only to be heard in the form of stories. Because illicit contacts with other men and women are increasing, people are finding it difficult to control their sexual passion. Any home, any woman or any man saved from this evil deserves commendation. Such a person or such a family is commendable and admirable.
The control of the senses on the plane of the grihasthadharma means that men should not have illicit contacts with other women; and women should not have illicit contacts with other men. Men should not have contacts with other women and women should not have contacts with other men. A HISTORICAL EPISODE RELATING TO MUNJA AND MRINALA
Those men who develop illict intimacy with other women have to pay heavily for their blunder and will be caught in calamities. Munja, the King of Malva was ruined on account of this reason. When Tailap put Munja in prison, he became intimate with Tailap's sister, Mrinal. Every day, Mrinal used to bring food to Munja who was in prison. Their intimacy developed in the prison-house. How strong is sexual passion ! Munja developed sexual intimacy with the enemy's sister, in the enemy's prison. King Munja was intelligent, learned but his intelligence had been impaired by sexual passion. Munja began a love-affair with an unknown woman.
Of course, Mrinal was not beautiful, but a passionate man loves the body not the beauty of a woman. Mrinal was an unmarried girl. She too had a strong sexual passion. Otherwise why would she bring food to Munja ? She too desired to have a union with Munja. She admired Munja because he was very handsome and physically strong. She did not at all think of the need to exercise a control over her passion. She yearned for sexual gratification. She found Munja whom she could use as the object by means of which she could gratify her passion. Munja also had lost his senses and he had sexual contacts with Mrinal.
The intelligent ministers of Munja made a plan to get Munja out of the prison. They got a tunnel dug into the prison
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