Book Title: Jaina System of Education Author(s): Debendra Chandra Das Gupta Publisher: Bharti MahavidyalayaPage 26
________________ 10 J1115) STL11 OL I DUCATION also to be taken m. We do not know cxactly lilien tliis latitude began but ic do hnowy il101 the Lord Bucketlin in tlic sixth century BC. jomcd thic [amous Umenili od 17hsila (1 7xıla) wlcrc lic mastered an encyclopacılıc range of Icyrumg melumg the thircc Vcdas cighteen Sciences and aris Ilus was to consumic his royal dulics both in tune of peace and in time of wr The trainmg reculled here in that ancient unii crsity was physical as well as mental and inoral It was mcant to m einen perfeu llic couscs of serdics licrc arcfully made to take spcurl care of moule abilities or ( factor and the specific abilities or 5 factor tlic art courses includmg printing music dancing lcaping, riling the lorses elephants inillary sciences cic undoubtelly took are of the factor Iliough thcsc illo tcrmis (ctor and S factor were comed by perman a lamous Brugli psychologist the discrences be licen these types of intelligence nicre known to thic Hindus of ancient tinc und the CLITICULT scri especially organic to adjust to uic differ cnt nccls of pupils Export knonlage on this head is rciealed by halıclása or ratlier in the contcupomrics of Kalidasa We sec how a distinct prouision of a perfect type of clucation has made for Malaurka under the tmuon of Pror Canadzsa Anyway a sound thicory of educa tion pervaded the Brahmanical system of cducation from the start the meridian day of couczuon The wcient authority Vmu laid special cinphasis on the mental state of the students as constituting dicir necessary qualification for admission to Brahmanical schools We must note here the close rela tion that existed betricen thic Bralimanıc and the secular or Art school proper The forincr was exclusi cly meant for the spiritual culture at any rate spiritual culture was their dominant au Secular schools were meant principally for the Suciras ulio miglit get their practical education enabling them to carn their bread and butter and to serve the twice born classes all the more efficiently The incidental refer ence to this fact is lo bc had un Manu But a Sudra being unable to find service with the twice born and threatened with the loss of luis sons and use (through bunger) may maintain himself by handicrafts (Let hun follow) thosc mechanical occupations and those various practical arts by following wluch the twice born are (best) served : 5 Manu tr by G Bühler p 499 verse PP 99, 100 dePage Navigation
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