cated to her husband, her children will be gentle, noble and ethically excellent. Only such people can pursue the path of salvation.
According to the great sages and munis, who possessed a vision and spiritual enlightenment, a girl is fit to marry as soon as she attains maturity. The attainment of maturity in a girl is nature's indication that she has reached the proper age for marriage.
From the point of view of education, whatever education is essential for a girl, she can get it before she is twelve years of age. A woman should not carry on any business or occupation. The entire responsibility of taking care of her rests with her husband.
According to the Indian way of life, man has to shoulder all financial responsibilities. The woman's responsibility is to tend and take care of the family. Keeping the house clean and tidy; preparing food for the members of the family at a proper time; keeping their clothes neat and clean; taking care of the children and laying the foundations of education in them; treating guests with hospitality; enhancing the beauty and splendour of the house; keeping the members of the family gay and flourishing with love and affection; and carrying on the spiritual activities with the necessary awareness, are the duties of a woman.
Earning money, protecting and safe-guarding the members of the family; fulfilling the financial requirements of the family; educating children upto the time of their marriage are the duties of man. In this manner, man and woman should carry out their duties with love and with a sense of duty and dedication.
In this matter, a great change has taken place during the past few decades. The age of marriage has been increased. Now-a-days, girls are not married before the age of eighteen and boys are not married before the age of twenty or twentytwo. Sometimes even today in some villages and small towns
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