Book Title: Tattva Kaumudi
Author(s): Oriental Book Agency Poona
Publisher: Oriental Book Agency Poona

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________________ -46 TATTVA-KAUMUDI proceeds from four modifications of nature; or from the invisible principles, from the subtile rudiments, from conditions or dispositions of intellect and from the gross elements. ( Wilson, p. 220 ). It seems that गौड • takes देव, मानुष and तैर्यग्योन ( = two, जङ्गम and स्थावर ), and divides each of them into four classes, viz., अभौतिक, लिङ्ग, भाव and भूत. [LIV LV • पतन्जलि also expresses the same idea - परिणामतापसंस्कार -दुःखैर्गुणवृत्तिविरोधाच्च दुःखमेव सर्वं विवेकिनः ( यो. सू. II. 15 ). Compare also, समानं जरामरणजं दुःखम् (सां. सू. III. 53 ). स्वभावेन is explained by चन्द्रिका as स्वत एव सर्गो दुःखरूपः, विवेकिनामिति शेषः । माठर reads अत्र in place of तत्र, and समासेन in place of स्वभावेन in the text. The former term he explains as त्रिषु लोकेषु and the latter as संक्षेपेण. चन्द्रिका quotes two योगसूत्रs in support of .. " LVI The illustration of a cook cited by वाच० and the (सां. मू. III 63 ) – विविक्तबोधात् सृष्टिनिवृत्तिः प्रधानस्य सूदवत् पाके, has got this disadvantage that सद is चेतन. The illustration of गोड० viz., यथा कश्चित् स्वार्थे त्यक्त्वा मित्रकार्याणि करोति, has the same disadvantage. The second illustration of गौड०, viz., तथा चोतं कुम्भवत् प्रधानं पुरुषार्थं कृत्वा निवर्तते, 19 better, because कुम्भ is nonintelligent. " this कारिका - " तदर्थ एव दृश्यस्यात्मा - मध्यमष्टं तदन्यसाधारणत्वात् ( II 22 ). LVII साध्यव्यभिचार: । The syllogism of the प्रतिपक्षिन् is चेतनानाधिष्ठितं अचेतनं प्रवृत्तिशून्यम् अचेतनत्वात् रथादिवत् the purport of .. ( II 21 ) and कृतार्थ प्रति नष्ट


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