH payasA / maa| naH / / dhak / juSasva / nH| sakhyA / vezyA / ca / maa| tvat |kssetraanni / araNAni / ganma // Colophon:-iti caturthASTake'STamo'dhyAyaH // No. 10. RgvedapadapAThaH. RGVEDAPADAPATHAH. Substance, palm-leaf (sritala). Size, 17 x 14 inches. Character, Malayalam. Pages, 336. Lines, 9 on a page. Appearance, new. In excellent order. Contains Astakas 5-8 complete. Accented. Begins on folio 2. The upper stroke stands for the Udatta. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 28 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF This also belongs to the Calicut series of C. W. Wush and contains the following note : "Vol. II. This volume contains the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Astakas of the Samhita (Pada text) of the Rigvedah. Arya character. CALICCT, 1825. C. W. WHISH. " This volume contains the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Astakas of the Samhita of the Rigvedah. Here ends the second volume of the Rigvedah. CALICUT, 1825. C. W. W111sh." Beginning: stuNe / narA / divaH / asya / prasantA / azvinA / huve / jeramANa : arkaiH // yo / sadyaH / utA / vi upi / jmaH / antAn ||yuyuuptH / pari / uru / varAMsi || End: samAnau / vaH / AM kUtiH / samAnA / hRdayAni / vaH / samAna / astu / vaH / manaH / ythaa| vaH / su saha / asati / / Colophon:-ityaSTame'STake'STamo'dhyAyaH // No. 11. RgvedapadapAThaH. RGVEDAPADAPATHAH. Substance, palm-leaf (sritala). Size, 17} X 11 inches. Pages, 450. Lines, 9 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, more than 60 years old. Slightly. injured. Contains the Padapatha of Astakas 5-8 complete. Accented. The upper stroke stands for the Udatta. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 29 This belongs to the Calicut series and contains the following note : " The Samhita of the Rigvedah. In three volumes. Grantha character. CALICUT, January 1825. C. W. Whish." "Vol. III. Rigvedah. This volume contains the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Astakas of the Rigvedah. Here ends Vol. III of the Rigvedah. << This volume contains the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Astakas of the Samhita of the Rigvedah complete in thirty-two Adhyayas. Calicut, 1825. C. W. Whish" " HIere ends the Rigvedam complete in cight Astakas. In thrco volumes. Grantham character. CALICUT, 1825. C. W. Wush." For beginning and end see the previous notice. No. 12. H ETIT: RGVEDAPADAPATHAH. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 154 x 1} inches. Pages, 294. Lines, 7 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, new. Very injured. Contains the whole of Astaka 1, and the Astaka 8, from the beginning to the 41st Varga of the 8ih Adhyaya. About 15 folios in the beginning are accented. Beginning of Astaka I: fit is iga: fed i martial Fisti stati i ra 214.11 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 30 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir End: mA / sA / te / asmat / sumatiH / vi dasat / vAja pra mahaH / sam / iSaH / varanta / A / naH / bhaja / magha van / goSu / arthaH / maMhiSThAH / te / sadha mAdaH / syAma / hariH oM // Beginning of Astaka VIII: pra / hetA / jAtaH / mahAn / nabhaH vit / nR sadvA / sodat / apAM upasthe // dadhiH / yaH / dAvi / saH / te / vayAMsi / yantA / vasUni / vidhate / tanUpAH // End: ahaM / garbhaM / adadhAM / oSadhISu / ahaM / vizveSu / bhuvaneSu / antariti / ahaM / prajAH / ajanayaM / STathivyAM / ahaM / jani bhyaH / aparISu / putrAn // 41 // 1 No. 13. RgvadapadapAThaH. RGVEDAPADAPATHAH. Substance, (Sritala) palm-leaf. Size, 15 x 1 inches. Pages, 158. Lines, 7 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, new. In very good order. Contains the Padapatha of the 1st Astaka complete. Accented. The upper stroke stands for the Udatta. "Vol. I. This volume contains the first Astaka of the Rigvedah. Vol. I. Rigvedah. CALICUT, 1825. C. W. WHISH." "This volume contains the first Astaka of the Rigvedah complete in 8 Adhyayas. CALICUT, 1828. For Private and Personal Use Only C. W. WHISH." Beginning: agne' / I / pure hitaM / yaja'sya / devaM' / RtvijaM / hotAraM / ratna dhotaman / Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 31 End: AIRLIQ 167 1 994471 na: la gari al 946: 1 1$9:1a17 3711 9: 1 HFT 4997 i vita i 343: 1 Afeer: 1 a i afa: 1 77191 || 26 11 Colophon :- @ 999 SEESEHSE2717: 11 No. 14. Xa696977:. RGVEDAPADAPATHAH. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 18 x 18 inches. Pages, 70. Lines, 9 on a page. Character, Telugu. Imperfect and incomplete. In good condition. The opening leaf is numbered 29 and the last one 105; and many leaves are wanting in the middle. The manuscript begins in the middle of the 14th Varga of the 5th Adhyaya of the 1st Astaka and ends with the 8th Adhyaya of the 2nd Astaka. On account of its imperfection no extract is given. No. 15. #afy5917:. RGVEDAPADAPATHAH. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 14} x 14 inches. Pages, 332. Lines, 6 on a page. Character, Telugu. In good order. Appearance, new. Contains the 7th and 8th Adhyayas of the 6th Astaka, the 7th and 8th Astakas, and the 1st Adhyaya of the 5th Astaka. The following other works also are contained in this manuscript; Rgveda Padagankhya (fol. 167); Chandunirnaya (fol. 193); Agnihotraprayaga (fol. 198) :Beginning: EIT: 379 11 grata 1 A14 i 177 i lantai aarti gali y all jag: ica i qarzia i For Private and Personal Use Only Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 32 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End: ITAI TRITOT I 3752 | FLITTI I RI I TI 4274 27: 1 ha || TITT I F919 1 944714: 1 341 1 a I I 017 italit f: 1 al 1: No. 16. F A|C7 (51975137:). RGVEDABHASYAM (VEDARTHAPRAKASAII). Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 154 X 11 inches. Pages, 130. Lines, 8 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, old. Injured. Incomplete. The well-known commentary by Sayanacarya, the prime minister of Virabukka, the king of Vijayanagaram. The commentary of the whole samhita of the Rgvida has been edited by Professor Max Muller; and the first chapter alone by Dr. Roer in the Bibl. Indica. The first three Adhyayas only have been commented upon by Anandatirtha in such a way that cach Rk is made to refer to god Visnu, and that the name of every other dcity indicates that deity alono. Somo say that Anandatirtha wrote a commentary on the whole of the Samhita, but this opinion is opposed to the statement of Jayatirtha, who wrote a gloss on the Bhanya of Anandatirtha and says 'kAsAMcana RcAM bhASyaM kariSyannAcAryaH' " the teacher going to comment upon a few rcas." One hundred and forty leaves in the beginning being lost, the manuscript begins from the 4th Rk of the 34th Varga of the 1st Adhyaya in the 1st Astaka, and ends with the 4th Rk of the 38th Varga of the 2nd Adhyaya in the same Astaka. Beginning : (brahmaNaspatirdevo hinoti / tathA somo hinoti / sa ghA sa eva yjmaanH| vIro vIrthayuktassan na riSyati na vinazyati / (ghA) cAdiranu For Private and Personal Use Only Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 33 daattH| saMhitAyAM "Rci tunughamakSutaGkatroruSyANAm" iti dIrghaH / brahmaNaspatiH |uktN / hinoti / higatau vRddhau ca / svAdibhyaH bhuH / tipaH pitvAta zupratyayasvara eva viziSyate / drudakSibhyAminan / pnycmiimRcmaah| tvaM taM brahmaNaspate soma indrazca martyam / dakSiNA pAtvaMhasaH / he brahmaNaspate soma tvaM taM martya anuSThAtAraM manuSyaM aMhasaH pApAt pAhIti zeSaH // . . . . . . . iti prathamasya prathame catustriMzo varga:. vedArthasya prakAzena tamo hArda nivArayan / pumacituro deyAdvidyAtIrthamahezvaraH // iti zrImadrAjAdhirAjaparamezvaravaidikamArgaprakizrIvIrabukkabhUpA * lasAmrAjyadhuraMdhareNa sAyaNAcAryeNa viracite mAdhavIye vedArthaprakAze RgvedasaMhitAyAM prathamASTake prathamo'dhyAyaH // yasya niHzvasitaM vedA yo vedebhyo'rivalaM jagat / nirmame tamahaM vande vidyAtIrthamahezvaram // atha prathamASTake dvitIyAdhyAya Arabhyate // End: aheryAtAraM kamapazya indra hRdi yatte januSo bhIragacchat / nava ca yannavatiM ca svavantIH zyeno na bhIlo ataro rajAMsi / he indra tatraM janapo utraM hAvatassava hRdi citte yatte yat yadi bhIragacchan (na) hasavAnasmIti vuddhacA ayaM praapnuyaat| tarhi ahe trasya yAtAraM hantAraM kamapazyaH tvatto'jyaM kaM puruhttvaansi| nAzasya puruSAntarasyA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 34 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 'bhAvAnmA bhUttava bhayamityarthaH / yadyasmAt nava ca navatiM ca sravantIH ekonazatasaGkhyAkAH pravahantIrnadIH prApya rajAMsi tatratyAnyudakAnyataraH tiirnnvaansi| tatra dRSTAntaH / zyeno na / zyenanAmako balavAn pakSIva dUragamanAttava bhayamAsIditi gamyate / tadbhayaM mA bhUdityabhiprAyaH / tacca dUragamanaM brAhmaNe samAmnAtam / No. 17. zrIsUktam . SRISUKTAM. Substance, palm leaf. Size, 72 x 12 inches, Begins on folio 10a. Pages, 8. Lines, 5 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, old. In good order. Contains the whole of the work named. The name Srisukta is applied to a collection of hymns occurring in the Rgveda and dedicated to Sri, the Goddess of Fortune. It is one of the thousand Suktas belonging to the Rgveda. It is placed at the end of the fifth Mandala and is printed in the Preface to Rgveda, Vol. III, by Professor Max Muller, with some additional verses addressed to gods Siva and Visnu, at the end of which eomes the following line : etAnyananantanAmAni maNDalAnte sadA japet // The Srisukta is referred to in the Bodhayana's Grhya in the following passage : hiraNyavarNAM hariNImiti paJcadazarcaM zrIsUktam / The Srisukta is recited by the Brahmans belonging to the Sama Veda also. But there is a separate Sukta among them, the text of which is entirely different and is mentioned in the following passage Sunder the same name : zrIsUktaM ghRtasUktaM ca bhUsUktaM puruSasUktakam / vAruNaM paJcazAntizca brAhmaM raudraJca sUktakan // 20th Khanda, Gautamagrhyaparisista. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 36 zrIsUktasya vivaraNam // gAvazciddhAsAM manyavaH / yadyAvaM aSTasAmAni saravAya A paJcasAmAni // The second passage, quoted above from a work on the household ritual of the Samavedi Brahmans, explains what is meant by Srisukta, mentioning the three hymns which are collectively known as Srisakta, viz., gAvazcidAsAMmanyavaH Prap. V. 1, 2. yadyAva, &c., eight hymns. Prap. III. 2, 4. saravAya A, &c., five hymns. Prap. VI. 2, 3. The Srisukta is also used by the Bruhmans who belong to the Atharva Veda as can be seen from the following passage : nanvatharvasaMhitAyAM zrIsUktAdarzanAt zrIsUktamAtharvaNaM nAstIti cenna saptazatIvyAkhyAdiSu zrIsUktamAtharvaNamiti ziSTokteH ucchinnazAravAsu tatkalpanasyaivaucityAt // The Srisukta is referred to in the Visnu Purana, the first book, ninth chapter : tataH sphuratkAntimati vikAsikamale sthitaa| zrIdevI payasastasmAdutthitA dhRtapaGkajA / tAM tuSTuvurmudA yuktAH zrIsUktena maharSayaH / * The other works found in this MS. are Purusasuktam (fol. 1a), Dasasintih (fol. 6a), . . . . Namakam (fol. 14a), Pasupatistram (fol. 18a), Devistavah (fol. 22a), Sivomegayatryastakam (fol. 247), Ekamresvarastakam (fol. 26a), Sivastutih (fol. 28a), Chayapurusalaksanam (fol. 32a), Sadvarnamantrastakam (fol. 35a). Beginning: hiraNyavarNAM hariNI suvarNarajatastrajAm / candrAM hiraNmayIM lakSmI jAtavedo mmaavh|| For Private and Personal Use Only Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 36 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End: tAmma Avaha jAtavedo lakSmImanapagAminIm / yasyAM hiraNyaM prabhUtaM gAvo dAsyo'zvAn vindeyaM puruSAnaham // yaH zuciH prayato bhUtvA juhuyAdAjyamanvahama / zriyaH paJcadazacaM ca zrIkAmaH satataM japet // (AnandaH kardamazcaiva ciklIta iti vizrutAH) RSayaste trayaH putrAH svayaM zrIreva devatA / padmAnane padmoru padmAkSi padmasambhave / tvaM mAM bhajasva padmAkSi yena saukhyaM labhAmyaham // siddhalakSmIrmokSalakSmIH jayalakSmIH srsvtii| zrIlakSmIvaralakSmIzca prasannA mama sarvadA / / varAGkazau pAzamabhItimudrAM karairvahantI kamalAsanasthAm / bAlArkakoTipratimAM trinetrAM bhaje'hamAdyAM jagadIzvarI tAm // sarvamaGgalamAGgalye zive sarvArthasAdhike / zaraNye tryambake devi nArAyaNi namo'stu te // lakSmI kSIrasamudrarAjatanayAM zrIraGgadhAmezvarI dAsIbhUtasamastadevavanitAM lokaikadIpAGkarAm / zrImanmandakaTAkSalabdhavibhavabrahmendragaGgAdharAM tvAM trailokyakuTumbinI sarasijAM vande mukundapriyAm // mahAdevyai ca vidmahe viSNupatnayai ca dhImahi / tanno lakSmIH pracodayAt // oM zAntiH zAntiH zAntiH / For Private and Personal Use Only Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning: hiraNyavarNAM End: THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. No. 18. zrIsUktam. SRISUKTAM. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 11 x 11 inches. Begins with folio 37a. Pages, 7. Lines, 4 on a page. Character, Nandinagari. Appearance, old. Injured. tAmma Avaha Complete. The same as the above. The following are the names of other works contained in this codex: Vighnesvaradvadasanamastotram ( fol. 1a ), Vinayakastattarasatam (fol. 2@), Gangadharavicarah savyakhyah ( fol. 8), Nanavidhavisaysh (miscellaneous matters ) (fol. 16), Parthivalingapujavidhih ( fol. 26a), Narayanasuktam (fol. 40a), Krsnayajus, Astka 1 ( fol. 42a), Navagrahasantih (fol. 447), Jayadihamaprayogah ( fol. 51a ). Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir naham // 37 mamAvaha // For Private and Personal Use Only * sarvamaGgalamAGgalye mo'stute // AbhirgIrbhiryadato na unamApyAyaya harivo vardhamAnaH / yadA stotRbhyo mahi gotrArujAsi bhUyiSThabhAjo atha te syAma // brahma prAvAdiSma taM no mA hAsIt / oM zAntiH zAntiH zAntiH // No. 19. zrIsUktam. SRISUKTAM. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 12 x 1 inches. Pages, 6. Lines, 6 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, old. Injured. Complete. The same as the above. Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 38 Beginning: This codex contains also the Varunasuktam (fol. 4a) and the Aghamarsanasuktam (fol. 5a ). avatu zAntiH // zaM no mitraH zaM varuNaH / zaM no bhavatvaryamA / vaktAraM / oM zAntiH zAntiH zAntiH / zaM no mitraH zaM varuNaH / AvIdvaktAraM / oM zAntiH zAntiH End: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF hiraNyavarNAM hariNIM Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mamAvaha // tAmma Avaha naham // zriye jAtazriya anaryAya zriyaMvado janitRbhyo dadhAtu / zriyaM vasAnA amRtatvamAyan / bhavanti sadyassamidhAmi dadhyan // zriya evainaM tacchriyAmAdadhAti / santatamRcA vaSaTkRtya sandhattaM sandhIyate prajayA pazubhiH / ya evaM veda / oM mahAdevyai ca vidmahe viSNupatnayai ca dhImahi / tanno lakSmIH pracodayAt // . No. 20. zrIsUktam . SRISUKTAM. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 15 x 1 inches. Begins on folio 4b. Pages, 3. Lines, 5 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, new. Injured. Complete. The same as the above. Purusasuktam ( fol. 1a ), and Abhisravanam (fol. 7a), are also found in this codex. For Private and Personal Use Only Bhusuktam (fol. 56 ), Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 39 Beginning: lepogani . . . End : 9174 3719EUR . . . 44197 | 9591964 11 18ta . . . . . EITT 11 No. 21. STATTH. SRISUKTAM. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 12 x 14 inches. Begins on folio 79a. Pages, 6. Lines, 7 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, old. In good order. Complote. The same as the above to be recited in the form of a Mantra with additional matters. The following is a list of other works contained in this MS. :Begins Begins on folio on folio Sabaramantralu VanadurgamahalaksmiSunyamcampumantramu la mantrah .. .. 37a Sabarmantralu .. .. 2a Raksasadigbandhah .. 401 Hiranyadavisuktam .. 4a Grahanirnayamu .. 441 Srisuktoddharah Devatagrahalaksanamu. 44a Pratyangiramahalaksmi- Daityagrahalaksanamu.. 44a mantrah .. .. 16a GaudharvagrahalaksaPratyangiramalamantrah 250 namu .. .. .. 44a Pratyargiravyakhyanam 256 Uragagrabalaksanamu .. 446 Pratyangiramahayantra Yaksagrahalaksanamu .. 446 kalpah . . . . 276 BrahmaraksasagrabalakPratyargiramala ... sanamu . .. .. 446 Rudrastottarasatanama Raksasagrahalaksanamu. 446 valih .. .. .. 31a Pisacagrahalaksanamu.. 45a Pasupatastram .. .. 32a | Pretagrahalaksanamu .. 45a 30a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 40. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF .. 45a 576 59a 45b 46a 46a 46a 630 050 Begins on folio Kusmandagrahalaksa namu.. .. .. 45a Kakagrahalaksanamu .. 45a Uragagrahalaksanamu Vu talamunnu .. Asadhyalu 450 Bhutacikitsalu Nasyamulunnu 456 Siddhartaghrtamu Grahanasyanjanamu Kurpasadhupamu 46a Balidravyalu .. .. Balisthanalu .. Inguvadighitamu .. 466 Gayatrighstamu .. 466 Satruvidhvamsinisulini. . Rajasvajanavasyamu .. Vagbandhanamu Bagalamukhipijam vidhanam .. Sankharcanam .. 486 Patrastha panam 480 Sukrasapavimocanam .. 49a Ratnapradipika 50a Pancastrapuja .. .. Vighnesastakam .. 506 Angapuja .. .. 506 Khadgamala .. .. 52a Padarasasuddhih (Vai dyacintamanislukalu).. 54a Rasasuddhih (Telugu).. 546 Rasabandhamulikalu .. 546 Ingilikamainamu .. 55a Padarasabandanamantra mu .. .. .. 55a Begins on folio Uttara yasamantramu .. 56a Niksepagraboccatanamu. 56a Bagalamahalaksmimantrah . . . . 57a Grahadhupamu.. .. 570 Grahanjauamu . . . . Pasauabandhah 586 Rasasahasravedhah Ucchistaganapatih 60a Ramasadaksari 632 Ramakavacah.. .. Dhuma vatikal pah Dhumavatimulamantrah 65a Dhumavatimalamantrah 056 Vetalamantrah .. 66a Anjanam .. .. 666 Nidhidarsanam 666 Viraprata pahanuman mantrah .. .. Viraprata pahanumanmalamantrah.. 67a Hanumatkavacah 67a Kiratavarahikal pah .. 69a Dattatroyasahasranama. Dattatrayadvadasanamani 786 .. 476 48a ::::::: 506 810 Sabaramantra! .. .. Mlecchagrahah.. Saktimantrahe. Pasnpatastram (Sarvaraksa) . Bhairavoccatanam Vighnosvaramala mantrah .. .. 83 836 84a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 41 86a Begins Begins on folio on folio Sabarabandhah .. 846 Uigitimantramu .. 87a Rudramantrah .. .. 84b PrasutigelenivarikimanSabaramantrah .. 846 tralu .. .. .. 87a Sakalagrahadhupah .. 85a Canakadurumantralu .. 87 Aghoranarasimhoccata Balagrahalaksanamu .. 884 nam .. . Balasastramu .. 90a Akarsanagrahah .. 86a Balagra.hayantralu .. 90a Gurumadhunipampu .. 860 BalagraharavaniyaMullakarigomantramu .. sastramu Gaddakarigomantramu.. Beginning: hiraNyavarNAmiti paJcadazarcasya sUktasya mantrasya AnandakardamacillItAzrIsutA RSayaH / hiraNyo devatA / AdyAstisro'nuSTubhaH / caturthI bRhtii| paJcamaSaSThI triSTup / saptamyaSTamyAvanuSTup / zeSAH prastArayApaGayaH / mama zrImahAlakSmIprasA(dasiddhayarthe jape) viniyogaH // 866 __ .. .. 92a dhyAnam // aruNakamalasaMsthA tadrajaHpuJjavarNA karakamaladhRteSTAbhItiyugmAmbujA ca / maNimakuTavicitrAlaGkatA padmarAgaiH sakalabhuvanamAtA santataM zrIH zriyai naH // hiraNyavarNAM . . . . . mamAvaha // End: tAmma Avaha . . . . . puruSAnaham // yaH zuciH prayato bhUtvA juhuyAdAjyamanvaham / zriyaH paJcadazarcaJca zrIkAmaH satataM japet // sarvamaGgala . . . . . . namo'stu te // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 42 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF JET . . . . . . Freila. HETE . . . . . 781291 saktumiva tatavi (u) nA punanto (yatradhIrA) manasA vAcamakrata / ya (a) trA saravAyassakhyAni jAnata (te) bhadraiSAM lakSmInihitAdhi vAci / 65a No. 22. BATOH. SRISUKTAM Substance, paper. Size, 6 X 4 inches. Begins on folio 190a. Pages, 3. Lines, 24 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, new. In good order. Complete. The same as the last with some difference. This codex contains other works, a list of which is given below:-- Begins Begins on folio on folio Bagala Ekaksari .. la Saikhyayanatantrah Bagalamukhicaturaksari la (Sadvidyagamah) .. 250 Bagalastaksari Bhusuddhih .. ... Bagalamala .. .. 16 Svarasastrasangrahah.. 79a Bagalamahalaksmimalam Svaracintamanih Bagalakavacah ... Satikah .. . 89a Bagalamukhimantrah RgvedapratassandhyaBagalanusthanavidhih vandanam .. ... Bagalamukhimala ... Nityaradhanakramah.. 175a Navaratrikalpah .. LaksmisahasranamaBagalapija .. .. valih .. . 193a Bagalanyasah.. .. SitastottarasatanamaBagalamukhividhanam 146 valih .. .. 212a Bagalastavah.. .. 16a Lalitasahasranamavalih. 214a Bagalamukhistotram .. 18a Malayalabhaguvati .. 262a Bagalamukhyapuja .. 20a BhadradriramasataBagalamantrah .. 220 kamu . .. 2744 3a 7a 96 136 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning: End: THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. tAmma Avaha zriye jAtazriya namastubhyaM bhagavate kRSNAyAkuNThamedhase / nArAyaNAya RSaye saMzAntatapa IyuSe // hiraNyavarNAmiti paJcadazarcasya sUktasya Anandakardama cikIta RSayaH / zrIdevatA / zrImahAlakSmIprasAda siddhayarthe jape viniyogaH // hiraNyavarNAM hariNIM mamAvaha // ya evaM veda || oM mahAdevyai japet // sarvamaGgala lakSmI a Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir puruSAnaham / prajayA pazubhiH // pracodayAt // yaH zuciH namo'stu te // priyAm // siddhalakSmIrmokSalakSmIH jayalakSmIH sarasvatI / zrIlakSmIrvaralakSmIzca prasannA mama sarvadA // 43 varAGkuzau pAzamabhItimudrAM karairvahantIM kamalAsanasthAm / bAlArka koTipratimAM trinetrAM bhaje'hamAdyAM jagadIzvarIM tAm // No. 23. zrIsUktabhASyam - SRISUKTABHASYAM. Substanco, palm-leaf. Size, 18 x 11 inches. Begins on folio 198a. Pages, 8. Lines, 7 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, new. Injured. For Private and Personal Use Only The following other works are found in this codex: Vedataijasam (Vyasasiksavyakhya) (fol. 1a ), Vyasasiksa (fol. 741), Boppana Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 44 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF bhattiyam (fol. 183a), Sraddhavidhih (fol. 99a), Advaitamakarandah (fol. 118a), Gayatrivyakhya (fol. 1206), Visnusahasranama (fol. 1276), Darsapurnamasah (fol. 138a), Yajamanam (fol. 168a), Apastambaparibhasavyakya (fol. 170a), Simhanuvakavyakhyanam (fol. 195a), Simhanuvakah (fol. 197a), Parasarasmrtih (fol. 202a), Ganahomah (fol. 207a), Hanumanmalamantrah (fol. 2126). A commentary ascribed to Vidyadhara, Vidyatirtha Mahesvara and Vidyaranyasvamin and printed by Hall, was reprinted by Max Muller in the Preface to the Rg Veda, Vol. IV. Verses 11 and 12 of the Srisukta refer to Ciklita and Kardama respectively, who, according to the commentary, are the sons of the Goddess of Fortune; and a verse which is added at the end of the Srisukta printed in the Preface to the Rg Veda, Vol. III, by Max Muller mentions Ananda, a third son of the Goddess. AnandaH kardamaH zrIdaH ciklIta iti vizrutAH / RNarogAdidAridrayapApakSudapamRtyavaH / rogazokamanastApA nazyantu mama sarvadA || The first line occurs in the MS. No. 22 noticed above, with a slight difference and a new line; and they run as follow: AnandaH kardamazcaiva ciklIta iti vizrutAH / RSayaste trayaH putrAH svayaM zrIreva devatA || From this stanza we learn directly that Ananda, Kardama and Ciklita were three sons of the Goddess Laksmi. They are also said to be the Rsis to the mantra of the Srisukta (p. 41). It is very curious that Hindu mythology which has been very prolific in every direction has not developed these facts into a long story and has allowed the three names of the sons of Laksmi to remain in oblivion. The book under notice is a commentary on the Srisukta and seems to have been written by Madhavacarya from the fact (1) that For Private and Personal Use Only Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS, 45 it hegins with the Sioka (vedArthasya . . zvaraH) which is generally found in his commentaries, and (2) that it is on comparison identical with the work printed at Madras with Madhavacarya's name. But there is no colophon in the manuscript itself to prove the authorship. There are many other commentaries, such as those written by Haradatta, Prithvidharacarya, Srikantha, Satananda and others ; vide Nos. 24 and 25 infra. The following works and authors are mentioned in the commentary: -- devIbhAgavatam / vAmanapurANam / yAskaH // Beginning: vedArthasya prakAzena tamohArda nivArayan / pumarthAMzcaturo deyAdvidyAtIrthamahezvaraH // prathamavargaprathamA Rk // hiraNyavarNI hariNIM suvarNarajatastrajAm / candrAM hiraNmayIM lakSmI jAtavedo mamAvaha // asyaarthH| he jAtavedaH jAtaprajJa agne tvaM hiraNyavarNAM hiraNyasya suvarNasya varNaH kAntiH tadvadvau~ yasyAstAM hariNI haritavarNAM hariNI. rUpadharAM vA / zrIdhRtvA hariNIrUpamaraNye saJcacAra heti purANAt / suvarNarajatastrajAM suvarNasya puSpANi suvarNAni evaM rajatasya rajatAni teSAM strajaH mAlA yasyAstAM trak sAhacaryAt puSpANItyavagamyate / puSpasAdRzyAt puSpaphaletyAdinA luk / A paJcaiva halantAnAmityAdi / yahA suvarNarajatavikRtazRGkhalAM suSTu varNoM yasya tatsuvarNa yadrajataM tatpuSpasrajAM tadvikRta zrRGalAM vA candrAM candravat prakAzamAnAM tadrUpeNAvasthitAM vA // hiraNmayIM hiraNyasvarUpAM hiraNyavigrahAM vA lakSmI lakSaNavatIM lAkSAlakSaNAdveda iti niruktAna evaM rUpAM zriyaM me mahyaM madarthaM Avaha Ahvaya agnedevahotRtvAdAvAnaM tadadhInAmeti bhAvaH // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 46 End: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF tAmma Avaha jAta puruSAnaham . asyArthaH / iyamRk dvitIyayA RcA vyAkhyAtA / prabhUtaM bhUyi'SThaM gAvaH gAH dAsyaH / parijJAtAH ubhayatra zasarthe jas / iyAn vizeSaH / iti tRtIyo vargaH // yaH zuciH prayato bhUtvA juhuyAdAjyamanvaham / zriyaH paJcadazarcaM ca zrIkAmaH satataM japet / oM tatsat / No. 24. zrIsUktabhASyam. SRISUKTABHASYAM. Substance, palm leaf. Size, 17th X 13 inches. Pages, 8. Begins on folio 33a. Lines, 7 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance; new. Injured. Complete. Same as No. 23. The other work found in this MS. is Srisuktabhasyam (fol. 1a ) by Ranganathamuni (ride No. 26). Though this commentary is identical with No. 23, yet this does not contain the sloka (vedArthasya zvaraH) ; but there is a colophon at the end of this MS. which ascribes the work to Haradatta. Colophon :- zrI stutivyAkhyA haradattena kRtA samAptA / No. 25. zrIsUktabhASyam. SRISUKTABHASYAM. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 15 x 14 inches. Pages, 45. Begins on folio 1. Lines, 6 on a page. Character, Grantha. new. In good order. Appearance, Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The commentary of Gomatha Ranganatha on the Srisukta. This manuscript contains also Sandhyavandanabhasyam (fol. 24a), The peculiarity of this commentary is that it interprets the word jAtavedas to mean the GodiVisnu instead of Agni, the God of Fire, and that it quotes authoritics from Vedas, Smrtis and Purasas in support of the interpretation; I have therefore given a long extract to show fully the nature of the work. In this matter of interpretation it is only a type of the Vaisnavite commentaries which always interpret the names of gods to mean Visnu whenever it is convenient to do so. Beginning: yAmAhuH zrutayaH sarvAH pupradhAnezvarezvarom / azeSalokajananI lakSmI kamalavAsinIm // yatpAdAmbhojaghaTitA praNati? bhAnyapi / padAni paramAM mukti sUte tAM zriyamAzraye // zriyassUktamadhItaM yat sujapaM maGgalAvaham / azaraNyazaraNyaM tadvyAkurmoM bhogamokSadam // . . . tatra tAvat zrutayaH / ahAsUkte zraddhayA devo devatvamanute / zraddhA pratiSThA lokasya devI . . . . sarvapurupArthasAdhakavaM zrutam / tasmAdavazyaM sUktAdInAmarthajJAnaM smygaadrnniiym| tajjJAnArthamidamapi sUktaM vyAkurmahe / zrIsUktaM vyAkhyAsyate / oM // hiraNyavarNAM . . . . mamAvaha // sarvezvarI lakSmIkSipadAyinI / AdyayAvAhyate devI zrInivAsAdvaripriyA // hiraNyavarNAmityAdi he jAtavedaH lakSmIpate svataH siddho vedaH dhanaM vA jJAnaM vA yazo vA yasya sa jAtavedaH svataHsiddhaM sarvajJavaM For Private and Personal Use Only Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BO A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ___tAmityAdi pUrvavat / ayamatra vizeSaH / prabhUtaM pUrvoktakayyajIvana dAsIdAsAdikamazeSaM dhanajAtaM yasyAM puMpradhAnezvaryAM praNipAtaprasannAyAmarivalalokanandinyAM (asmajjananyAM prabhUta)manavadhikAtizayaM vindeyaM labheya tAM sarvapradAnaparyAptasamRddhimatI karuNAstrAnatamuravI sarvezvarIM zriyaM khacaraNAravindaparicaryekavinodinaH me mayi jAtavedaH zriyaHpate anapa. gAminI anyatrApi apagamanazaGkArahitAM anenArcanahomajapatarpaNAdikaM kurvAtAM tasyAH prasannapAvanakAntizAntyAkaravadanAravindavinivezita manonayanabuddhInAM taccaraNAravindAmbhojayajanabhajananamanasmaraNakIrtanAdi paramamaGalAcArANAM tatpadAmbhojavinyastasamastabhArANAM ananyabhAvAnAM taccaraNavaraNacAritraparANAM aihikamAmuSmikaM vA puruSArthajAtaM paramapadAdhiSThAtRbhUtaparamapuruSacaraNAravindanityaikarasikaparamasUripariSanmanISitAdikamapi sulabhamiti zrutismRtItihAsapurANAdisiddhAntaH // .. mahAlakSmIzadAsIye sarvazAstrArthanirNaye / zrIsUktabhASye vakSyesmin kSamadhvaM puruSottamAH // Colophon-iti zrIgomaTharanAthaviracitaM zrIsUktabhASyaM samAptam // The following works and authors are quoted in the commentary :zraddhAsUktam // brAhmapurANam // vaiSNavasUktam // sanatkumAraH // AraNyaparvaNi ArTiSeNaH // laiGgeApastotram // medhAsUktam // viSNusmRtiH // aditisUktam // svAyaMbhuvam // ethivIsUktam // bodhAyanaH vaiSNavapurANe maitreyaparAzarasaMvAdaH // vasiSTasmRtiH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pAdmapurANam // mahAbhAratam // rAjadharmaH // THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. yamaH || kAzyapIyam // maGkaNasaMhitA // paramAtmasUktam // zArIrakamImAMsAsUtrakAraH bAdarA yaNaH // Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhanadIyam // nAmamAlA || bhaviSyottarapurANam // Izvara saMhitA // laiGgam // duSSahaH // rAmAyaNam // 51 No. 26. zrIsUktabhASyam. SRISUKTABHASYAM. Substanco, palm-leaf. Size, 17 x 14 inches. Pages, 64. Lines, 6 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, new. Injured. This codex contains another commentary on the Srisukta beginning on folio 33a, which is noticed in No. 24. This commentary is another copy of No. 25, but differs from it in having different readings in many places; just before the stanza given at the end of the work beginning with mahAlakSmI, this codex gives an additional, stanza which runs as follows: yatIndramAhAnasikAt praNatArtiharAguroH / satsampradAyasidro'rthaH zrIsUktasya vinizcitaH // For Private and Personal Use Only The colophon at the end runs as follows : - zrIraGganAthamuniviracitaM zrIsUktabhASyaM samAptam // dhAtuvarSe makaramAse pacadazadine zrImanaidhupA (vA) nvayasambhUtarAmAnujadAsalikhitaM zrIsUktabhASyaM sampUrNam // Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 52 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF No. 27. zrIsUktabhASyam. SRISUKTABHASYAM. Substance, paper. Size, 7 x 6 inches. Pages, 11. Lines, 24 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, new. Iu good condition. Complete. Bound with the leaves wrongly arranged. Written on folios 57 and 66 to 70. The author of the commentary is not known. This commentary is mainly an abridgment of the one noticed in 25 and 26 adopting the same language, but omitting those portions which seem to be unnecessary for the understanding of the meaning of the text, while preserving the spirit of the interpretation. Beginning: __ zrIsUktaviziSTAdvaitabhApyam / hariH oM // hiraNyavarNAM . . . . . mamAvaha // hiraNyavarNAmiti / he jAtavedaH jAtaM prAdurbhUtaM svatastiddhaM vedaH dhanaM jJAnaM vA yasya sa jAtavedAH zrIpatiH . . . . . End: sulabhamiti sakalazrutismRtItihAsapurANasiddhAntaH / / Colophon:-iti vedArthe lakSmyAH zrIsUktavyAkhyAnam // ___The following other works are contained in this codex :-Nilakanthavijayah (fol. la), Mahanatakam, Hanumadramayanasahitam (fol. 3a), Hariharataratamyam (fol. 53a), . . . . Samudrikasastram (fol. 58a), Anekarthadhvanimanjari, (fol. 74a). krodhanASADhake kRSNadvAdazIsaumyavAsare / lirivato'yaM veGkaTAdrikRSNarAyeNa sAdaram // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 53 The following works and authors are quoted in the commentary : 1 Folio. Works and Authors. Folio. " " >" bAdarAyaNasUtram . viSNupurANam - viSNupurANam. 2 svAyambhuvam (AgamaH). nAmamAlA (stotram ). zrutiH. maGkaNasaMhitA (devIviSa "" "" "" 32 "" " zrutayaH. smRtayaH. 23 THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. yaH ). bhaviSyottaram. purANazlokAH maGkaNasaMhitA. kAzyapIyam. 3 39 " 33 29 "" "" 4 " " "" 5 Substance, palm-leaf. on a page. Character, Grantha. condition. "" " Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Works and Authors. laiGgam . nAradIyam . brAhmaNam . | bodhAyanaH. nAradIyam. bhagavadgItA. smRtiH laiGgam . | purANavacanAni (mArkaNDe - yam ). nAradIyam. No. 28. zrIsUktavyAkhyA. SRISUKTAVYAKHYA. zrutiH purANazlokaH paurANikAH zrutiH For Private and Personal Use Only Size, 18 x 14 inches. Appearance, old. Fages, 8. Lines, 7 In good Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 64 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Complete. Begins on folio 33a. The other work contained in this codex is Tarkasangrahavyakhya (fol. la). The commentary, on comparison, is identical with that printed under the name of Prthvidharacarya, but there is nothing in the manuscript itself to establish the authorship. Beginning: hiraNyavarNAM hariNI . . . . . mamAvaha // hiraNyavarNAmiti paJcadazoM vyAkhyAnamAha / hiraNyavarNAmiti / he jAtavedo'gne hiraNyavarNAM svarNakAnti hariNI haritavarNA haridrAbhAM suvarNarajatastrajAM hemaraupyakamalakaptamAlikAM candrAM sakalajanasantoSakarI hiraNmayIM hiraNyasvarUpAM etAdRzI lakSmI mama sarvAbhISTasAdhanAya Avaha preSaya // 1 // End: tAmma Avaha . . . . . puruSAnahan / tAmiti / he jAtavedo'gne yasyAM lakSmyAmAgatAyAM ahaM prabhUtaM puSkalaM hiraNyaM dhanaM gAvaH gomahiSyAdIn dAsyaH dAsIdAsajanAn azvAna gajaturagarathAdIn puruSAn bandhUn putrapautramitrAdIn vindeyaM labheya / anapagAminI nivRttirahitAM tAdRzI lakSmI mama madartha Avaha AhvAnaM kuru // yaH zuciH prayato bhUtvA juhuyAdAjyamanvaham / zriyaH paJcadazarcaJca zrIkAmaH satataM japet // paJcadazA vyAkhyA // hiraNyavarNAmiti paJcadazarca(sya) jape viniyogH| dhyAnam // aruNakamalasaMsthA tadrajaHpuJjavarNA karakamaladhRteSTAbhItiyugmAmbujA ca / For Private and Personal Use Only Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 55 55 maNimaphuTavicitrAlaGkatA puSpajAlaiH dizatu bhuvanamAtA santataM zrIH zriyaM naH // No. 29. S TE71401. SRISUKTA VYAKHYA. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 152 x 1 inches. Pages 13. Lines, 5 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, new. In good condit on. Completo. Begins on folio 95a. The commentary given in this codex is the same as No. 28. The following other works are found in the MS. under notice :Folio Folio Gayatrihrdayam .. la Saktamantragamah .. 60a Gayatrivandanastotram. Pancasimhasanosvarisukimocanamantrah tam .. .. .. 13a Gayatrimantrarajah .. 10a UttarasandhyamotyulanGayatricaturvimsatiny galastotram .. .. 69a asah .. .. .. 100 Papapurusadahanam .. 720 Gayatriyantram .. 18a BhutasuddhimahamantGayatripanjaram .. 23a rah .. .. .. 74a Bhusuddhimantrah .. Pranapratistha ., .. Gayatribhujangah .. Narayanahtdayastotram. 78a Gayatribrahmastraprayo- Pratyangiramantrah .. 81a ganyasamantrah .. 35a SarasvatyastottarasatanaGayatri Savitri Sarasv mavalih .. .. 870 ati-Tarpanavidhih .. 36a SuddhasaktikhadgamalaGayatryastottarasatana stotram 90a mani .. .. .. Gayatrikavacah .. 39a Vibhutidharanam .. 102a Rudravidhanam 42a | Sarabhasaluvamantrah.. 105a Sulinimantrah .. 569 | Sarabhastottarasatanyasah 1096 760 306 34a 37a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 56 Sarabhakalakarsanamali Daksinamurtyastottara ka Ganapatid vadasanamani. Sarasvatistavarajah Garudadvadasanamani.. Hanumaddvadasanama ni A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF eatam 113a 118a Mahasankalpah Laksmiganapatimantrah. 125a 126a trah .. Folio 110a .. Gurupadukatrayaman 128a 132a Daksinamurtikavacah 129a Hanumanmala mantrah. Narasimhamantrah Tryambakanyasah 126a 1266 127a Pancavaktrahanumanmantrah Hanumadyantrah with Tel. Tika Ganapatyastottarasata namani Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 143a Suryastottarasatanamani. 146a Gopalastottarasatanama ni 149a Gopalastottarasatam 152a Sivastottarasatanamani. 155a 160a Devyastottarasatanamani 158a Lingapujavidhih Sivaganapatistotram Parthivapujavidhih 1642 133a Vanadurgastotram 134a Varahopanisad. Folio 136a 141a .. For Private and Personal Use Only 165a 174a 192a No. 30. zrIsUktavyAkhyA. SRISUKTAVYAKHYA. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 18 x 1 inches. Pages, 8. Lines, 5 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, new. Not injured. Complete. Begins on folio 34a. Same as No. 28, but after the commentary of the 15th hymn, the following passage is found : evamarthAnusandhAna purasparaM zrIdevyAH paJcadazarcasUktasya japahomatarpaNaM brAhmaNArAdhanaM prAptabrahmacaryaH pumAn kurvan iha sakalasaubhAgyanidAnaM paratra paramasukhaM bhajatIti nikhilamunimata siddhAntaH / vyAkhyAtAntu yo bhaktayA vadecchRNuyAdbudhaH sAkSAnnArAyaNavadhUriSTaM prayacchati / The following other works are found in the codex Navonavobhavatitisrutyarthavicarah (fol. 1a), Adhikarasangrahah with commentary (fol. 7a), and Niksepacintamanih (fol. 38a). Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 57 No. 31. RgbhASyam . RGBHASYAM. Substance, country paper. Size, 10x41 inches. Pages, 88. Lines, 16 on a page. Character, Devanagari. Condition, good. Complete. Begins on folio 476. The commentary of Anandatirtha on the Rgveda, in the form of verses. He touches only on certain important points. The names of various deities mentioned in the Veda are interpreted to refer to the God Visnu. The commentary ends with the 2nd Adhyaya of the 1st Astaka. Vide the remark under No. 16. The following are other works found in the codex : Folio. Kathakopanisadbhanyam *. la Satprasnopanisad bhasyam .. 9a Isavasyopanisadbhasyam 126 Mandukyopanisadbhasyam 166 Talavakaropanisadbhasyam 236 Atharvanopanisadbhasyam 406 :: :: :: Beginning: nArAyaNaM nikhilapUrNaguNArNamudyat sUryAmitadyutimazeSanirastadoSam / sarvezvaraM gurumajezanutaM praNamya vakSyAmyUgarthamatituSTikaraM tadasya // omazeSaguNAdhAra iti nArAyaNe'pyasau / pUrNabhUtivaro'nantasurakho yadvayAhRtIritaH // guNaistataH prasavitA varaNIyo guNonnateH / bhAratIjJAnarUpatvAdgoM dhyeyo'rivalairjanaiH // prerako'zeSabuddhInAM sa gAyatryartha IritaH / sa pUrNatvAtpumAnnAmA pauruSe sUkta IritaH // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 58 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF sa evArivalavedArthaH sarvazAstrArtha eva ca / sa evArivalazabdArthaH ityAhopaniSatparA // tAvA eka Rca iti vizeSeNApyUgarthatAm / yo devAnAmiti zrutyA devanAmnAM vizeSataH // spaSTatvAttadgatatvana tatrAhAgre'gninAmakam / agraNItvaM yadagnitvamityagre nAma tadbhavet // evamevAha bhagavAnnirukti bAdarAyaNaH / mayaivAgnyAdayaH zabdAH pravartante janArdane // tathA nirukti vakSyAmo jJAninAM jJAnasiddhaye / iti tenAgnizabdo'yamana evAbhipUjyatAm // azyatvamagranetRtvamatisaGgAGganetRtAm / AhataM staumyazeSasya pUrvamevaM hitaM prabhum // RtviDiyAmakatvena yajJAnAM RtvijaM sadA / dyotanAdi(ni)jayA kAntyA stutyA vyavahRterApi // gatyA ratyA ca devAkhyaM hotRsaMsthaM vizeSataH / agnisaMsthena rUpeNa yto'gnihotRdevtaa // indriyAgniSu cArthAnAM yadromA hotRnAmakaH / ratidhArakottamatvAtsa ratnadhAtama Irita. // sa pUrvenUtanaireSyavijJAnAdRSinAmabhiH / IDayo devAdibhissarvaiH sa ca devAnihAnayet // tenaiva rayimApnoti vittavidyAdhanAtmakam / divase divase nityaM puSTimeva na hIyatAm // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRPTS. iti zrImadAnandatIrthabhagavatpAdAcAryaviracite zrImadagbhASye prathamo'dhyAyaH // iti zrImadAnandatIrthabhagavatpAdAcAryaviracite zrImadagbhASye prathamASTake dvitIyo'dhyAyaH // iti zrImadAnandatIrthabhagavatpAdAcAryaviracitaM zrImadagbhASyaM samAtam // No. 32. RgvedabrAhmaNam. __RGVEDA-BRAHMANAM. Substance, palm-leaf (Sritala). Size, 14 x 2 inches. Pages, 263. Lines, 10 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, old. In good condition. Correct. The Brahmana portion of the Rgveda in eight Pancikas, each consisting of 5 Adhyayas. This Brahmana is also called Bahvrcabrahmana and Aitareyabrahmana. The namo Aitaroya Brahmana seems to have been applied to the Brahmana of the Rgveda in reference to its having been borrowed from another Veda, or Sakha or branch of the same Veda, as the word Aitaraya indicates " belonging to another" (sic Veda). But it was supposed that the word was the name of a sage who composed the work; and a story was invented in support of the etymology and the belief; and it is contained in the following passage :-- pravRttasya tu brAhmaNasyaitareyakale saMpradAyavida etAmAkhyAyikAmAcakSate / kasya cit khalu maharbahvayaH patnayo vartante |taasaaN madhye kasyAzciditareti nAmadheyam / itarAyAH putro mahIdAsAkhyaH kumAraH / etaccAraNyakANDe samAnAyate "etaddhasma vaitadvidvAn mahIdAsa aitareyaH" tadIyasya piturbhAyantiraputreSeva snehAtizayaH na tu mhiidaase| tataH kasyAM cit yajJasabhAyAM mahIdAsamavajJAyAnyAn patrAn svotsaGge sthApayAmAsa / tadAnIM vinnavadanaM For Private and Personal Use Only Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 60 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF mahIdAsamavagatyetararAkhyA tanmAtA svakIyakuladevatAM bhUmimanusasmAra / sA ca bhUmidevatA divyamUrtidharA satI yajJasabhAyAM samAgatya mahIdAsasya divyaM siMhAsanaM davA tatrainamupavezya sarveSvapi kumAreSu pANDityAdhikya mavagamayyaitadbrAhmaNapratibhAsanarUpaM varaM dadau / tadanugrahAttasya mahIdAsasya manasAbhirve bhUtAnAmabama ityAdikaM stRNuta ityanaM catvAriMzadadhAyopetaM bAhmaNaM prAdurabhUt / tata urdhvam atha mahAvratamityAdikam AcAryA ityananam AraNyakavratarUpaM ca brAhmaNam AvirabhUditi // Preface to Sayanacarya's com, of the Aitareya Brahmana. There was a sage who had many wives, and one of them was named Itara. She had a son whose name was Mahidasa. The father neglected him and loved the other sons more than Mahidasa; and at a sacrifice he allowed all the other sons to sit on his lap, but refused the honor to Mahidasa. Thereupon Itara prayed to the Goddess of Earth, who appeared at once and offered a divine throne to Mabidasa and seated him there. The Goddess thon made him a great scholar. Enlightened by the boon of the Godless of Earth, he composed a Brahmana and an Aranyaka, which are known by the names of the Aitareya Brahmana and the Aitareya Aranyaka. The Aitareya Brahmana belongs to the Sakalyasakha just as the Sankyayana or Kausitaki Brahmana docs to the BaskalaSakha. They treat however of the same subjects, but differ considerably in their views. The Aitaroya Brahmana is divided into eight Panchikas or pentads, each of which contains five Adhyayas; and the whole work is therefore composed of forty chapters. The last ten chapters are supposed to be later additions. The following are the subject matter of the forty Adhyayas. Adhyayas 1 to 13 treat of the duties of the Hots priest in the Agnistoma sacrifice. Adhyaya 14 explains the meaning of the term Agnistoma, and other matters. Adhyayas 15 to 17 describe the Ukthya, sadasa, Atiratra and other sacrifices. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 61 Adhyaya 18 contains the rules to be observed by the Hotr priests. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Adhyayas 19 to 24 treat of the duties of the Hotr priests at the twelve minor sacrifices. Adhyaya 25 treat of the expiatory ceremonies to be performed by the sacrificer Yajamana, the time of performing the Agnistoma sacrifice, and the duties of Brahman. Adhyayas 26 to 30 treat of the duties of the Gravastut, Subrahmanya, and the six minor priests at the Soma sacrifice. Adhyayas 31 to 40 treat of the sacrifices to be performed by a Ksatriya, and the mutual relation of the Brahmans and the Ksatriyas. The Aitareya Brahmana refers to the Kausitaka and Paingya in a passage occurring in the latter part of it, which is however considered to be an interpolation; and so the work is supposed to be more ancient than the latter. It was edited by Dr. Haug with an English translation in 1863 and also in the Bibliotheca by Rajendra Lala Mitra and Satyavrata Svamin. Th. Aufrecht edited the text in the Roman character with extracts from the commentary of Sayana in 1879. The last folio gives an index, written in ink, by the same person who wrote the endorsement, showing the folio, page of the folio and line of the page of the beginning of each Adhyaya of the Pancika. Then comes the following "Here ends the Bahvrca Brahmana, a portion of the Rig-vedah. Complete in eight Panchakas, Grantham character. Calicut, 1825. C. W. WHISH." - Another index showing the folio, &c. of the beginning of each Pancika follows. "Index of the 8 Panchakas. (Memo.-Each Panchaka has 5 chapters.) "The Brahmana of the Rig-vedah in one volume. Calicut, 1825. For Private and Personal Use Only C. W. WHISH." Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 62 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF The fly-leaf in the beginning contains the following note:-- " Vol. IV of the Rig-Vedah.-This volume contains the Bahvricha Brahmana, a portion of the Rig Vedah complete in eight Panchikas. Calicut, 1825. C. W. WHISH." Beginning: agnirve devAnAmavamo viSNuH paramaH / tadantareNa sarvA anyA devtaa| AgnAvaiSNavaM purolAzaM nirvapani dIkSaNIyamekAdazakapAlaM sarvAbhya evainaM taddevatAbhyo'nantarAyanirvapanti . . . . . . . . End: api ha yadyusyAmme (dyasyAzma) mUrdhA dviSanbhavati kSipraM haivainaM stRNute stRNute // 5 // colophon :-aSTamapaJcikAyAM paJcamo'dhyAyaH // hariH oM // No. 33. RgvedabrAhmaNam. RGVEDA-BRAHMANAM. Substance, paper. Size, 12} X 8 inches. Pages, 308. Lines, 20 ,on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, old. In good condition. Complete. Begins on folio lla. The other works contained in this codex are:--Contents (fol. la), Maha mantraniruktabrahmanam (fol. 167a), Rgvedanighantu (fol. 2440), Rgvedarunam (fol. 2596), Rgvedabrahmanabhasyam (fol. 290a). Another copy of the work described in No. 32. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 68 Colophon: adhyAyaH samAptaH / athAto brahmaNaH parimaraH / yo ha vai trIn purohitAMstrIn // . . . . . aindreNa mahAbhiSekeNa turaH kAvaSeyApTau // RgvedAnAye aSTamapaJcikAyAM paJcamo'dhyAyaH // ___No. 34. RgvedabrAhmaNam. RGVEDA-BRAHMANAM. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 153 X 1 inches. Page, 70. Lines, 6 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, old. Slightly injured. Contains the first and the seventh Pancikas of the Brahmana. Three Khandas at the end of the 5th Adhyaya of the I Pancika are omitted. Beginning of Pancika I. __ agnirve devAnAmavamo viSNuH . . . . . . . . End: ___ tasmAdupAMzu vAcA caritavyaM / some rAjani krIte gandhavaiSu hi tarhi vAgbhavati sAmAveva praNIyamAne punarAgacchati // 27 / / Beginning of Pancika VII. athAtaH pazovibhaktistasya vibhAgaM vakSyAmo hanUsajihvendrasotuH zyenaM pakSa udgAtuH kanthaH kakudraH // End: ___ tadAhuryasya sAyaM dugdhaM sAnnAyyaM / tdaahurysyaagnihotryupaavsRssttaa| tadAhurya AhitAgnirupavasethe mriyeta / athAtaH pazovibhaktiH // athAtaH pazorekA . . athAtaH pazArakA . . . . . . . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 64 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF athAtaH pazostadAhurvAcA patnayathAta iSThApUrnasya teSAM yacca mAsAnAM catvAri // hariH A~ // - - No. 35. RgvedabrAhmaNabhASyam . RGVEDA-BRAHMANABHASYAM. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 143 X 11 inches. Pages, 500. Lines, 5 on a page. Character, Nandinagari. Condition, fairly good. Appearance, old. Three leaves in the beginning written in Nandinagari are fragments of some work that cannot be identified. Three more leaves in Telugu character contain a few Vargas in the beginning of the Rgveda. Contains the commentary by Sayanacarya from the 3rd Khanda of the 3rd Adhyaya to the 11th Khanda of the 13th Adhyaya. It was edited by Rajendra Lala Mitra and Satyavrata Svami in the Bibliotheca Indica. Beginning: The matter of about two lines beginning with somapravahaNIcovidhAya and ending with rAjanam is omitted. zakaTAdadhastAdatvija upAvahareyuHyuktaH zakaTe baddho vimuktaH shkttaadviyojitH| ubhayoranaDuhovimocanadoSamupanyasyati / yadubhayorvimuktayorupAvahareyuH pitRdaivatyaM rAjAnaM kuryuriti / rAjJaH somasya pitRbhiH svarUtatvAdayaM kSemo devayogyo na bhvet| ubhayoranaDuhoH zakaTayoge'pi doSamAha / yAktayorayogakSemaH prajA vindettAHprajAH pariplaveraniti / aprAptasya dhanAdeH sampAdanaM yogaH prAptasya rakSaNaM kSemaH yogasahitaH kSemaH yogakSemaH tadabhAvaH prajAH putrAdikAM vindeta labheta / . . . . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 66 iti RgvedabrAhmaNe tRtIyAdhyAye tRtIyaH khaNDaH // aitareyabrAhmaNe tRtIyAdhyAye paSThaH svaNDaH / samAptazca tRtIyAdhyAyaH / / somapravAhakA agnimandhanIyA RcastathA / AtithA (thya) tadvizeSAgnizca (?) tRtIyAdhyAya IritAH // atha pravargAdayo vaktavyAH / . . . . . . . iti zrImAdhavIye vedArthaprakAze aitareyabrAhmaNe caturthAdhyAye navamaH rakhaNDaH / samAptazcAdhyAyaH // abhiSTopasattAnUnaptApyAya nihnavaH kathitAH / varmasabhbhArA stopAyanameva ca ? atha somakrayAdyA vaktavyAstaM kratuM vaktumAkhyAyikAmAha . . . iti mAdhavIye vedArthaprakAze aitareyabrAhmaNe paJcamAdhyAye caturtharavaNDaH samAptazcAdhyAyaH / samAptA ca prathamapaJcikA // rAjakriyabrAhmaNamuttamAdau vahnaH praNItipratipAdikAzca / tathA havirdhAna nivartanAddhi ( ) agnezca somasya ca yA RcassyuH // atha SaSThAdhyAye'gnISomIyapazurvaktavyaH . . . . . . iti mAdhavIye vedArthaprakAze aitareyabrAhmaNe SaSTAdhyAye dazamaH ravaNDaH / samAptaH SaSTho'dhyAyaH / / yUpo'tha yUpAJjanamApya evaM paryanayupapraiSamathAdhriguzca / pazoH purolAzavidhirmanAtA vanaspatiH paSTha ilAsRtizca // atha saptamAdhyAye pazuzeSaprAtaranuvAkau vaktavyau // . . . iti zrI . . . . saptamAdhyApe'STamaH svaNDaH / For Private and Personal Use Only Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 66 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF samAptazcAdhyAyaH / paryagnayAdevizeSAMzca stokasvAhAkRtIrapi / vapAM cAdhIyate prAtaranuvAke vidhi stavaM // athAponaptIyAdayo vktvyaaH| . . . . . . . iti mAdhavIye . . . . aSTamAdhyAye SaSThaH khaNDaH samAptazcAdhyAyaH // aponaptIya taccheSAvuskhAMzcAdhi . . . . . . . iti . . . navamAdhyAye'STamaHravaNDaH / samAptazcAdhyAyaH RtuyAjA dvidaivatyAstadvizeSA ilAstutiH tUSNIM zaMsaprazaMsA ca navamAdhyAyacodanA / atha hAvAdayo vaktavyAH iti sAyaNAcAryaviracite mAdhavIye vedArthaprakAze aitareyabrAhmaNe dazamAdhyAya navamaH khaNDaH / samAptazcAdhyAyaH / dvitIyapazcikA samAptA / / AhAvaM nividaM sUktamacchAvAkasya codanAm / yajamAna punarjanma bruvate'thAdhidaivatam / itthamAjyazastra praugazastraM nirUpayituM prastauti iti mAdhavIye . . . . ekAdazo'dhyAyaH / / ekAdaze tu praragaprazaMsAM tato vaSaTrAramanustutiJca / tatkarturAtmanyanumantraNaM ca tato'nivita (mici)tpreSavizeSamAhuH / / athAhAvapratigarAdayo vktvyaaH| iti mAdhavIye brAhmaNe dvAdaze trayodazaH / samAptazcAdhyAyaH / / vaktavyAhAvaprabhedapratigareNa madhyAnuSTubhaH dAsyamAnamRtyo : saMnyasya cAtikramaNamatha marutvadvidhAnaprazaMsA . . . . . . . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. tasmAtkAraNAddutvaM sampratiSThayostviti hetvopAdayorevopariSTAdUrddha prajananaM prajotpAdakamindriyaM dadhAti tacca prajAptyai prajotpAdana. ya sampadya vedanaM prazaMsati prajApate prajayA pazubhirya evaM vedeti // iti trayodazAdhyAye ekAdazaH khaNDaH // No. 36. Rgveda brAhmaNabhASyam. RGVEDA-BRAHMANABHASYAM. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Substance, paper. Size, 1223 X 8 inches. Pages, 328. Lines, 24 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, new. In good condi tion. 67 The commentary of Sayanacarya on the sixth, seventh and cighth Pancikas, 2.e, from the 26th to the 40th Adhyaya of Rgvedabrahmana, also called Aitareyabrahmana. Begins on fol. 290a. For the list of other works in the codex vide No. 33. * Beginning: athAgnihotraM payasaH prazaMsA taddohanApattiviniSkRtizca / tasya prazaMsApyudite ca homo brahmatvijo vyAhatayo'pyadhItAH // brahmaNaH kartavyavidhAnena grAvastudbuddhisthaH tasyAgniSTome kartavyaM vidhAtumupAkhyAnamAha / carau satraM niSedu devA havai sarva ste ha pApmAnaM nApa nare * For Private and Personal Use Only End : apiha yadyasyAzmamUrdhA dviSanbhavati kSipraM haivainaM stRNute // asya rAjJaH anuSThAturdviSan zatruryadyazmamUrdhA pASANazirasko bhavati atiprabala ityarthaH / tathApyayaM karmavizeSaH zIghrameva enaM zatruM sRNute hinasti || abhyAso 'dhyAyaH samAptaH // Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colephon:-isI zrIsAyaNAcAryaviracite mAdhavIye vedArthaprakAze aitareyabrAhmaNe catvAriMzAdhyAye paJcamaHravaNDaH / / samAptazcAdhyAyaH No. 37. RgvedabrAhmaNabhApyam . RGVEDA - BRAHMANABILASYAM. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 171 X 11 inches. Pagrs, 169. Lines, 7 on a page. Character, Telugu. Condition, very much injured. Appearance, old. This is the same commentary hy Sayanacarya as the above on the Rgveda-brahmana. It extends from the 20th Adhyitya to the 25th Adhyaya. Beginning: iti mAvadhIye vedArthaprakAze aitareyabrAhmaNe ekonaviMzAdhyAye paSThaH khaNDaH // jyotiSmatyA bharato dvAdazAhadIkSAkAlo yAjanaM pAzaM siJcanyo'tha chando dvAdazAhaprazaMsA praSThAdInAM chandasAM tvatra kuptiH / idAnI dvAdazAhakatoH prAyaNIyoda(ya)nIyAvatirAtrau / yacca dazama(ma)hastattRtIyaM varjayitvA yo madhyagato yo navarAtrIvidhAnumupakramate / anirve devatA prathamamaharvahati trivatsomo rathantaraM sAma gAyatrIchanda iti / End: indravantaH indraviSayatAtparyavanta eva bhUtvA studhvamityanenaiva prakAreNa enAnugAtRn prati brahma tadvAkyamAha adhyA(bhyA)so'dhyAyasamAptyarthaH // Colophon :-iti sAyaNAcAryaviracite aitareyabrAhmaNe paJcaviMzAdhyAye navamaH svaNDaH // samAptazcAdhyAyaH // samAptA pazcimapacikA // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Beginning: No. 38. RgvedAraNyakam. RGVEDARANYAKAM. Substance, paper. Size, 12 x 8 inches. Pages, 60. Lines, 23 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, new. In good order. Begins on fol. 2590. This is the same manuscript as No. 33. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The Aranyaka portion of the Rgveda. It is a supplement to the Aitareya Brahmana and consists of five parts or Aranyakas; the first, the fourth and the fifth treating of the Mahavrata, and the second and the third, of theological metaphysics. The last four chapters of the second part is designated Aitareyopanisad and is included in the Upanisads. According to a passage quoted in No. 32, it was composed by the sago Aitareya who composed the Brahmana also. The work is ascribed to Asvalayana according to the colophon ityAzvalAyanoktamAraNyakaM samAptam || with which the manuscripts mentioned in Eggeling's Cat. end. Colebrooke has seen the same reference in a manuscript of the book. He gives the substance of a passage in which it is said that an Aranyaka was composed by Asvalayana and was raised to the dignity of a Brahmana. (Colebrooke's Mis. Es., Vol. I, page 307.) The word means what is to be studied in the forest and is applied to a branch of the Vedic literature, which was intended to be studied so, as seen from the following passage araNyAdhyayanAdetadAraNyakamiryate - Preface to Sayana's commentary of the Taittiriyaranyaka. 69 The work has been published by Rajendra Lal Mitra in the Bibliotheca Indica at Calcutta (1875) with Sayana's commentary completely. Aranyakas 1-3 have been translated by Max Muller in Vol. I of the Sacred Books of the East. hariH om // bhUmimupasTazeta / zaM na indrAni For Private and Personal Use Only / bhadraM karNebhiH / stuSe janaM suvrataM Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 70 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF . . . . . (2) kayAnazcitra Abhuvat . . . / syonA ethivI . . . . / vAme manasi pratiSThitA . . . / oM zAntiH zAntiH zAntiH // hariH om // atha mahAvratamindro vai traM hatvA mahAnabhavadyanmahAnabhavatanmahAvratamabhavattanmahAvratasya mahAvratatvaM de etasyAt Ajye kuryAditi haika AhuH // End: trirAtraM vaidikenAdhyAyenAntariyAnnAsminkathAM vadet nAsya rAtrau ca na cikI yiSettaditi vA etasya mahato bhUtasya nAma bhavati yo'syaitadevanAma veda brahma bhavati brahma bhavati || 14 // agnirve devAnAmavamo viSNuH paramaH no 'dIkSito mahAvrataM zaMset / . . . . . mahAvratasyauSNihI catvAri || No. 39. RgvedAruNam. RGVEDARUNAM. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 11] x 1} inches. Pages, 126. Lines, 6 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, old. Much injured. Complete. Same as No. 38. This does not give the Santis in the beginning, but begins with atha mahAvrataM. The name Aruna is a corruption of the word Aranyaka. This manuscript was copied by Verikatanathudu, son of Venkatabhatlu. The following other works are contained in this manuscript: . . Padaratnam (fol. 64); Saptasankhya (fol. 1); Rgvedapadanukramaniki (fol. 64), For Private and Personal Use Only Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 71 No. 40. RgvedAruNam. RGVEDARUNAM. Substance, palm-leaf (Sritala). Size, 13} x 14 inches. Pages, 138. Lines, 6 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, old. Slightly injured. Complete. Same as No. 38. At the end, anukramaNikA or index is not given. Colophon:-paJcamAruNe tRtIyo'dhyAyaH // This belongs to the Calicut series. "Here ends the Aranyam of the Rig-vedah, complete in five Aranyakas ; Grantham character. Calicut, 1825. C. W. WHISH." << The Aranyam of the Rig-vedah in one volume. Calicut, 1825. ___C. W. WHISH." 2. The Sama Veda. The following is an account of the divisions and the subdivisions of the Samaveda :zrIsAmavedAntargatabhedA ucyante / pUrvaRk uttaraRk iti dvedhA / pUrvamaci tu prakRtitantrANi / tannAmAni Agneyam , triSTup, AruNam, bahusAmi, anuSTap , zukriyam , ekasAmi, indrapuccham , mahAnAmrI. bRhatI, pavamAnam, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 72 aindre dazarAtraH, saMvatsaraH, eaikAhaH, dazarAtraH, saMvatsaraH, eaikAhaH, uttaraRci tu ( 1 ) UhatantrANi. ahInaH, satram, prAyazcittam, pavamAne " ( vahusA A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF AgneyAdipavamAnAnteSu tantreSu yAni sAmAni zrautopayogIni tAni anyaiH sAmabhiH militvA triguNitAni UhasAmAni / ekatri (2) rahasyatantrANi. ahInaH, savan, prAyazcittam, AruNazukriyayoH zrautopayogIni sAmAni yAni tAni anyaiH sAmabhiH militvA triguNitAni rahasyasAmAni / prakRtyAM pratikhaNDaM sAmnAM UharahasyAdiSviva samAnasaGkhyAkatva - niyamo nAsti / tatra Agneye bRhatyA_ triSTubhi anuSTubha indrapucche ( khaNDAH ) 12 6 ... : : ... : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 8 3 4 9 11 prathame dvitIye tRtIye zukriye kSudraH. kSudraH. AruNe parvANi 3- tatra (khaNDAH) For Private and Personal Use Only ... Ahatya prakRtikhaNDAni sAmasaMkhyA 8 3 84 1,446 Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir TIE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 73 uhe viMzatisaGkhyAniyamaH / dazarAtre vizAH saMvatsarAdiSu evameva viMzatisaGkhyAkAH sAmaniyamAH / rahasye dazakasaGkhyAH / pratidazakaM dazasAmAnIti saMkhyAni ghamaH / uhe viMzAH 48; sAmAni 960. rahasye dazakAH 20 ; sAmAni 200. pUrvaka vaH utpannAni pratisAmAni / uttaraRtraH utpannAni uhasAmAni rahasyasAmAni ca. The Samhita text of the Samaveda consists of two parts, the Purvatk and tho Uttarark. The verses of the former are classified under the five following heads :1. Agneyam . Treating of the God of Fire. [Treating of Indra, the God of Rain. It includes the portions subsequent to the 2. endram . 2 Agnaya, viz , Bahusami, the Ekasami, the Brhati, the Tristup, the Anustup i and the Indrapuccha. 3. pavamAnan. of the God of Wind. of the Supreme God, so named because these 4. AruNam / verses were proclaimed to the world by 5. zukriyam Aruna, the God of Dawn and by Sukra, the preceptor of the Asuras, respectively. The text or rk has marks indicating the mode of reciting the hymns; and when the verses are chanted, they are called Samani. The book of Samans belonging to the Purvark is called Prakrti; those belonging to the Uttarark constitute Uha and Rahasya. The peculiarity of the Uttarark is that, generally, three verses are grouped together and form one sk; and the first of them occurs in the Purvark; and this group of verses is chanted in various ways 10 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 74 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF with the Saman so occurring in the Praksti. Hence the Samans of the Purvark are called Prakrti. The Uha contains the Samans of those Reas which occur in Agndya. Aindra and Pavamana of the Purvark, while the Reas of the Rahasya are taken from the Arupa and the Sukriya. At the end of the Purvark, comes the Mahanami, which is considered by some as a part of the Purvareas and by others as a separate work. The Samans relating to it aro called Sakvari, so named after the kind of Suman in which it is usually sung. The Uttarark consists of 21 Adhyayas on the whole. The Simans of Uha and Rahasya are cach divided into the following soctions according to their subject matter :1. 977157 5. H 2. Harat: 6. 91787777 3. 15: 7. 85 4. 1 : The Ganas are collections of hynms arranged in a particular way and set to music. The Geyaganas and the Aranyaganas claim a great antiquity (Burnell's Sama Brahm., XXXI, and Ars Brahm., p. XV) According to Weber, the Gramagoyaginas are erroneously called Voyaganas. In the Grantha edition printed in Southern India by a learned Chandoga scholar, Krsnasvami Srautin, the Purvarsika set to music is called Veyagana, as is indicated by the colophou grk QYTTA AHIFAL! Th. Benfey has published the two Arcikas of the Sama Samhita (1848), and Satyavrata Samasramin, the two Arcikas and the Ganas with the commentary of Sayana in the Bibl. Ind., in five volumes (1874-78), The Samhita has been translated into English by Rev. J. Steevenson, London, 1842. The recitation of the Samaveda is of two kinds. One is simple and applies to the mere Suktas or hymns which are taken from the Rgveda generally, and adopts threc Svaris, the Udatta, the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 75 Anudatta, and the Svarita, which occur in the Rgveda and the Yajurveda. The pronunciation of these Svaras among the Brahmans of the Samaveda is quite different from that prevailing among tho Brahmans of the other Vodas and appears to me more original and scientific. The Udatta is high and emphasised, and the Anudatta is low, while the Svarita occupies a somewhat middling position. Apart from the hymns which are metrical, there are lists of words which are unconected with each other and are pronounced with the above Svarus. In these separate words and also in the metrical hymns, differences are met with in regard to the position of the Svaras. For instance, we have the hymn, agniM dRtaM vRNImahe accented in the Rgveda in the following manner : agniM dUtaM vRNImahe hotAraM vizvavedasam / asya yajJasya sukratum // In the simple text of the Samaveda it is accented in the followe ing manucr : agniM dUtaM vRNImahe hotAraM vizvavedasam / 52 3.13 3 i 2 asya yajJasya sukratum / / Now, if we compare the marks of the accents, we see that the figures 1, 2 and 3 stand for the Udatta, Svarita and the Anudatta, respectively. But in tho word 37104_the second syllable is accented in the Rgveda, while there is no accent (the Udatta) in the word in the Samaveda. Again, the word 37 FT has the accent on the second syllable in the Rgveda, but none in the Samaveda. The same kind of difference is seen between the Pada texts of the Rgveda and the Samavcda. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 78 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF sapta / tvA / haritaH / rathe / vahanti / deva / sUrya / zociSkezam / zociH / keshN| vickssnn| vi / cakSaNa || End of the Aranya Pada patha, MS. No. 62, noticed in the Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the Sanskrit College, Calcutta: sapta / tvA / haritaH / rathe / vahanti / deva sUrya / zociH kezam / vickssnn| ___Rgrida, I 50, 8. The musical chanting of the Samavada is far more elaborate and complicate than the artificial mode of the recitation of the Rgveda and the Yajurveda. There are seven notes, which are called Krusta, Prathama, Dvitiya, Tritiya, Caturtha, Paincama and Sastha; the last two are also called Mandra and Anisvarya respectively. They correspond to the notes of the gamut of Hindu music in the following way :-- Samaveda. Hindu music. Prathama . .. Madhyama .. .. ma. Dvitiya Gandhara Titiya Rsabha ri. Caturtha Sadja sa. Pancama Dhaivata Sastha .. Nisada .. .. ni. Saptama. .. .. Palicama .. .. pa. This identification is made according to a passage occurring in the Naradasiksa which is as follows: yaH sAmagAnAM prathamaH sa veNormadhyamaH smRtaH // yo'sau dvitIyo gAndhAraH tRtIyastvRSabhaH smRtaH / / caturthaH SaDDu ityAhuH paJcamo dhaivato bhavet / SaSTho niSAdo vijJeyaH saptamaH paJcamaH smRtaH // Naradasiksa. ga. : :: :: dha. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 77 The notes of the Samavada and the corresponding notes of the Hindu music are identical with the notes of the English music as shown below : 1 -- 2 -- 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 Samaveda. H - JT - F - H - St-fa9 Hindu music. fcd a b & English music. From the way in which the hymns of the Sama are sung, it appears clearly that e is flat. As far as I can ascertain, 6 is also flat. The methods of singing the Samaveda are different in different countries, and none of them agree with the figures which are uniformly inserted over the vowels to indicate the notes with which they are to be sung. There is a uniformity in the use of these symbols of notes in all the countries; and this method of notation has been handed down to us from a remote period. To give a musical idea of the chanting of the Samaveda, as it ought to be, I give here tue first hymn 343 34TTIE in the Vedio and musical notations. o nA i / A yA hI i vo i to yA A i / to yA A i / sA sA sa / gA gA ga ri mA ma mA mA gA g| mA mA gA ga ccceeed f f f f e e ffee gR NA no ha / vya dA to yA A i / to yA A i / nAi mA ma gA g| ga mA mA mA gA ga / mA mA gA ga / mA ma PS fe e e f f fe effe e f f For Private and Personal Use Only Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 78 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ho tA sA A A / tsA A i bA A A A gA mA mA gA rii| mA gA ga rI gA rI sA effed fe e do do au ho bA / hI i i i Si // dhA dhA dhaa| rIgArI sAdhA // & & & dedo a The sixth note of the Samaveda, which, as already explained, corresponds to b flat, or Kaisiki Nisada, and the seventh which corresponds to g, or Pazicama, occur very rarely. So, omitting these two sounds, I may say that the melody of the Samaveda is uniform and may be identified with the Raga, called Abhogi, which is a derivative Raga referred to the original Kharabarapriya, and whose uotes arc H B T HET H. The above hymn 377 37797112 is given in the English notation in Dr. Burnell's edition of the Ars. Brabam. introduction, pp. XLV. No. 41. A PIENT EFT18:. SAMAVEDASANHITA RKPATHAII. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 13 X 11 inches. Pages, 168. Lines, 9 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, old. Injured. Contains the whole of the Purvark and 14 Adhyayas of the Uttarark. At the end of the Purvark, the codex contains the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 79 Mahanamni which is found at the end of the Purvark portion in some manuscripts and not in others. THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. In this manuscript the hymns are accented by putting the marko for the Udatta and the mark for the Svarita in some places, and leaving the Anudatta unmarked. Beginning of the Purvark: barhiSi // nayA hi vItaye / guNAno havyadAtaye / ni hotA satsi / Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir End: saptaM tvA harito rathe vahanti deva sUrya / zociSezaM vicakSaNa / 601111 paJcamaH khaNDaH // sva - 9 // ca - 4 // dhA AruNaM samAptam // Beginning of the Mahanamni: vidA maghavan vidA gAtumanuzaMsiSo dizaH // End: zero yo~ gA~Su gacchati saMkhA suzaivo advayuH / mahAnAmnI samAptA // hariH om // Beginning of the Uttarark: upAsmai gAyatA naraH pavamAnAyaindave / abhI devI IyakSate / End: stotA syAM tava zarmaNi udagre zucayastava / zukrA bhrAjanta Irate || tava jyotIMSyarcayaH 11 iti caturdazo'dhyAyaH // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 80 khaNDa : The following list of the Rsis who composed the Samans, which was prepared from the Madras Grantha edition, is given below on account of the philological and historical importance which the names possess, as has been done under the Rgveda. sAma. khaNDa: Agneye prathamakhaNDe1. gautamaH kazyapaH gautamaH A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF suparNaH vizvamanAH bRhadbharadvAjo vA zrutarSiH uzanA uzanA zirISaH indraH sAkamazvaH zunazzephaH vatsaH kANvaH AgraH ... : uzanA vA (sumitro vayizvaH (vApriyazvaH anUpo vA) 1 1 1 2 1 1 2. ani: vizvamanAH Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhAbhaH nuSTaH vizvAmitraH ani: marutaH bhRguH zunazzepho vA atriH prajApatiH 3. sindhukSita agniH vAmadevaH yamaH For Private and Personal Use Only indraH 1 ani: aurvaH vaidhArayo vA. 2 ... 0.0 216 sAma. : 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra khaNDa: agniH vizvamanAH agniH somaH gopavanaH sUryaH vasurociH sUryavarcAH vasurociH pArAvarti rvA kAzIno vA kApoto vA bAsumando vA gautamaH gauH aGgiraso vA 4. bharadvAjaH THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ... zraSTiguH agniH vaizvAnaraH bharadvAjo vA kRtayazAH nRmedhAH kRtavezo vA ... kRtavezaH bharadvAjaH uruH AGgirasaH 11 sAma. *** 1 1 2 1 1 1 khaNDa: gauramaH maNDuH jAmadagnyaH bharadvAjaH gautamaH agniH agniH dIrghazravAH 5. agniH Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gAtamaiH devarAjaH gAthin kauzikaH vA divodAsaH sukratuH kaNvaH manuH bRhadukthaH purumIDhaH karNazravAH praskaNvo 6. agniH ... bRhaspatiH vasiSThaH For Private and Personal Use Only ... sAma. 2 2 : 81 : 1 2 2 2 N 2 1 1 2 ~ 1 Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 82 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF khaNDa: sAma. / khaNDa: sAma. sAma. 1 1 ? viSpardhAH AGgirasaH ... 1 etavAdhriyaH ... ... manaH agniH vasiSTho vA ... varuNaH ... vAmraH vairavAnasaH / AjIgo vA dAnavaH pUSA ... ... kutsaH ... ... kazyapaH ... ... ghRtAciH AGgirasaH ... bharadvAjaH ... ... agniH vaizvAnaraH atri 1 1 2 1 7. zyAtrAzvaH ... RtuH yamaH agniH kutso vA yajJa sArathirvA bhagnirvaizvAnaraH iTanvAn ... vAmadavaH ... vizvajyotiH... yamaH cyavanaH, zivaNDI, invakaH, vasiSThaH, prajApatirvA 9. pathaH ... ... agniH ... ... yamaH agniH bRhataH kaumudaH agniH ... prajApatiH atriI zrutarvA indraH kazyapo vA ... 2 10. bRhaspatiH ... ... aGgirAH yamo vA ... asitaH __ ... ... tvaSTA ... ... agastyaH ... ... manuH ... ... 2 1 1 1 8. prajApatiH ... zukraH ... 1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra khaNDa: 11. todaH dIrghatamAH zyAvAzvaH prajApatiH tvaSTA aditiH vRkajambhaH agastyaH somakratuH agastyaH THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. : ... ... ... 12. indraH vasiSTho vA indraH vasiSTho vA asi taH indraH vatiSTho vA bharadvAjaH subhariH pakthaH saubharaH devAnIkaH sAdhiH gautamo vA jamadagniH agastyaH AgneyaM parva samAptam // ... ... ... ... ... ... ... sAma 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 I 1. rudraH khaNDa: andre parvaNi ( vasAmi ). mRgayuH azvaH iTavAn zrutakakSaH tanvaH pArthaH dAvasuH AGgirasaH vasiSThaH iDA zaryAtiH indrANI gaupUktiH Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 2. suparNaH zakalaH AzvasUktiH ... gaurIvitiH garaH ... For Private and Personal Use Only S : abharadvasuH tanvaH indraH vizvAmitro vA .., indrANI indraH : : 83 sAma. 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 y 1 2 N 2 1 Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 84 khaNDa: dRSataH mArutaH bharadvAjaH marutaH bharadvAjaH idhmavAhaH ahiH pailvaH 3. iSaH pUSA marutaH sindhurvA haviSmAn haviSkRt kakSIvAn A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF zAktayaH vRSandharaH kutsaH 4. upaguH tvaSTA paSA ... ... *** uSaH bharadvAjaH bharadvAjaH RSabhaH sindhu kSidvA ... ... ... : : sAma khaNDa: ... 500 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 ara 3 2 zyAvAzvaH prajApatiH 2 3 apsarasaH prajApatiH vAjadAvaryaH somaH pUSA 5. vItahavyaH zaktiyaH gaurIvitirvA kaNvaH gaurIvitiH 2 vIGkaH 2 udalaH RSabhaH Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir kutsaH sumedhAH devAtithiH zrutakakSaH sumitraH divodAsaH zAkvaravarNaH..... reNuH For Private and Personal Use Only ... ... ... : : : : : : : ... : : : :: sAma. 2 2 1 3 6 2 2 2 3 2 3 Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir TAE SANSKRIT VANUSCRIPTS. 85 khaNDa: khaNDaH ... 6. mudhucchandAH ... krauJcaH prajApatiH ... indraH zunazzephaH cyavano vA 1 kAzItaH ... ... 1 damraH ... gauravitiH akUpAraH ... 2 2. sumitraH ... zyAvAzvaH ... ziravaNDiH ... vItahavyaH ... bharadvAjaH ... aruNaH vaitahavyaH subhariH ... paSThavAT ... sAkamazvaH ... gaurIvitiH vAk vAmadevaH ... indraH vAmadevaH Azvinau gotamaH ... azvinau ... ... bahusAmi samAptam // 3. yamaH aGgirasaH virUpaH asitaH yamaH ekasAmi1. tvaSTA sumitraH godhA indraH savitA uSA tvaSTA pUSA tvaSTA pUSA indrANI ... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 86 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF khaNDaH khaNDa: ... udalaH abhIpAdaH ... 1 amahIyuH ... ... 1 ekasAmi samAtam // 4. thAvAzvaH ... virUpaH ... sumitraH kutso vA tubhaH zrunaH ... abhIzuH pUSA indraH ... sumitraH 5. kutsaH uSA bharadvAjaH kutsaH uSA mitrAvaruNau ... RtavaH ' ... viSNuH ... bRhatI1. bharaDAjaH sannatiH ... zyitaH ... prajApatiH ... abhIvartaH AGgirasaH bhagaH indraH nodhAH luzaH ... ... 2 dhAnAkaH kaliH ipiraH gozrRGgaH ... ...patiH ... jamadagniH ... kulmalabarhiH vasiSThaH medhAtithiH devAtithirvA 1 6. kutptaH kazyapaH ... bRhadukthaH ... kuttaH UsadmA ... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 87 khaNDa: khaNDaH vamraH vasiSThaH khapatiH AjigaH kaNvaH viSTambhaH zuSTIguH ... ... 1 2. vaivAnasaH ... puruhanmA ... satyaH ... bharadvAjaH ... bharadvAjaH kaNvI arahANaH vamraH aniH __ ... ... 1 indraH . ... ... 1 sadhraH ... ... 2 indraH virUpo vA yuktasnuk ... atriH vasiSTho vA ... vasiSThaH AtriI ... gotamaH gaurAGgiraso vA 2 4. indraH ... ... dvigat ... ... kRtayazAH kRtavezo vA 1 2 ... (prajApatiH)... vamraH akSIlo vA vasiSThaH prajApatiH indraH vasiSThaH vamraH ... ... 3 5. puruhanmA prakarSaH varuNaH prajApatiH marutaH saMzravas , vizravas satyazravas , zravas indro vA 4 kavaSaH sUryaH anUpaH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF khaNDa: khaNDa: ajIgatiH ... madhucchandAH ... virUpaH ... nIpAtithiH ... bRhat kaumudaH vAk vatraH ... 6. gaurIvitiH ... atriH ... gaurIvitiH vAmadevaH 8. uSA azvinI somaH ajamAyuH ... priyamedhAH samudraH indraH vasiSTho vA ... vizvedevAH ... ... atharvA ... ... azvinau vasiSThaH bRhatI samAptA // subhariH / vyazvaH prajApatiH ... indrANI 7. subhariH gRtsamadaH ... vAk ... bRhadukthaH ... nIpAtithiH vAgvA turazravAH ... tvASTrI aditiH ... triSTup1. prakarSaH vasiSThaH gRtsamadaH urukSayaH ... TathIH ... ... supaNaH ... vatsapriH (praH) gaurAvitaH ... vidanvAna yamo vA ... 2 ... 1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. khaNDa: khaNDa: yamaH RtaH jajJAnaH brAhmo vA 2 gRtsamadaH gautamo vA ... vizvAmitraH savitA * virUpaH ... amahIyuH ... 2 2 2. indraH ... ... syUmarazmiH ... ... dyutAnaH mArutaH, dhRSat mArutA vA ... somaH triSTupsamAptA // 2 bhRSTimAn sUryavarcAH vasiSThaH kazyapo vA bharadvAjaH ... vizvedevAH ... atharvA ... anuSTrapa 1. ziravaNDI ... ... 2 vizvedevAH ... zikhaNDI ... aSTAdaMSTraH ... ... 2 vizvAmitraH ... ... 2 vasiSThaH / gotamaH indro vAra vaptiSThaH gRtsamadaH vasiSTho vA... 2 gRtsamadaH vasiSTho vA __ akUpAro vA ... 1 gRtsamadaH vasiSTho vA... 1 3. tArthaH aditirvA ... indraH ... satranure vA yajJaturaH ... dhRSat mArutaH atriH * According to the Grantha manuscript printed at Madras, there are only 13 Samans in this Khanda, whereas according to the Arseyabrahmana (p. 39 of Dr. Burnell's edition) there are 18 with five additional Rsis. The Madras manuscript has only 3 Samans for the Rsi Afgai and completes the Khanda. 12 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF khaNDa: khaNDa: saciH Rk sAma ... ... ..... sirazcI AGgiraptaH ... 2 vizvAmitraH ... kazvaH vizvAmitraH ... __ ... ... 2 gotamaH ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 2. kulmalabahiH ... 2 indraH AGgiraso vA... 1 zAkapUtaH kulmalabArhiH prajApatiH ... uSA ... bharadvAjaH AgniH ... marutaH madhucchandA vA... 1 4. trizokaH ziravaNDI AtraH ... sAvetasaH zirISaH ... indraH vasiSTho vA ... bRhadukthaH ... ... trasadasyuH ... ... somaH subharivI ... subhariH varuNaH dyAvAyivyau vA ... ... 2 virUpaH cyavano vA ... anuSTupsamAptA // 3. vAmadevaH ... kazyapaH apsarA vA ... priyamedhAH ... ... bRhadukthaH ... ... AgneH vaizvAnaraH ... zAkapUtiH (zakapUtaH) varuNAnI ... ... 1. uSA ... ... 1 indrapucchaprArambhaH--- 1. indraH / ... ... 1 indraH vasiSTho vA ... 1 kuttaH .. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 91 TIIE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. khaNDa: khaNDaH divodAsaH ... prahita: ... harivarNaH ... triH ... ... . AGgiraso vA murAdhasaH / prarAdhasaH marutaH AGgiraso vA... 1 vizvamanAH ... sumitraH ... ... ' trikakupa ... ukSNorandhraH ... ... 3 3. indraH zarkaraH ... ... 2 bRhat ... ... 1 sUyavasaH ... ... 3 marutaH indraH vasiSTho vA vAyuH aiSiraH zreyamedho vA prajApatiH ... ... saubharaH pakthaH saumabharirvA patho vA subhravI ... 2 ... / 4. yamaH ... gRtsamadaH abhIkaH ... abhIzuH ... bahagiriH ... 2. prajApatiH ... ... divodAsaH ... ... indraH AGgiraso vA yamaH ... ... 1 prajApatiH ... bharadvAjaH ... ... AdityaH ... ... indraH sahodIrghatamA vA vasiSTho vA prajApatirvA ... ... 2 kazyapaH yamo vA marutaH ... yamaH ... tritaH ... suparNaH ... luzaH ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 3 2 1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 92 khaNDa: 5. indraH zruto vA zragmato A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF vA aGgirasaH satyazravAH vAryaH pUSA uSA luzaH yamo vA aGgirasaH aMhomuk gauH AGgiraso vA ... 6. indraH vasiSTho vA suhaviH bakaH prajApatiH agaH vAjinaH prajApatiH ... ... ... ... azvaH iTavAn vA vAjinaH AdityAH ... 7. indraH vasiSTho vA vasumandaH : ... ... *** *** : 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 svaNDa: kavaSaH prajApatiH vAkU 8. dhUH madhucchandA.... marutaH udvaMzaH Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prajApatiH vizvAmitraH prajApatiH vizvAmitraH prajApatiH uSA bharadvAjaH indraH bhAradvAjaH 9. prajApatiH For Private and Personal Use Only ... ... :: :: gauH AGgirasaH prajApatiH ... ... ... ... iSaH indraH vasiSTho vA prajApatirvA viDDA ... : : : cra 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. khaNDa: prajApatiH ... ... 1 yajJaturaH ... ... 1 evayAmarut ... bharadvAjaH sindhukSidvA... 3 savitA ... ... 1 bharadvAjaH parucchepo vA 2 AgniH vaizvAnaraH bRha spatirvA ... ... 2 iSaH ... ... indrapucchaM samAptam // khaNDa: jamadagniH saMhitaH vasiSThaH namadagniH saMhitaH ... somaH AzubhRguH ... vizvedevAH ... indrANI yuktAzvaH AtriH ... somaH prajApatiH somaH AtriH prajApatiH viSTambhaH ... paSThavAT viSTambhaH .... paSThavAT prajApatiH ... pavamAnaprArambhaH1. ajigaH ... abhIkaH ... RSabhaH abhIkaH AGgirasaH babhruH ... indrANI ... zizuH prajApatiH indrANI amahIyuH ajigaH surUpaH ... vizvedevAH ... agniH ... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 94 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF khaNDa: khaNDa: vizvedevAH ... ... 1 AnaH ... indraH ... somaH bharadvAjaH ... zizuH ... cyavanaH ... prajApatiH ... vidanvAn ... rAjiH AGgirasaH UrNAyuH ... 4. vRSAhariH ... dazaH ... ... 3 2. subharaH subhrurvA babhruH kaumbhyaH vacaH kArtavezaH zammad iTanvAnyA vasiSThaH marutaH uzanA tarantaH vidadazciH somaH ... ... 1 sUryaH ... ... 1 dRDhacyut ... indraH ... ... ] iSaH ... ... 1 zyAvAzvaH ayAsomaH somo vA... 1 agniH ayAsyaH ... bharadvAjaH ... ... 1 ___ ... 1 3. yamaH ... atiH vairUpaH uzanA ... somaH kRSNaH ... ... 2 5. ayAsyaH ... maNDuH vamiSThaH somaH vasiSTho vA ayAsyaH somaH vizvedevAH vA / saryaH) avAsyaH ... 1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUS TRIPTS. 95. khaNDa: maNDuH prajApatiH ayArayaH kaNvaH ... ... athAsyaH prajApatiH jamadagniH ... vasiSThaH ... ruruH agniH ... ... (indraH yudhAjiH A2 Ggiraso vA vizvA mitraH yudhAjirvA 1 indraH vattiSTho vA ... bharadvAjaH ... abhIzuH ... maNDuH ... ... 2 aGgirasaH ... svaNDaH agniH kutto vA ... agniH vaizvAnaraH vAmadevaH aGgirasaH ... somaH ... viSNuH aGgirasaH ukSNorandhraH ... agniH ... vadhrayazvo vA ukSNo randhro vA prajApatiH vizvedevAH ... indraH aGgirasaH veNaH somaH ... aGgirasaH somaH AdityaH somakratuH maNDI prajApatiH ... kazyapaH ... AGgirasaH ... ruruH ... yudhAjiH azvaH ... ... 6. uzanA varAhaH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 96 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF khaNDa: 2 aGgiramaH ... sAmasurAH ... veNuH gotamaH / agastyaH - - 7-7777777 khaNDa: 8. nakulaH / vAmadevaH / kRtayazAH kRtavezo vA UsadmA ... zyAvAzvaH andhIguH kruG tvASTrI ... vasiSTaH tvASTrayaH vasiSThaH tvASTrayaH vasiSThaH vasiSThaH vasiSThaH vyazvaH somaH iSaH madhucchandAH ... kruG somaH somaH - - - 7. kutsaH ... vizvajyotiH vAk ... dazaspatiH ... kazyapaH ... dazarapatiH ... zruSTiH AGgirasaH atriH vasiSThaH ... ApaH ... aGgirasaH ... gRtsamadaH ... akUpAraH ... ... virUpaH nRgo vA ... - - - ... 1 9. kaviH ... vAjasaniH ... ... ... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra khaNDa: vAjajit kaviH bhRguH aGgirasaH sAmarAjaH sAmA vasiSThaH luzaH bhRguH virUpaH yamaH dAsazirAH yamaH marutaH 10. vasiSThaH vasiSThaH 13 THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. *** : : : : : indraH vAyuH yamaH marutaH aJjataH kakSIvAn vyaJjataH kakSIvAn samaJjataH kakSIvAn AdityaH : : : ... : N 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 khaNDa: puSkalaH iSira: zuktiH karNazravAH cAk indraH marutaH prajApatiH indraH dyunaH prajApatiH somaH bharadvAjaH 11. vasiSThaH devAH vasiSThaH devAH iSiraH karNazravAH Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only : : : : : : : : vAk kulmalabarhiH prajApatiH : : : : P ... *** ... 97 - - 10 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 98 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OY khaNDa: khaNDa: _c00 narahasuH vAmadevaH ... bharadvAjaH kulmalabarhiH bharadvAjaH somaH zItoSmaH devAH somaH N0 / 3. vasiSThaH jamadagniH khAzirAH dIrghatamAH marutaH agniH prajApatiH pavamAnaM smaaptm|| athAraNyakarSayaH // prathamaparva1. virUpaH prajApatiH prajApatiH devAH prajApatiH ... arkaH ... varuNaH gautamazca praja, patiH 4. AniH vaizvAnaraH indraH ... 2. varuNaH prajApatiH varuNaH aGgirAH bRhaspatiH bharadvAjaH atharvA prajApatiH ... gotamaH vizvAmitraH ... indrAgnI vA... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 99 khaNDa: agniH prajApatiH ... ... 2 khaNDa: 5. agniH ethivI ... vAyuH ... antarikSaH AdityaH ... prathamaparva samAptam // dyauH dvitIyaparva1. vasiSThaH ... ... 2 ApaH samudraH maNDuH 1 ... ... ... ... prajApatiH ... indrANI bRhaspatiH indro vA ... ... 2 6 prajApatiH ... zAkvaravarNaH ... prajApatiH ... vasiSThaH ... jamadagniH ... 2. prajApatiH ... yamaH ... prajApatiH ... uSAhariH 7. zarvaH 8. yutaH tarapandraH turazravAH prajApatiH rudraH agniH ... ... 2 mRtyuH vAmadevaH ... 4. prajApatiH rAyovAjaH ... bRhagiriH ... ... 1 __14 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 100 khaNDa: devAH STayurazmiH prajApatiH 5. prajApatirbhuvanaH prajApatiH TakajambhaH prajApatiH 6. prajApatiH yamaH madhucchandAH vasiSThaH prajApatiH 7. vAyuH A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ... ... vAyuzca viSNuH viSNuH vAyuzca tRtIyaparva 1. vAka zazaH prajApatiH parameSThI prAjApatyaH / P ... 1 1 2 4 1 6 1 3 1 khaNDa: aGgirAH somaH 2. bharadvAjaH yamaH aGgirasaH azvinau gAvaH kazyapaH 3. aGgirasaH ApaH ahaH rAtriH viSNuH vizvedevAH vasiSThaH 4. indraH agastyaH prajApatiH jamadagniH indraH prajApatiH indraH For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ... :: ... : : : : : : : : 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 101 khaNDa: khaNDa: 5. agniH ... vaizvAnaraH ... ... 2 vAyuH mRtyu vizvedevAH prajApatiH somaH dIrghatamAH ... vizvedevAH citradevAzca 1 6. puruSaH 2. sUryaH antarikSaH ... pRthivI ... kazyapaH .... marutaH sarparAjAnaH dharmaH 7. dizaH ... ... 5 8. kazyapaH ... ... kazyapaH prajApatiH ... ... 1 katyapaH iDaH ... kazyapaH gAvaH ... kazyapaH prajApatiH ... 2 3. indraH ... Rtava ... mitrAvaruNau ... indraH AdityaH .. AraNyakaM samAptam // ... . zukriyaprArambhaH / / 1. agniH ... ... vAyu: ... ... ] 1 mahAnAnI. indraH ... ... 6 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 102 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF No. 42. sAmavedasaMhitA RkpAThaH. SAMAVEDASAMHITA RKPATHA II. Substance, paper, Size, 121 x 8 inches. Pages, 153. Lines, 18 on a page. Character, Telugu. Appearance, new. In good condition. The other work contained in this manuscript is Audgatraprayogah (fol. 828). Contains the Purvark and the UttaraIk complete, except the Aruna and the Sukriya. No accentuation. Beginning of the Purvask : ___ ana A yAhi vItaye gRNAno havyadAtaye / ni hotA satsi barhiSi // End: ___eSasya dhArayA suto 'vyAvArebhiH pavate madintamaH / krIDannU mirapAmiva // ya ustriyA Api yA anArazmani nirgA asantadojasA / abhi vrajaMtaniSe gavyamazviyaM vavi dhRSNavA ruja // ekAdazaH khaNDaH samAptaH / pavamAnaM samAptam // Beginning of the Uttaratk : upAsmai gAyata / naraH pavamAnAyendave / abhidevA~ iyakSate // End: ___ svasti nastAkSyoM ariSTanemiH / svasti no bRhaspatirdadAtu // ekaviMzo'dhyAyaH // uttaraRksamAptA // upadavipavA / agna Ano mitra / . . . sarbha,ma ekaviMza ekaviMzaH // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 103 No. 43. sAmavedasaMhitA RkpAThaH. SAMAVEDASAMHITA RKPATHAH. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 14 x 14 inches. Pages, 250. Lines, 5 on a page. Churacter, Grantha. Appearance, old. Slightly injured. Contains the Purvark complete, without Mahanamni; and the Uttarark. Beginning of the Purvask: agna AyAhi . . . . . . . . . End: zociSezaM vicakSaNa // 25 // zukriyaM samAptam // As the order in which the verses of the Uttarark are arranged follows the arrangement of the corresponding Samans in Uha and Rahasya, the opening passage as given in this manuscript differs from that given in No. 41. Only those Reas of the Samans of jha and Rahasya, which do not occur in the Purvask are given here. Beginning of the Uttaratk : uccA te jAtamandhasaH / sa na indrAya yajyave varuNAya marudbhayaH / varivo vitparisrava // yenA vizvAnyarya A dyumnAni mAnuSANAM / siSAsanto vanAmahe // . . . . . . . . . End : viDU (vIDa)cidyasya samRtau pvayadvavaya (zruvahaneva yat) sthiramaH niSpahamANo yamate nAyate dhanvAsahA nAyate / No. 44. sAmavedasaMhitA RkpAThaH. SAMAVEDASAMHITA RKPATHAH. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 12t x 1 inches. Pages, 44. Begins on folio 8a. Lines 8, on a page. Character, Grantha. Condition, injured. Appearance, old.. Coniains the first 6 Adhyayas of the Uttaralk. The arrangement of the Kcas is not like that of the Samans but follows & 15* For Private and Personal Use Only Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 104 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MSS. different order. The other work in this manuscript is Uhachalaksarah. No. 45. sAmavedasaMhitA pAThaH. SAMAVEDASAMHITA RKPATHAH. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 15} x 14 inches. l'ages, 48. Lives, 6 on a page. Cbaracters, Kanarese, Nardinagari and Grantha. Injured and old. Contains the l'urvark from Agneya to the end of Indrapuccha The last leaf is numbered 29; folios 8 to 12 are lost. This contains also . . . . Drstimantrah (Kamarese language) (folio. 25a). Prakrtichalaksarah (folio 27a). Chandogotsarjanavidhih (folio 3la), a collection of Roas from Prakiti (folio 38a). No. 46. sAmavedagAnam prakRtiH. SAMAVELJAGANAM - PRAKRTIH. Substance, palm-leaf (Sritala) Size, 9 X 2 inches. Pages, 421. Lines, 9 on a page. Character, Grantha. Appearance, old. In excellent order. Complete. This belongs to the C. W. Whish series. The codex contains the whole of the Prukiti. Beginning : gautamasya parkaH // o ta nAi / A~ cho yAhI Na voitoyA pra i| to kA yA pre i / gR kA NAMnI hA / vyA co dA toyA prei| to kA yA pre i / nA ghI ihotAsA / tsA va ibAauhovA / hI TU SI / dI. 7; pa. 9 ; mA. 9. jho // 1 // End: taka rai yona / bhA kA goM mA hI pre|| dhi cha yo yo naH prAcI triH| hi kA A pre| dA ka yo| A kU / dI. 6 ; pa. 6 ; mA. 2. kA // Ama . . . . . abaddhaM vA subaddhaM vA mama doSo na vidyate . , . // For Private and Personal Use Only Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 105 INDEX N e. -The names printod in italies are those of works that are described.) PAGE PAGO Abhisravanam ... Arvaldyana-Gshya-Parisista Adhikarasangrahah Asvamodha Aditisuktan .. Atharvanopanisadblasyam. Advaitamakarandah Atharva Veda ... 35 Aghamarsawasaktain . Audgatraprayogah 102 Aghoranarasinhoccitanam. Aufrecht, Th. ... ... 1, 61 Agneyam ... ... 71, 72, 73, 74, 80, 83, 10+ Agnihotraprayoga 31 Badarayana Abinah ... 72, 74 Badariyanasutram Aikahah ... 72, 74 Bagala Ekaksari Aindram ... 72, 73, 74, 83 Ragalukacacah.. Aitareya 69 Bagalamahalaksmimantra. Aitareyabrahmana ... 59, 60, 61, 65, Bagala mahalaksminulam. 66, 67, 68, 69 Bagalamala. ... ... Aitareyaranyaka ... 60 Bagala mantrah ... ... Aitaroy panisad 69 i Bagalamukhicaturaksari. Akarsaragrahah.. Bagolamukhinala ... Alfred Luiwig ... ... Bagolamukhimantrah... Ananda ... ... 36, 41, 44 Bygnlainukhipancavidhanam. Anandatirtha ... 32, 57, 59 Bagalamukhistotram Anokarthadhvanimanjart. Bagolamukhividhapam . Angapuja ... 40 Bagalamukhyapuja Anjanam ... ... ... 40 Bagalanustbanavidhih Anusfup ... ... ... 71, 72, 73, Bagalanyasah ... 89, 90 Bagalapuja A pastamba paribhasa vyakhya Bagalastak art Aragyaka ... Bagalastapah Aranyapadapatha Bahusami 71, 72, 73, Aranyaparva ... 50 83, 85 Arseyabrahmana 72, 74, 80, 89 Bahvscabrahmana 59, 61, 62 Arstisenah 50 Balagi ahalaksanamu ... Arunum ... ... 71, 72, 73, 74, Balagrabaravaniyasastramu. 98, 101, 102 Balagraliayantralu Asadhyalu Balabastramu Asvalayana 69 Balicravyalu 52 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 108 INDEX. 51 14 PAGE Balisthanalu 40 Dattatreyadvadasanamani. Baskala Sakha ... Dattatreyasahasranama. Benley ... Devatagraba laksanamu, Bhadradriramasatakamu. Devibhagavatam Bhagavadgita Depistavah .. .. Bhairav occatanam Deryastottarasatanamani. Bhandarkar, Dr. ... Dhanadiyam ... ... Bhavisyottaram... Dhumavtikalpah Bhavisyottara Purana Dhumavati malamnantrah. Bhusuddhi ... Dhumavatimulamantrah, Bhubuddhimantrah Drstimantra Bhuguktam 34, 38 Dussahah ... ... .. Bhutacikitsaln .. Bhatasuddhimaha mantrah, Bibliotheca ... Bibliotheca Indica 32, 64, Eggeling ... .. Bodhayanah 50, 53 Ekam resvaristakam ... Bodhayana Gphya Ekasami: ... 71, 72, 73, Boppanabhattiyam Brahmam ... ... 34, 48 Brahmapuranam Brahmaraksasagrahalaksanama Gaddakarigomantramu ... Bphati 71, 72, 73, Ganahomah 86,88 Ganapatidvadasanamani. Buhler ... Ganapatyastottarasatanamani. Burnell, Dr. ... ... 74, 89 Gandharvagrahalaksanamu. Gandharva vicarah Savyakhyab. Garudadvadasanamani ... Gantamagphyaparisista ... Canakadurumantralu ... 41 Gayatribhujangah Chandogotsarjanavidhih. 104 GayatribrahmastraprayoChandonirnaya ... 31 ganyasamantrah ... Chayapurusalaksanam ... Gayatricaturvimsatinyasah Ciklita ... ... ... 36, 41, 44 Gayat righetamu ... Colebrooke Gayatrihradayam ... Gayatrikavacah ... Gayatrimantrarajah ... Gayatripanjaram Daityagrabalaksanamt ... Gayatri-Savitri-Sarasvati Daksinamartikavacah ... 56 Tarpanavidhih Daksinamartyaslottarasatam. Gayatrivandanastotram... Darsapurnamasah Gayatrivyakhya ... ... Dasaratra ... ... ... 72, 73, 74 Gayatriyantram ... ... Dasabantih 35 | Gayatryastittarasatanamani. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Ghrtasuktam Gopalastottarasatam Gopalastottarasatanamani. Grahadhupamu Grahanasyanjanamu Grahanirnayamu Grahaijanamu Griffith Hall, Dr. Guranadhanipampu Gurupadukatrayamantrah. ... Hanumaddyadasanamani. Hanumadramayana Hanumadyantrah with Tel. Tika Hanumanmalamantrah ... Hanumatkavacah Haradatta ... Hariharataratamyam Haug, Dr. Hermann Grassman Indrapucoham Hiranyadevisuktam History of Indian Literature. Itara Ingilikamainamu Inguvadighrtamu Isavasyoparisad bhasyam. 1svarasamhita Kardama... *** Jayadihomaprayogah Jayatirtha Kakagrahalaksanamu ... ** *** INDEX. PAGE 34 56 56 40 40 39 40 2 41 56 44 388899 56 52 56 44, 56 40 45, 46 52 61 2 39 5 4, 10, 71, 72, 73, 90, 93 40 40 57 51 59, 60 37 32 40 36, 41, 44 Kasyapiya Kathakopanisadbhasyam. Kausitaka Kausitaki Brahmana Khadgamala Kiratavarahikalpah Krenasvami Srautin Ksudrah Kurpasadhupamu Kusmandagrahalaksanamu Laingam *** Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Madhaviya Madhavacarya Mahabharata Laingeksepastotram Laksmiganapatimantrah. Laksmisahasranamavalih, Lalitasahasranamavalih. Lingapujavidhih ... Mahanamni *** ... For Private and Personal Use Only ... *** Mahanatakam Mahasankalpah Mahidasa... Maitrayani samhita Maitreyaparasarasamvadah Malayalabhagavati *** Medhasuktam Miscellaneous Essays Mlecchagrahab Mullakarigomantrala Manduky opanisa:Ibhasyam. Mankapasamhita Markandeyam Max Muller, F. *** *** 107 PAGE 51, 53 33, 65, 66, 68 44, 45 48, 51 Mahamantraniruktabrahmanam. 62 71, 74, 79, 91, 103 52 56 59, 60 5 50 42 57 49, 51, 53 53 2, 9, 11, 32, 44, 69 50 69 40 41 533 EGG 57 61 60 40 40 74 72, 74 40 40 51, 53 50 56 42 24 56 Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 108 INDEX. PAGE Namakam Nainamala Naradasiksa Naradiyam ... Narasimhamantrah Narayanahrdayastotram. Nagyacikitsala ... .. Navagrahasantih ... Navaratrikalpah ... ... Navonavobhavatitieruty. arthavicarah ... ... Nidhidarsanam ... . Niksepacintamavih Niksepagrahoccataramu. Nilakanthavijayh .. Nityaradhanakramah PAGE Pratyangiramahalaksmimantrah. Pratyanyirama hayantrakalpah. Pratyanyiramala ... Pratyangira malamantra). Pratyangira mantrah ... Pratyangiravyakhyanam. Prayascittan ... ... Pretagrahalaksanamu ... Prthvidharacarva Prth visuktam Purusasuktam ... 34, 35, 37, 38 Parvarcika Purvark ... .. 71, 73, 74, 78, 79, 102, 103, 104 40 55 Padarasa bandhanamantramu. Padarasasuddhih Pa laratnam 70 Padmapuranam ... 51 Paingya ... .. Pancasantih Pancasimhasanesvarisuktam. Paooastrapuja ... Pancavaktrahangmanmantrah, Papapurusada hanam Paramatmasukta .. 49, 51 Parasarasmotih ... Parthivalinga pujavidhih, Parthivapujavidhih Pasanabandhah Pasupatastram ... 35, 39, 40 Patrasthapanam ... 40 Pavamanam . 71, 72, 73, 74, 93, 98, 102 Pisacagrahalaksanamu ... 39 Prakrti ... ... ... 71, 72, 73' 74,104 Prakrtichalaksara 104 Pranapratistha Prasutigoleuiyarikinantrala. 41 Raliasya ... ... ... 72, 73, 74, 103 Rajadharma ... ... 49, 51 Rajasvajanavasyamu ... Rajendra Lala Mitra ... 61, 64, 69 Raksasadigbandhah Raksasagrahalaksanamu. Ramakavacah ... Ramanujadasa ... Ramasadaksari Ramayanam Ranganatha, Gomatha ... Ranganathamuni Rasabandhamulikalu Rasasahasravidhah Rasasudhih (Tel.) Ratnapradipika ... Ratrisukta Raudrah ... Rybhagyam ... 57, 59 Rgveda ... .. 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 44, 57, 59, 61, 62, 69, 71, 74, 75, 76 Rgvdabhisyam ... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir INDEX. 109 PAGE Ryvidabrahmanabhasyam. 62, 64, 67, 68 Rgvedabrahmanam ... 59, 62, 63, 65 67, 68 Pyvodamnaya .. .. Rgvedeniyhantu ... Ryveda padanukramapika. Rgvedapudapaiha 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Rgvelapadasarkhya ... Ryvodapratassandhyavan danam Rgviduranyakam Ryredurunam 62, 70, 71 Ryvida Samhita ... ... 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 20, 33 Roer, Dr. ... .. Rudra mountaa) .. Rudrastottarakatanamavalih. Rudravidhanam ... PAGE Sandhyavandanabhasyam. 47 Sankharcanam ... ... Sankhyayanabrabmana. Sankhyayanatantrah Sapavimocanamantrah ... Baptasankhya ... .. Saptasati Sarabhakalakarsapamalika Sarabhasalavamantrah... Sarabhastottarusatanyasah. Sarasvatistavarajah .. Sarasvatyastot tarasatanamavalih. Sarirakainimamgasutiakara. 49, Sarvaraksa ... .. Satanauda ... ... Satprasnopanisadbhasyam. Satrain ... ... ... Satravidhvamsinibulini. Satyavrata samasramin ... Satyavratasvamin 61, 64 Sayana ... ... ... 2, 69, 74 Sayandcerya ... ... 32, 33, 60, 61, 66, 67, 58 . 41 Sabaraband hah ... ... Siddhartaghstamu Sabaramantrah ... 40, 41 Simhanurakah ... ... Sabara mantralu ... Simhannvakavyakhyanam. Sadvarnamantrastakam. Sitastottaralatanamavalih. Sarividyagamah Sivaganapatistatram ... Sakalagrahadhupah Sivastottarasatanamani ... Sakala Sakha 2, 10 Sivastatih Sakalya Sakha ... sivamegayatryestakam. Saktaniantrayumah 55 Sraddhasukta ... Saktimantrah ... ... 40 Sraddhavidhih ... Sama Samhita Srikantha Samaveda ... 4, 34, 71, 74, Sristutivyakhya 75, 76, 77, Srisuktabhasyam 43, 46, 50, 78, 80 51,52 Samavedasanhita-Rkpathah. 78, 102, Srisuktam ... 34, 35, 37, 38, 103, 104 39, 42, 44, Sama-Vidhana-Brahmana. 47, 51 Samudrikasastrain Srisuktavydkhyd .. 52, 53, 55, 56 Samvatsara 72, 73, 74 | Srisaktoddharah Sanalkuinarah 50 | Steerenson, Rev. J. ... 74 52 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 110 INDEX. Page Suddhasaktikhadgamalastotram, 55 Sukrasa pavimocanam ... 40 Sukriyam ... ... 71, 72, 73, 74, 101, 102 Sulinimantrah ... 55 Sumangalasokta Sunyamcampumantramu. 39 Suryastottarasatatamani. :56 Svaracintamanih Satikah. Evarasasti asangruhah 42 Svayambhavam ... ... 50, 53 Taittiriyaranyaka Taittiriya Sakha ... Talavakaropanisadbhasyam. Trkasangrahavyakhya. Trotup .. ... ... 71, 72, 73, 88, 89 Tryambakanyasah PAG! Vanadurga mahalaksnimantra). Vanadurgastotrain 56 Varahopanisad Varunam Varunasaktam Vasisthasmrtih V darthaprakasah 32, 33, 65, 66, 68 Vedataijasam ... Venkatadrikrsnaraya ... Vetalagra halaksanamu Vetalamantrah ... Vibhatidharanaza Vidyadhara Vidyaranyasvanin Vidyatirtha ... Vidyatirtha Mahesvara ... Vighnesastakam Vighnesvaradvadasanamastotram, Vighnesvaramalamantrnh. Vinayakastitrasatam ... Virabukka ... Virapratapahapamanmala mantrah. 10 Virapratapahanumanmantrah. Visnu Purana ... 35, Visnusahasranama Visnusmrtih ... Vyasasiksa ... Vyasasiktavyakhya 44, Ucchistaganapatih Ulachalaksaram 104 Uhah ... ... 72, 73, 74, 103 Ungitimantramu 41 Uragagra halaksanamu... 39, 40 Uttarark ... 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 102, 103, 104 Uttarasandhyamotyulangalastotram 55 Uttarayanamantramu ... 5, 744 Weber ... ... ... Worterbuch Zum Rigveda, ... Vagbandhanamu Vaidyacintama i Vaisnavapurana ... Vavasuktam .. Vamanaparana ... Yajamanam Yajurveda ... Yaksngrahalaksanamu Yama ... Yaskah ... ... 46 5, 74, 76 39 48, 51 45 ... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ juo osn jeuosjed pue ejenud 10% Serial Subjec Alm. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF GOVERNMENT PUBLISITIONS IN INDIA COMBRIDGE & Co., Bombay M. GULAD SINGIT & Sons, Mufid-I-A m Press. Lahore E. SEYMOUR LIA, wplanado Rond, Fort, Bombay. HIGGINBOTHAM & Co. Mount Rond, Madras. NEWMAN & Co., Calcutta. SUPERINTENDENT, AMERICAN BAPTIST Mission PIBAS, Rangoon, THACRIT. 200. (bimited), Boiabay. THACKER, SPINK & Co., Calcutta. IN ENGLAND E. A. ARNOLD, 97, Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C. CONSTABLE & 05., 2, Whit tell Gardens, London, S.W. 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