Book Title: Trishasti Shalaka Purusa Caritra Part 5
Author(s): Hemchandracharya, Helen M Johnson
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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MARRIAGES OF ŚĀMBA AND PRADYUMNA 225 Your soldiers were saved by his elder brother, Samudra.
Vasudeva, known from winning crores in gambling and from saving your daughter's life, even though condemned to death, did not die because of his own power.214 His sons, Rāma and Kļşņa, attained such prosperity that Vaiśravaņa made the city Dvārakā for them. These are the heroes, great warriors, to whom the warriors, even the Pāņdavas, Yudhisthira and the others, have resorted as a refuge in time of trouble. The sons, Pradyumna and Sāmba, are like another Rāma and Krşņa; Bhima and Arjuna are terrifying even to Kștānta from strength of arm. What need of the other heroes being named, since among these Nemi alone is able easily to make the earth an umbrella with his arm as a handle ? . In your army Damaghoșa's son,215 (Śiśupāla) and Rukmin are leaders. Their strength in a fight with Bala was demonstrated at the abduction of Rukmiņi. Duryodhana, the Kauravya, and Sakuni, the Gāndhāra—these, indeed, have strength in trickiness, like a dog. There is no counting them among heroes. Karņa, too, King of the Angas, I fear, is like a handful of meal in the ocean of Krşņa's army, which has great warriors to the number of a crore. Nemi, Kșşņa, Bala-these are three very great warriors in the enemy's army. You are one alone in your army. There is a great difference between the two armies.
Who is eager for battle with Śrī Nemi to whom the Indras, Acyuta and the others, pay homage from devotion? Your son, Kāla, was destroyed by the gods themselves, partisans of Kļşņa, who played a trick. Recognize an adverse fate from . that. Acknowledging the law, these Yadus, though powerful, left Mathurā and went to the city Dvārakā. Kșşņa has come now opposed to you, but not of his own accord, like a serpent dragged from its hole by you, after striking it with a club. So much having happened, master, it is not fitting to fight with him. If you do not fight, he will turn around and leave.”
214 212. See above, p. 77 f.
215 217. Siśupāla, the son of Damaghosa and Mādri, a sister of the Daśārhas. 29 N
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