Many Are Called ...
Choosing Okay. - Called. - And what about being CHOSEN ? - Wasn't that part of the deal? First the calling, then being chosen, - who wouldn't like to be a chosen one? Who wouldn't like to be taken into the inner circle and be assured of fast progress and certainty of reaching the highest?
So, who's doing the second part - THE CHOOSING. Who could possibly do that? - Again the author of this book? - Well, I'd rather not. I'd have to consider each single one of you: - is he or she worthy to be accepted or not - a huge job if you want me to be thorough - and that's the least you'd expect of me. It's very time-consuming and I wouldn't be too happy if I'd got stuck with it.
But let's just assume I accept this task. How would I decide? How could I possibly decide? - For sure I'd choose all. of you, each single one, because you all have that potential.
But then the sentence should read - 'Many are called and all those are chosen', - which it doesn't. Out of the many only a few are specially selected. - See, I am the wrong guy for the job, I'm far too generous.
Who else may choose? - Gurus? Priests? - Well, at best these guys are also called - but are they chosen? - Can someone not chosen do the choosing? How would we know they have authority to choose in the first place? What if they tell you they had authority, but actually don't. What if you pay them big money to ensure being chosen, and then they can't do it, though they told you they could? Well - better safe than sorry - let's just leave the holy ones out of the choosing game, too many strange things have happened around these guys. Let's rather see who else is there.