(25) “चिन्तामणिव्याख्यायो शिरोमणिभट्टाचार्यः"-fol. 18.
"चिंतामणौ-दीधितिव्याख्यायां"-( About 1500 A. D.) (26) सारङ्गयाम्-fol. 19. __ "सुरासुरैर्वन्दितपादपद्म......देवगुरुं शिवं च ॥ ८॥" (27) कणकवेः भावपञ्चाशिकायाम् "-fol. 20.. "सिन्धुसूनुपतेर्मित्रं...." भाति ते कीर्तिमण्डलम्"॥॥
(Vide CC. III, 88-भावपञ्चाशिका Kavya by Kavi Vrnda). (28) “कुटुम्बकवेः प्रस्तावप्रबन्धे"-fol. 20...
" दधाति चन्द्रः किरणैश्वकोरान् ....."प्रकृतिर्हिताय " ॥ ४५ ॥ (29) “ललमुहूर्तसार"-fol. 23.. (30) कुवलयानन्दे-fol. 24--" उपमा यत्र सादृश्य...अवगाहते"
Appaya. Diksita composed the कुवलयानन्द. The life period of Appaya is A. D. 1554-1626 (72 years) according to his descendants while others assign Appaya so the period A. D. 1524–1593 (Vide p. 341 of भट्टोजी-दीक्षित-ज्ञातिविवेक in Marathi by Rao Bahadur
W. A. Bambardekar, Bombay, 1939).
It will be seen from the above references that the latest works mentioned by the author of the कविकौस्तुभ are (1) मुहूर्त चिंतामणि of A. D. 1600 and (2) कुवलयानंद of Appaya Diksita (A. D.1550-1600 or so). We must, therefore, conclude that he flourished after about A. D. 1650. As our author seems to be identical with his name-sake कविकुलावतंस-रघुनाथपंडित मनोहर author of the वैयविलास composed in A. D. 1697 the date of कविकौस्तुभ may be between A. D. 1675 and 1700 or so.
So far only one work of this author viz." dataare on Medicine was known. The present account of the fastest proves conclusively that he composed this work on Poetics as well. We have seen above that in this work he refers to and quotes from a work on Prosody called the getrara composed by him "मद्विरचितछन्दोरवावल्याम्" in two places. As no such work has been discovered so far I quote below the verses from this work as quoted by रघुनाथ मनोहर:Folio Pa-" शत्र छन्दसि मद्विरचितछन्दोरत्नावल्याम् ॥ .
यदि द्वितीयं च चतुर्थपञ्चमं तथाष्टमं तदशमं भवेद्गुरु ।। यदाक्षरं द्वादशकं महीपते गिरन्ति वंशस्थमनल्पधीपणाः ॥ यदा द्वितीयं च तथा चतुर्थ सखे भवेत्पंचमकं च दीर्घ । तथाष्टमं वा दशमं तथान्यम् उपेन्द्रवज्रारष्पु(?)पुना गीता ॥"
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