Unlimited Horizons
Life and reality are designed TO REACT to what we invest in it.
Life and reality are designed to make us experience how our ideas, our concepts and our energy look in physical form.
It pays to be creative in this process.
• Only reading about higher levels can't tell us how they
really feel like.
• We access higher stages by sudden insight, which arises
automatically once the themes of the lower level - temporarily or permanently - cease to hold our attention.
Sudden insights arise because challenges are not active all the time. This can be compared to an overcast sky where the clouds suddenly open up to reveal the sky beyond the cloud-ceiling. Something similar may happen anytime during periods of 'quietness', when no challenges engage our attention and our mind thus spontaneously shifts focus to a higher stage.
How long these sudden insights last depends on how intensely the higher stage fascinates us, - and how fast our emotions draw us back to the themes of the stage we came from.
Even if we lose our insight only a short time later, it still anchors us in the higher stage - we now know how it feels like, - we get an orientation where we are heading, - and we receive plenty of motivation to start moving.