accomplishments. A girl who is chaste and virtuous can never be unhappy. In case, some sorrow arises on account of some sinful Karma, she will endure it with equanimity; but will have peace of mind.
The education that is given to boys and girls should have this aim, "They should not feel depressed in sorrows; and elated in joys”. In other words, they should attain mental and emotional stability. The education that is given to them should have this aim. These are the two great principles that make life fruitful and meaningful.
They should not become depressed in sorrows ! They should not be elated joys.
Now, a great transformation has appeared even in America. Those women who were not marrying at an early age and who married after their teens, have said this after having some painful experiences. "The marriage of girls should be performed at the age of sixteen” and now in that country girls have begun to marry at the age of sixteen or seventeen.
Those women who freeing themselves from domestic duties and responsibilities, chose to live freely, after having had some painful experiences have begun to return home. I feel even the women of our country will not "return home" until they have some painful experiences. Now, of course, they see heaven out of their homes, away from their homes and are running after it.
The great scriptural scholar Acharyashri Haribhadrasooriji and the great commentator Acharyashri Munichandrasooriji have shown the way to salvation; have described the austerities that lead men on the path of salvation and have communicated their spiritual message to their readers. Whatever guidance they have given in respect of marriage and matrimonial alliances and parities and in respect of the institution of marriage, is connected with the pursuit of the path of salvation. You must realise this point very well. Marriage is connected with spiritual endeavour. Otherwise, those great men would not
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