sion. Anyone can say what he likes to say. The listeners must have intelligence. It has become a habit with some people to talk in a reverse manner. When Tirthankars, divine incarnations, sages and munis advocated the suppression and the control of the senses, these false philosophers speak in a reverse manner. They say that it is not necessary to suppress and control the senses. The minds of men are soon drawn towards those who speak in such a topsy-turvy manner.
The sexual passion is very strong in jivas. When people do not have a knowledge of the undesirability of sexual passion and sexual activity and when they do not have a knowledge of the dangerous consequences of the sexual passion, they easily fall into the snares of those who talk in a reverse manner. People go rushing to those places, whether they are brothels or Ashrams, if there, they can get the means for the satisfaction of their sexual passion and if they can indulge fearlessly in sexual activity. By name a place may be an Ashram but in reality it may be a brothel. Some people attain their selfish objectives by running brothels under the name of Ashrams. They get the pleasure of illicit intimacies under the pretext of being Sanyasis.
Desires can never be pacified by means of sensual enjoyments. In fact, sensual enjoyments increase and intensify desires. Strong desires affect mental and physical health. A strong sexual desire destroys wholesomeness, firmness, peace of mind and sanctity. Therefore, the enlightened people declare that desires should not be allowed to grow strong. There are many reasons or occasions which make desires strong and vehement. I will mention some of them here.
1. Do not have intimacy or contact with unmarried women, other women or widows. The sexual passion grows strong if you sit near them, if you converse too much with them or if you touch them.
2. The sexual passion grows strong if you see the various sights of the sport of sex. Now-a-days, you can see the sport of love and sex on the movie-screen. How many are there who
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