प्रथममास पपात पश्चात्, प्रभंशयां यो नहुषं चकार' इति । प्रमाद एवायम् । न च विपरीतप्रयोगनिवृत्तिमात्रे सूत्रस्य तात्पर्यात्, पश्चात्प्रयोगो व्यवहितोऽपि न दुष्यतीति वाच्यम् । आमन्तस्य विपर्यासनिवृत्त्यर्थ व्यवहितAqui a arcafateral In raz's lare this stz. is given as an instance of निर्लक्षणदोष.
22, 1. 1. अन कृम्वस्तियोगे etc. The emendation क्रमाद्धातोराम्यासप्राप्तौ in place of narrated is made on the advice of Pandit Mahes’varas'āstrī Joshi. According to him, it is incorrect to say क्रमद्धातोरासप्राप्ता (सत्यां ) as आस is not directly added on to the root ( here qua79 causal of 967 ) but to the 377 whja is added to the root by PETCATETETHEO fore; and the emendation is to be explained thus : erat: 3 6 Banglender - 371AFTAT (AT) i.e. where should have been used immediately after 31which is to be addoul to the root. कृभ्वस्तियोगे - this is a reference to the सूत्र, कृञ्चानुप्रयुज्यते लिटि, in which the use of the Perfect forms of and ste along with those of 5 are prescribed to be added to आम्, by अनुवृत्ति of भू and आस्. प्रथमपदव्यभिचारेण, due to theidiolation (of the regular order of words 994+ SITA + 3HİF ) by ( the casertion pf) the word 'प्रथम' between पातयां and आस).
23. a, verbocity or use of disproportionate cum Jer, of words as compared to the sense. Cf. aprila 2.20, starat 97 agoraratda amanti - FASHA Ealaj al laat er 1 miles, equality, balance. Han fortscifrafaggi, AT वेष्टुं आशितुं शीलं येषां ते मरुद्वेषिणः तेषां राजा वासुकिः तेन राजितः (शोभितः) विग्रहः शरीरं यस्य सः. Here the sense is - S'iva appears beautiful with his body adorned with the snakeking Vāsuki. But instead of the straightforward or direct expression TEET, the roundabout expression, 'the king of those who live on wind is used, and hence the fault rifT arises.
23, 1. 1. Tit is a work on Rhetorics, dealing for the most part with varieties and sub-varieties of Tits, and areas, their friends and the sentiment of it of two types. It was written by 7 who according to Mm. P. V. Kane flourished between the end of the 13th and beginning of the 14th century A.D. In our text, the edn. of this work in af f HMT, Benares, 1929, is referred to.
24. Acc. to our author, this stz. is an instance of tifhasta as the sense is only that the saw gut, and the use of so many words to describe acum and the tears of my causes this fault. But in the com.arfit of a talent, on the That, the significance and the necessity of every word in this stz., which is given to illustrate the 3rd variety of अनुशयाना परकीया नायिका (here, राधा) is explained.
25. This stz. describes the tank dug by one of the kings that had assembled for the स्वयंवर of दमयन्ती. Read 'कोडक्रीडद्विजाली in the second line.
Trans.--This [ king] has caused a tank to be dug, where the waves cause rippling sound due to the wind from the fluttering wings of the flock of birds sporting on the sheet of water rich in the fragrance of the petals of blooming blue lotuses, and [the tank] which pleases the eyes of the travellers whose heat of summer is removed by its banks full of rows of trees having abundant fresh green leaves in the cluster of their branches.
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