in number. It is well known that in the whole range of 'Subjective Evolution', Success is the most desired by all; and Error, Disability, and Contentment are impediments to Success; this is what is said in the words : “ The aforesaid thrce are checks to Success." "The aforesaid three' are Error, Disabılty and Contentinent. And these act as curbs on the various forms of Success, --because they retard their progress: the Success being likened to so many elephants whose movement is curbed by the goad, · Ankus'a,' and thus being opposed to success the latter three are ever to be abandoned.
239) Objection:-“Granted all this. But it has been said that Evolution is for the Spirit's purpose. This purpose can he fulfilled either by the Subjective Esolution' or by Objective Evolution alone. Why have bóth the Evolu
tions ?"
-4.75wer --
Kārika LII Without the 'Subjective', there would be no
'Objective', and without the 'Objective' Necessity of two- there would be no Subjective. Therefold creation
fore, there proceeds two-fold evolution, the Objective' and the 'Subjective'.
(240) The term · Linga' Objective 'stands for the Evolution out of the Rudimentary elements, and Bhāva' * Subjective for the evolution out of the Will.
The meaning of the Kärıkā is that the Objective Evolution cannot manifest itself or accomplish the purpose of the Spirit without the Subjective Evolution': nor conversely can the latter manifest itself or serve the Spirit's purpose without the objective. Hence the necessity of a two-fold evolution,