Moving BEYOND Status
Status - no matter if high or low - has one fundamental flaw: it makes us dependent on the opinions of others. And these others might have ulterior motives when granting us recognition. They might give or withhold respect to subtly coax us into their direction, or lead us onto paths we would not want to go. Craving for status throws us open to this sly blackmail. And · the blinder we are to its signs, the more effective this strategy is.
Practical Tips
Once we move beyond the addiction to outside praise, we free ourselves from all this scheming. This gives us real independence, sovereignty and control of our life. As long as the reactions of others still carry clout, we have not reached this genuine freedom yet.
Unlimited Horizons
If hunger for status suddenly pops up in your
regard it as a passing, limited theme of life maintain equanimity until the attack has passed, and remember that your inner magnificent being doesn't need any outside praise.
If you go for direct status and recognition because the desire is just too strong - try to impress those more advanced than you, - those (few) hard to convince. This accelerates your progress far more than only playing to the crowd.