Unlimited Horizons
physical world, - to regard matter as the only relevant thing, - to intensely reject every suggestion that living, perceiving, experiencing some other - greater - reality might even be possible?
Why do we always come back to the same small playing field that doesn't do justice to the abilities and magnificent greatness we deeply sense within. -
Certainly, - the current materialistic model provides an excellent excuse for not thinking about all this. If we just are a mass of swirling chemicals, and our awareness a mere minor cosmic accident - as renowned experts suggest, - then we won't need to think about it.
- Sure. -
Yet weren't there startlingly many wise people ever since history started, who told us that there is more to life than matter, and charted numerous paths to break our material fixation? And aren't these the most honored persons throughout all history? Shouldn't this be indication enough that it's worthwhile to investigate how to get rid of our most basic addiction?
How To Go About It? A simple, daily mechanisms provides the clue how to break our attachment, how to see beyond the veil that's over our eyes: -
We never crave this world for long. We hardly ever stay here more than sixteen hours. Then our addiction wanes all by itself: - No matter how hard we try, no matter how much we want to stay awake, no matter how engaged we are in its activities, - nothing 'physical' can hold our attention intensely