Kärikā LX Generous Nature, endowed with Attributes, brings
about by manifold means, without Nature excepts no benefit to herself, the good of the Spirit, compensation
who is devoid of Attributes, and confers no benefit in return.
'As a qualified servant accomplishes the good of his unqualified master-who is devoid of good qualities and confers no benefits, -hrough purely unselfish motives, without any benelut to himself; so does poor generous Nature, endowed with the three Attributes, benefit the Spirit without any good in return to herself. Thus the pure unselfishness of Nature's motres is established.
(261) Objection :-“ We grant all this. But a dancing gırl having retired from the stage after her exhibition, returns to it again, if so desired by the spectators, similarly would Nature act even after having manifested herself to the Spirit." cinswer.
Karika LXI Nothing is more modest than Nature, such is my The reason why conviction , once aware of having been Nature does not seen, she does not again expose herself revert to her actions to the view of the Spirit.
By modesty here is meant extreme delicacy (of manners), the unbearability to suffer exposure to the Purusa's view. If a well-bred lady who is not to be seen even by the Sun, with her eyes cast down, happen to have her body uncovered by chance and thus seen by a stranger, she tries to hide herself in'such a way as not to be seen again; so Nature alsoeven more modest than such a lady-having once been seen by the Puruşa (Spirit) will in no case show herself again.