Book Title: Tattva Kaumudi
Author(s): Oriental Book Agency Poona
Publisher: Oriental Book Agency Poona

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Page 280
________________ TATTVA-KAUMUDĪ [IV nised by other schools. The aris materialist recognises only प्रत्यक्ष, the जैन and वैशेषिक schools recognise प्रत्यक्ष and अनुमान, the मावs also recognise only two प्रमाणs, but they are प्रत्यक्ष and your according to them. The followers of THIEF, the जरनेयायिकs, and the सांख्य and the योग systems recognise प्रत्यक्ष, अनुमान and शब्द. The oldest and the most modern नैयायिका and the followers of the महेश्वर school recognise उपमान in addition to the three named above. The मीमांसकs of प्रभाकर school add अर्थापत्ति as the fifth. The मीमांसकs of कुमारिलभट्ट school and the अद्वैतवेदान्तिनs recognise one more, vis., अनुपलब्धि or S . The number of us reaches eight in the case of the पौराणिकs who add संभव and ऐतिय to the list. Some तान्त्रिक recognise aer also in addition to the above: others add afarar to the list, and thus the total reaches ten. The commentators have tried to show that all the seven Thrs, apart from the three recognised by the Fil, fall under the latter. 1. 394719 arao splits it up into URTET, 37TATA and Ta; ATST regards it to be THTA; जय० includes it under अनुमान and शब्द: गौड includes it under शब्द; and चन्दिका under अनुमान. 2. surga All the commentators include it under अनुमान. 3. 37719 वाच. and जय regard it as प्रत्यक्ष; माठर includes it under अनुमान. Although गौडs. remark-सम्भवाभावप्रतिभतित्योपमाश्चाप्तवचने, suggests its inclusion under 1784, yet another remark of his, vis., शुष्कधान्यदर्शनावृष्टेरभावो गम्यते, would lead us — to infer that he will have it under अनुमान; aparent regards it as a help-mate of years, and, therefore, no independent TATT.


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