reversal of positions affects social values and that breach or reversal of social values can bring about many untoward events.
Now, have you understood why matrimonial alliances should not take place between members of the same gotra, or lineage? In the structure of society, in ancient times great importance was given to politeness and ethical limitations and decorum. In those days, respect for elders was given a great importance. The attitudes of youngsters towards elders; and those of elders towards youngsters had to conform to ethical values. There used to exist excellent and ethically proper relations among members of the same man's lineage or gotra. In order to maintain those excellent relations and to keep them intact, matrimonial alliances between the members of the same gotra or line are prohibited.
Another significant principle that was observed in ancient social life was that the father of the bride-groom was accorded superiority and was given a higher place than the father of the bride. The father of the bride-groom used to possess greater importance than the father of the bride. The father of the bride had to be extremely hospitable and respectful towards the father of the bride-groom. In order to see that after the marriage, their daughters did not have to face difficulties and problems, they had to please the father of the bride-groom, the mother of the bride-groom and the bride-groom's sisters etc.
The essence of what I have been saying is that if marriages take place between members of the same gotra, countless difficulties and problems arise in their mutual attitudes towards each other and in the relationships between the senior and the junior members of the line. On account of such alliances, dishonour and disgrace etc, may have to be faced. Therefore, you should not have marriage alliance with the members of your own line or gotra. Everyone gives a high place to honour and prestige. No one likes disgrace or defamation in social life.
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