wife Mayanasundari. Mayanasundari's spiritual vision was resplendent. She possessed the radiance of the right vision and she conformed nobly and spontaneously to the principles of right character, and conduct. She accepted Shripal, who was a leper as her husband in the royal court. Her father was the King and she accepted the challenge of her father. Shripal also was a prince of some other Kingdom but he was in disguise. Shripal had been greatly impressed by Mayanasundari's boldness, mental vision and countless precious virtues. When Mayanasundari cured him of his leprosy by the devout recitation of "Shri Siddhachakra Mahayantra”, (A diagram symbolizing divine powers. Navapad is the centre of it). Shripal was so greatly delighted and elated that he began to sway in sheer gaiety. In consequence, Shri Siddhachakraji became enshrined in Shripal's heart. Moreover, Mayanasundari also became enshrined in his heart as a spring of spiritual inspiration and as an ideal image of absolute ethical excellence.
· All the noble actions of cultured people which are described in Dharmabindu were present in Shripal's life. Nineteen noble qualities or actions are described in this grantha and all these were present in Shripal's life. Therefore, I always praise and admire Shripal and I have visualised every incident, every situation and every kind of noble quality relating to his life. The story of Shripal is of course interesting but I am not speaking of that aspect of the story. In his life, there arose many sorrows and agitations and desperations and he also enjoyed many pleasures and felicities but he retained his stability and equanimity in both the conditions; in both desperation and elation. He never felt depressed by adversity and he never felt elated by prosperity. This is extraordinary nobility.
When on account of the worship of Shri Siddhachakraji, Shripal and his seven hundred companions were completely cured of leprosy; when Shripal became completely healthy and when he became a handsome, radiant, charming prince, the King and the people were mute with amazement. The King realised his mistake. He approached Mayana and Shripal and became
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