Book Title: Reviews Of Different Books

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________________ 262 REVIEWS tables of the frequency of the verb forms, a list of alphabetically arranged verb forms with attached preverbs, a list of alphabetically arranged verb forms with more than one attached preverb, a list of alphabetically arranged verb forms with preverbs detached from them, references to the occurrence of frequently occurring forms: aha, juhoti and bhavati, a list of alphabetically arranged roots in each verbal system and finally a list of ten passages containing uncertain verb forms. The three editions used for the index are those published in the Bibliotheca Indica, the Government Oriental Library Series and the Anandasrama Sanskrit Series (cf. M. B. Emeneau, Union list, nos. 207-209). One must be grateful to Dr. Ananthanarayana for having undertaken the laborious task of compiling this index. The University of Texas and the Deccan College deserve our gratitude, the first for having given a grant enabling the completion of this work, the second for having included it in the Deccan College Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series. [3, 4] Leopold von Schroeder's editions of the Maitrayani Samhita and the KathakaSamhita are indispensable tools for Vedic studies. Both works have been out of print for many years. One must be very grateful to the Franz Steiner Verlag for having undertaken a photomechanic reprint. According to the announcement of the publisher, the reprint of the Kathaka will also include Richard Simon's index. Book one and two have already appeared and the third book and the index are due shortly. Of the four books of the Maitrayani Samhita the first and the second have so far been published. The publishers have rendered an eminent service to Vedic studies by bringing out this excellent reprint. Professor Klaus Janert has contributed a "Vorbemerkung" which is to be found in the beginning of each volume. Janert does not mention the critical remarks made by several scholars on von Schroeder's editions. In his above-mentioned book Tsuji remarks that there are many passages which have to be corrected (cf. notes 373 and 476). It would have been useful to have a list of all the emendations which have been suggested since the original publication of these two editions. The most important studies, which contain emendations of the text of the Maitrayani Samhita and the Kathaka-Samhita, are mentioned by Tsuji. One must hope that the reprint of von Schroeder's editions will prompt a scholar to undertake a critical study of the text of both Samhitas, taking into account the emendations already proposed by previous scholars. Australian National University J. W. de Jong Hymnes de Abhinavagupta. Traduits et commentes par Lilian Silburn (= Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, fasc. 31). Paris, Institut de Civilisation Indienne, 1970; Depositaire exclusif: Edition E. de Bocard. 107 pp. 30 F. Melle Lilian Silburn a deja consacre plusieurs travaux au Sivaisme du Kasmir (Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, fascicules 5, 8, 15, 19, 29). Cette fois-ci elle nous donne une traduction, abondamment annotee, de huit hymnes d'Abhinavagupta. Sept de ces hymnes furent publies pour la premiere fois par M. K. C. Pandey en 1935. La Bodhapancadasika fut publiee en 1918 dans le volume XIV (non XIII comme le dit p. 2, note 3) des Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies. Dans l'introduction Melle Silburn etudie les idees philosophiques et mystiques d'Abhinavagupta. On y cherchera en vain une discussion de l'authenticite de l'attribution de ces hymnes a Abhinavagupta. Dans l'ouvrage de M. Pandey (Abhinavagupta, deuxieme edition, Benares, 1963) on trouvera


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