Book Title: Tattva Kaumudi
Author(s): Oriental Book Agency Poona
Publisher: Oriental Book Agency Poona

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Page 300
________________ TATTVA-KAUMUDI [XVII. active entity can move or urge anything. Sometimes mere proximity or contanct brings about activity, as we see in the case of iron and load-stone. Cf. तत्संनिधानादधिष्ठातृत्वं मणिवद् (सां. स. 1. 96 ). Or, mere presence also can bnng about an activity, as in the case of a King. Cf. - न च सर्वत्र तुल्यत्वं स्यात्प्रयोजककर्मणाम् । चलनेन ह्यसिं योद्धा प्रयुक्त च्छेदनं प्रति ॥ ८५ ॥ सेनापतिस्तु वाचव भृत्यानां विनियोजकः । राजा सन्निधिमात्रेण विनियुङ्क्ते कदाचन ॥ ८६ ॥ तस्मादचलतोऽपि स्याञ्चलने कर्तृतात्मनः । (कुमारिल's श्लोकवार्तिक on मी. सू. I. 5, Chowkhamba edn., p. 710). बालराम thinks that this argument about the आधिष्ठातृत्व of पुरुष answers all the criticisms brought forward by शङ्कराचार्य in his भाष्य on रचनानुपपत्तेश्च and प्रवृत्तेश्च (ब्र. सू. II. 2. 1 and 2 ). स्वात्मनि वृत्तिविरोधात्-It is very succinctly explained by बालराम as follows-न सिधारात्मानं छिनत्ति वह्निर्वात्मानं दहतीति भावः। अन्ये त्वाहुः-भोग्या दृश्या बुद्धयादयः etc. अन्ये refers to those who cannot reconcile the निःसङ्गता of पुरुष with his भोक्तृत्व. They would, therefore, explain भोक्ता as द्रष्टा. But the same objection can be brought against these people also.- 9 being निःसङ्ग can be a द्रष्टा, only through बुद्धि; see व्यासभाष्य on द्रष्टा दृशिमात्र: शुद्धोऽपि प्रत्ययानुपश्यः (यो. सू. II. 20 ). Similarly, he can be a भोक्ता also through बुद्धि.-"एवं च द्रष्टुत्ववद् भोक्तृत्वस्यापि सम्भवादायव्याख्यानमपि समीचीनमेवेति ध्येयम् ॥" ( बालराम, p. 160 ). कैवल्यार्थ प्रवृत्तेश्च-माठर assigns this प्रवृत्ति to प्रधान, whileas, 470 and others take this gafar as belonging to the 79 and the sages-आगमानां महाधियां च ॥


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