the neighbouring houses and they too will visit her house. These relationships begin thus with, women and gradually such relationships may be developed with men also. She may converse with other men. She may laugh in their company; she may invite them to her house; she may give them tea and tiffin; their intimacy may increase and then in the afternoons, she may accompany some man to movies. ... What is the result ? She may only deceive her husband ultimately. She may develop illicit intimacy with other men. If her husband comes to know of this, he will beat her. Animosity will appear between her husband and that man and ultimately one of them will kill the other. Now-a-days all these things have been going on. The joint-family system is breaking up. The son and the daughterin-law do not like to live with the other members in the family. They set up a separate family; and in consequence, they incur both external and internal loss and go in for trouble.
It is of the utmost importance that a young daughter-in-law must have some elderly woman to give her company and to take care of her. The daughter-in-law must obtain from her mother-in-law maternal affection and from her father-in-law, paternal affection. If she is thus loved by them, she will not be probably willing and ready to live separately. The son also must be given a proper place in the house. Grown-up sons should not be insulted before others or before their wives. The father and the mother should treat their son in a courteous manner. In respect of special or important domestic affairs, they must consult their son. If the son's view is proper, it must be accepted and acted upon. In the hearts of the father and the mother, there should be the loving wish that their son and daughter-in-law should live happily; and that they should make their lives meaningful and fruitful by means of spiritual austerities. If such tender and affectionate relations exist between the parents and the youngsters, the son will not find it necessary to live with his wife separately. In case, under extraordinary circumstances, the son has to live separately in some other town or city, he should take with him not only his wife but
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