meat and drinking wine. Sexual passion is provoked by eating and drinking prohibited things. Can those who eat eggs and meat and drink liquors exercise control over their sexual passion? You should completely stop taking the medicines that provoke the sexual passion.
You must also wear such dress as will help you to keep your sexual passion under control. There is a connection between dress and sexual passion. Your dress and decoration should be such that they will not bring about any aberrations in the minds and eyes of those who see them,
From the Audience : Now-a-days, our sons and daughters wear such dress and decorations that the others cannot help looking at them. Young men desire that girls should look at them and girls desire that young men should look at them...
Maharajashri: Why does such a thing happen ? It happens because they have no knowledge of the inner enemies. They have no knowledge of the inner sinful propensities. They desire only what delights their senses. They desire sensual pleasures. They want only external pleasure. Their world is entirely different. Have you at any time taught your children about the inner enemies? If when they were in their impressionable age as children, you explained to them in simple language, the nature of the inner enemies; if you taught them the way to control their senses and if you personally set an example, then this perverse situation would not have arisen. How can you convince youngsters that lust is an inner enemy when they think that it is a friend ? It is only by means of that passion, that they desire to experience sensual pleasure. It is not easy to convince those that consider enemies as friends, of the right view regarding those passions,
.. I do not say now that all of you should become celibate. Of course, I will be greatly delighted if you become celibate. But I do not think that it is likely. Am I not right? If you cannot become celibate, at least be noble.
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