of this land Many Europcan authontics chuk olhei wisc, but their opinions, without hesitation may be alributed lo purc dogmatisin begotten of ignorance We givc below a list of occupations connected with mucıals as given by the Jama authorities. These aic the occupations of goldsmiths, jewelleis,"? chick-jcwcllcis,94 jewclicsici 5,5 braziers (hosahara),”0 woihcis in mcials including gold, silvcı - and copper -8 Mineral-occupations aic mentioned in thc Yogaśāscia uidci the category of traslic in poison The list includes swoics, ploughs, cically weapons and spades The sale of these deadly ni capons is called uallic in poison " Thesc micral-occupations icceived sullei u calment in the Mahābhārala Hemacancia, in thc Yogaśāsua, vol. I, mencions vocations regarding machincıy for picssing scsamun, oil-scod, pressing sugar-cane and water-inill 70 It is hard for us to tell siom Hemacandia's description of the machinery and from the commentary whether these implements were made cntiicly of wood oi of iron Alany ialc, these machines must have been made of both wood and iron Vocations concei ning the manufacture of charcoal are also mflucnced by mountains foi they are dependent upon the supply of limbii rom foiests. It is styled as Angārajīvihã in the Jama litcialuc The charcoal was utilized according to the commentary of the Yogaśāstia in fiying cei cals, in bahing can then pols, in picparing medical herbs, in smelling iron, silver and gold 31 Tiallic in lac?? was also go cally influenced by mountains along with the soil and the climate Soil, climalc and watei also determine gically the higher nccds of human lifc, viz. politics, religion, science and cducalion All these aspects of human civilization are the products of the thicc saclois mentioned above.. Limited space and time forbid the lengthy discussion of these aspects
23 Trisaştısalāhā-pui usa-Cautia, vol II, p. 191 24 Ibid, p 81 25 Prabandhacıntāmanı, P 104 26 Padmānanda Mahāhāvya, P 592, veise no 8 27a Ibid, veisс no 2 276 Tusastısalākā-pui usa-Caritia, vol II, p. 191 28 Ibid, Loc Cit 29 Hemacandra Yogaśāslia, vol I, p. 571, vci se no. 101 30 Ibid, verse no 11 31 Ibid, p 567, veise no 102. 32 Ibid, p 570, verse no. 108.