would be enriched by exultant and jubilant enthusiasm. All these points are being explained to you in detail. To-day, I will explain to you with which kind of families you should not have matrimonial alliances.
The great Acharya, the author of Dharmabindu says that a marriage alliance should not take place between the members of the same gotra or lineage. In other words, the bride and the bride-groom should not belong to the same gotra or lineage. This kind of alliance is totally prohibited. The commentator on Dharmabindu Acharyashri Munichandrasooriji explains the meaning of gotra thus : "Samanagotra or common lineage means the lineage of one man". Gotra therefore means one man's line or lineage. For example, a man may have four sons. Each son begets four sons and those also beget four sons each. They may beget sons and daughters. A marriage alliance should not take place between a girl and a boy of that lineage. The father, the grand-father and the great grand-father are said to belong to the same gotra or lineage. If marriage alliances are effected between members of the same gotra the propriety in respect of the relationship between the elders and the youngsters will be affected and distorted.
Let us suppose that the father of the bride is an elderly gentleman. All the members of the family and of the lineage respect him greatly. He is a senior member not only in age but also in wealth and position. The father of the bride-groom is a junior in age, wealth and position. What will happen in such a case? The father of the girl inspite of his age, wealth and position, will have to be polite and humble before the junior that is the father of the bride-groom because he is the father-inlaw of his daughter. Formerly that is, before such an alliance, the father of the bride was treated with respect and esteem but after the marriage, he will have to stand folding his hands in politeness before the father of the bride-groom though he is a junior. One who is worthy of worship becomes a worshipper; and the worshipper becomes the worshipped. This kind of
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