Book Title: Jaina System of Education Author(s): Debendra Chandra Das Gupta Publisher: Bharti MahavidyalayaPage 51
________________ LECTURE IV 37 two Arabian authonucs of the ninth century AD, we can gather that thic pracicc of conferring Doctoralc was also in voguc in Ceylon "Thc hing of this land has laws which are the ground work of Religion and Gorcinment of the country Heic arc Doctors, and Asscinblies of Icained men like those of the Hadiths among the Arabs The Indians icpai to thcsc Isscmblics and writc don in what they hcai of thc Lives of the prophicis, and the various cxpositions of the Laws "53 It is definic that thus gicat honoui was never conscued on any slucent for thic mcre volume of huis lcaining originality and research wcrc the most nccdsul thing in a Doctor The prospective Doctoi had 1o look for truth m primary sources available in thc Stalc library or in the libianics of the monastcnics Kundakunda Ācārya composed his thesis in the State library In the Jama as ucll as the Buddhist Univci silics, the scheme of work for a Doctor was ici, arduous. Thcie wcic good many research scholais oi prospccic Doctors who becamc emment authorities. In laici cimes, onc such typical scholai was Buddhaghosa himsell Front the Icil it is clcar that hic looked soi clausicalion and harmony of the luth of Buddhist pluilosophy. A good deal of claborate study was needed soi ilic poposc In a rod, icscarches in a Buddhist University icquired thorough cuticism of a doctrine, test of its genuineness, synthesis and intcrprctation "That which investigates impci mancncc, cic, is 'Scarch' (vicaya) 'Rcscarch' (pavicaya) shows inci case by mcans of the picpositions 'Scaich sor docuine' is that which investigates the doctine of the Fou Touths''51 and we quote again “In the cxposition of 'mvestigation', the [lcinel] of the word cãra expiesses a going-about the object. This is the primary ineaning. 'Investigation' indicales gencial sci uliny The next lerms with prefixes-anu-upa-vicāia indicato order and closeness in the investigation Next, 'mental adljustment' indicates the mind being fitted to its object as an archer fixes his ariow to the bow-sliing, and examination' is either a sustained consideration, or the opposite-want-of-consideration (anu 53 Ancient Account of India and China by two Mahommedan Travellers, 11 by Eusebius Reunando, pp 83-84 54. Buddhaghosa, The_Expositor, vol. I, ti. by Maung Tin, M.A., p. 195.Page Navigation
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