Book Title: Jaina System of Education
Author(s): Debendra Chandra Das Gupta
Publisher: Bharti Mahavidyalaya

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Page 139
________________ LECTURE X 125 of the Jaina fathers from the diffcicnt Jaina monasteries to participaic in them conu ibulcd 10 the dissemination of the icligious punciples. Finally we have touched very briefly on the conubution of the Jaw'r fatheis to icligion, philosophy, lucratics and sciences With this bus suricy of our ninc lccruics. 'c may sarcly corclude that during the Jama poirod. centuics before the Christian ci. down to the fomiccnih century AD., thc Jaina fatlıcıs ucic busily active in the spicad of their religion and culuc among ilic people Their education and picachings ricic basce upon sound chuo ulional psychology and the Jaina sathcıs ricre thoroughly acqumnied with the child psychology, adolescent psychology and curational psychology and their wholc clucation was based upon sound psychological pune ciples Our sluicy rci cals the following poolagogical principles touching upon all aspects of coucauon which are astonishingly molein Ow survey has given us a significant picuuic of an ancient civilwauon i It appeared in course of ou locuincs that the Jaina system of education was a thoroughly compichcusic one meant for making its recepients good citizens, sound chuchmon, and cliccnt rulers op the future, fil for discharging thien tasks All the fou grcal agencies of education opciated with this gocat end in vicu. 2 Seculai cducation was scgrcgalled from the icligious though both the types of education wcie impailed in the Jaina monastcuies 3 Education was conti olled by the Family, thic Church, the State, the School and Industry all co-ordinating with one anothcı sor a common cause 4 The Jaina Church had a business council to settle dispute with the state or any othei constiluent body It had an academic council or assembly of the Icained monks enti usted with thic task of the reception of the wandering Arhats, anangement of extension lcctures etc It had under jurisdiction of these two organizations a hierarchy of teachers and officers cach with specific duties in tcaching, preaching, in initiating the novices before the Assembly of the monks and in rehabilitating the morally pcivert Herc the sliicl adınınistrative principle of authority and responsibility were strictly adhered 10 and each teacher and officer had his own responsibility and authority, the violation of which was not tolerated. 5. It conferred academic degrees such as Paņạitā, Bahuśruta and -


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