Book Title: Trishasti Shalaka Purusa Caritra Part 5
Author(s): Hemchandracharya, Helen M Johnson
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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ADDITIONAL NOTES Series, No. 3); but no details are given there, either. P. 343 (9. 1.414). With a play on mātanga meaning' elephant'
and outcaste.' P. 351 (n. 22). This is not a true example of the Joseph and
Potiphar motif, as the Nāgini had not tried to seduce
Brahmadatta. P. 354 (9. 1. 578). The Yogaśāstra (p. 90a) has krūreņānena,
which seems to me a little better. P. 373 (9. 2. 249). Note 332 applies to the “old nun,” not
to Nandā, who was Padmā's friend. P. 396 (9. 3. 280). Karaña is defined in the Nś. as “the two
feet moving (together)” in 11. 2. and as “combined (movement of) hands and feet” in 4. 30-34. An angahāra
consists of a number of karañas. Nś. 4. 30–34. P. 410 (n. 376 to 9. 4. 92). The commentary to Rāmāyaṇa,
2. 107. 6, (Gujarati Printing Press edition) also quotes these lines about the five lies.
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