it is quoted as from वङ्गसेने तृष्णाधिकारे); (2) the चिकित्सासारसंग्रह of वङ्गसेन (B. O. R. Institute Ms. no. 535 of 1892-1895, fol. 348. fa hETONE and FachrataAFE are the alternate titles of this work ). Here it occurs as the last stanza in ETHET fy which is a part of the JIGGESETT. Hence it is evident that thife's anga zoti
fi is a reference to this very work. (3) 2017 (author not known. B. O. R. I. Ms. no. 1073 of 1886-1892, fol. 5a); (4) fratrem (AnSS vol. 4, p. 243).
11. But none of these four works, in spite of other variations, read fazemic in the second line. As given in our text the second line contains only 11 syllables in 302571 metre, whereas the remaining three lines contain 12 syllables, the first and the second line are in 181, and the fourth in FETT Now there occur's here the zalagat because of the unequal combination of three lines (a, e, d) in 12 syllables and one of 11 syllables (b), as shown under 7 above. But our author does not notice the discrepancy in the second line (perhaps he might have read प्रकल्पयेत् as in the चिकित्सासारसंग्रह, हेमाद्रि's com. and fra, and fault is to be attributed to a scrible error ), and picks the
t of छन्दोभ्रष्ट as there is a mixture of वंशस्थ (a,c) and इन्द्रवंशा (d), This however, is not reasonable. For, a combination of two metres having the same number of syllables and differing but slightly from each other is allowed in books on Prosody. cf. the acant quoted in notes on stz. 7 above. In fact, वैद्यनाथशास्त्री in his विषमस्थल टिप्पन on the वृत्तरत्नाकर KSS. p. 79, cites the stz.
a: 59 etc. as an instance of 577ifa arising out of the mixture a 9851, the first three lines of which are in aer and the last in pear.
12. FTTETTE, Taft TT 946777 i. e. 10th and 12th syllables. The वृत्तरत्नाकर 3.47 thus defines the इन्द्रवंशा – स्यादिन्द्रवंशा ततजै रसंयुतैः ( KSS. 55. p.78). फणिभाषितां, declared by फणिन् i. e. पिङ्गल, “ the supposed author of the Chandas or Treatise on Metre regarded as one of the Vedāngas, identified by some with Patañjali, the author of the Mahābhāsya". MW. p. 625. In the tallet of also fois referred to as FITTF or for at ( apcaiht, KSS. 55, pp. 29, 30).
13. The complete stz. runs as follows :
तपेन वर्षाः शरदा हिमागमो वसन्तलक्ष्म्या शिशिरः समेत्य च ।
प्रसूनक्लुप्तिं दधतः सदर्तवः पुरेस्य वास्तव्यकुटुम्बतां ययुः ॥ This stz. is in 5 metre. But strangely enough our author looks upon this as an instance of sathalu, for according to him in the third line the 197scheme would not be ज त जर as required in वंशस्थ, but य त जर as न in प्रसून preceds a conjunct consonant viz. Fe But z being a vowel Faz cannot be called a conjunct (Fatar, SEOTT: : - 18.8.19). Perhaps here the author wants to display his minute knowledge of grammar; for acc. to T. 4..86 EHUT there is a portion of in Frey and as stated in the Mahābhāsya वणकदेशग्रहणे वर्णग्रहणम्, क्ल in क्लप्तिं may be looked upon as a conjunct made up of and 2, and as such making the preceding a prosodically long.
13, I 3. fiaturengerata, (Hatari Terait) as a syllable preceding a conjunct (संयोग) becomes metrically long. Acc. to संयोगे गुरु (संयोगे परे हवं गुरुसंझं
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