of citizens content and happy It was liauniul loy actors, canctis, 10pewalleis, 11 csilcis, boscis, ICCICIS, jumper ballid singers, storCliclluis. pole danccis, piciuc-slowmen, papers, lure players and clappers in plenty:"?
(b) Rījagi ha
Let us now come to the multis (nly of Rajagala, the capital or Magadlia It was situated in the midst of hic mountains and bus was impiegnablc against any possibility of foreign ttcls. We can 1201 know much about it from the lama source Buch is to be supplementul by the Buddhist ick which tells iis in good about it
ll'c lcau from Buddhist sources that the (llarens ol Rangoli, had recuuise to hunting, and the raining of mals and in the 100 veiy dignisicd occupations of the soules and the clociluuntet me inin being, and the butches ucie sb dadel licimcil 11 lile. butchers, shccp-buchers and pig-butches 11 ts karilass in sint 11111 the genesis and development of these o ptions hoc influenced by the hilly civiionment of the ritz, the hills being the abodes of all types of animals and buds. The Lord Buddla lumell sokled in y region five hundid li fiom Rajagilia where theic liucl a mountain clan of humicis consisung of 122 persons Ovci and above, the occupation of cattle-raising flouislice m tlic subub - Rīgagn 11.1 Curiously enough, thc caulc-raiscis were all Braums by both This occupation flow ishics ouing to the luxurious growth of grass clue to the mountainous icgions near by luhatic rous mi be quoted, “In days of old, at the back of the Gudhiaküla mounams. neai Rājagi ha, theic was a village, of some seventy or so lamılıes, all of them Brahınans Buddha ushing 10 concil these people, came to the place and sat down undei a licc
To this they icplied-'lchaic dwelt heic dung thusty-gencialions past, and om occupation is lo tend cattle "
The climate of Rājagrha was also savow able to the growth of floriculture, and we aic lold of Aljunac a uch floust of the city. This science iequired a thoi ough and systematic study and icachied to a great perfection We are told of the sage who came from the Supar
35 The Anlagadadasão And Anuttai ovaväiya-dasão, pp 1--? 36 Dhammapada, ir by Saniucl Bcal, p 61, vcisc 102.