Book Title: Kavi Kaustubh
Author(s): Rajasthan Puratan Granthmala
Publisher: Rajasthan Puratan Granthmala

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Page 25
________________ NOTES (The Roman figures refer to the numbers of the stanzas. 1., line). 1. The reading of the Ms. 'रूपान्त्समासतः is also correct, according to P. VIII. 3. 32 नश्च (नकारान्तात्सस्य धुड्डा । सन्त्सः सन्सः । सिद्धान्तकौमुदी). But as such forms with « inserted between the final and the initial & are not generally found in printed texts, the more usual form is adopted in this text also. समासतः, in brief. शल्परूपान्, which are of the nature of darts, i. e. which come in the way of full appreciation and enjoyment of poetical compositions (काव्यप्रबन्ध). पूर्वाचार्यः प्रदर्शितान् दोषान् , though the author says here that he will state and illustrate the pages which are already pointed out by earlier writers in the field, it does not appear that he is indebted to any one author in particular, though he imitates the wording of some in framing the definitions of a few 198. For the most part, his treatment is indepen. dent as regards the definitions and the selection of illustratiyeistanzas, 2-4. These three Kärikās enumerate the 23 6 98 or the flaws which characterise a sentence as a whole. छन्दोभ्रष्टम् etc., these words are adjectives qualifying वाक्यं understood. श्लिष्टागमविरोधि, (लिष्टं च आगमविरोधि च) this expression denotes two faults free and smartfer and as such the compound should have been an इतरेतरद्वन्द (i.e. श्लिष्टागमरोधिनी). But by relying on the option allowed by the rule सर्वो द्वन्द्वः विभाषयैकवद्भवति (परिभाषेन्दुशेखर, ३४) which is in neuter gender by स नपुंसकम् (पा. २. ४. १७) श्लिष्टागमबिरोधि is used meterca causc. रीतिपरिभ्रष्टं रीति भ्रष्टं is stz. 54 below. अवस्थाद्रव्यभेदकम् , अवस्थाभेदकं द्रव्यभेदकं च. अवस्थाभेदकं = अव स्थाविरोधि in stz. 59 below. For the compound अवस्थाद्रव्यभेदकं see note on शिष्टागमविरोधि above. देशकला etc., in this expression five flaws are enumerated : देशविरोधिकम् , कलाविरोधिकम् , न्यायविरोधिकम् , कालविरोधिकम् and हेतुविरोधिकम्. विरोधिकम् occurring at the end of the द्वन्द्व compound देश-कला न्याय काल हेतवः being construed with each member of the compound by the rule द्वन्द्वान्ते भूयमाणं पदं प्रत्येकं सम्बध्यते. खण्डिताधिपदे, खण्डितं च अधिपदं च. 5-6. The nine flaws which characterise a particular word (पद) only in a sentence are listed in the Kārikas bb and 6. स्वसवेतप्रक्लप्तार्थ etc., here also these words with the exception of gaafiti: are adjectives qualifying understood. It would have been better if we had garti in uniformity with other eight words instead of पुनरुक्तिः (noun) primarily meaning 'repetition' and then by लक्षणा, a flaw in a word characterised by repetition. For this list of पददोष. रघनाथ seems to be indebted to वाग्भटालद्वार 2.6-7a viz. अनर्थकं श्रुतिकटु व्याहतार्थमलक्षणम् । स्वसङ्केतप्रक्लप्तार्थमप्रसिद्धमसंमतम् ॥ ग्राम्यं यच्च प्रजायेत पदं तन्न प्रयुज्यते । Here वाग्भट has mentioned 8 पददोषs. But our author omits अनर्थक and adds two more-अगौरव and पुनरुक्ति. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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