gets happiness; when he gets the means of happiness; if he commits sins using those means then it should be understood that the papanubandhipunya has risen in his life. If on account of the effect of punya, man gets a perfect and healthy body but if by means of that body, he enjoys physical pleasures; if on account of the effect of punyakarma, man acquires a lot of wealth and if he does undesirable actions using that wealth; if on account of punya, man acquires power and strength and if he uses them only to do violent and wicked actions, then it should be construed that in his case that kind of punya has arisen which impels him to commit sins. Now-a-days, in the world, we see for the most part, the emergence of this kind of punya. We find that those people who on account of the effect of their merit, attain the means of worldly enjoyments and pleasures, only commit sins using those means. Such jivatmas do not adore the path of salvation and do not endeavour to attain spiritual purification and elevation. Even the intellects of those people are so impure that they do not like the matters relating to the soul, the supreme soul and salvation.
From the Audience : Which kind of merit is called punyanubandhi merit?
Maharajashri : Punyanubandhi merit is that which creates in man spiritual awareness and impels him to carry out spiritual austerities. The Punyanubandhi merit is that by the effect of which man acquires new merit. This kind of punyakarma assists man in his adoration and in his pursuit of the path of salvation. For instance, you have attained the five senses which are perfect and you can use them to do such noble actions as listening to an exposition of Dharmagranthas and you can read them. You can have a darshan of the Paramatma and you can worship and glorify him. If you get a strong and healthy body, you can carry out stern austerities and spiritual wanderings on foot (Padayatra). If one gets wealth on account of punyakarma, one can render deeds of charity and benevolence. You can carry out philanthropic activities to attain the supreme good. If you attain power on account of your punyakarma, you can make people in the country, in the city or in
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