Book Title: Trishasti Shalaka Purusa Caritra Part 5
Author(s): Hemchandracharya, Helen M Johnson
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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is the recipient of women like the ocean of rivers. Sporting with the two of them like Śiva with Ganga and Umā, Brahman's son passed the night there. "Until I obtain my kingdom, you must stay with Puspavati," he said and dismissed them. They said, "Very well," respectfully; and the people and the palace and everything disappeared like a city in a mirage.
Then Brahman's son went to the hermitage to look for Ratnavati. Not seeing her there, he asked a man of good appearance: Have you seen yesterday or today a woman wearing divine garments and adorned with jeweled ornaments, good sir?" He said: "Yesterday I saw a woman, crying, 'Lord! Lord!' Recognizing her as my granddaughter, I entrusted her to her paternal uncle." Told by him," You are her husband," Brahman's son agreed and was conducted by him, delighted, to her uncle's house. The uncle married Brahmadatta to Ratnavati with great magnificence. Everything requires little effort on the part of the rich.
Experiencing pleasures of the senses with her, one day he began Varadhanu's funeral rites. While the Brahmans were eating, like visible ghosts, Varadhanu came there disguised as a Brahman and said, "If you give food to me, that is to Varadhanu in person." His speech was heard by Brahman's son, like nectar to the ear. When he had seen him, making him one with himself, as it were, by an embrace, bathing him as it were with tears of joy, he conducted him into the house. Questioned by the prince he told his adventures.
At that time, when you were asleep, I was attacked by thieves like Dirgha's soldiers. I was hit by an arrow by a thief inside the trees. I fell to the ground and concealed myself in the vines. When the thieves had gone away, concealing myself in the trees like an ați 318 in water, gradually I reached a village. Learning news of you from the villagechief, I came here. By good fortune I saw you, like a peacock
318 407. The ați is an acquatic bird (MW and Abhi. 4. 404), but the comparison does not seem very felicitous.
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