be recognized as the standard of occupational and educational selection. In order to have mider of the locational selection made on the basis of castelic liarc to refer oursely cs, to Manu and other authorities. Thus Manu advocates locational sclcction on purcly caste-system in the follow ing crses a man of low-caste who through covetiousness luvcs by thic occupations of a higher one the king shall deprive him of his property and banish
It is better (to discharge) oncs own (appointed) duty incompletely than to perform completely that of another for he who lues according to the law of another (caste) is instantly excluded from his own ** Vaikhanasasmartaguırm makes similar injunction in occupational and cducational sclection only to preserc thc existing social order of the time" The Mahablarata recommcpds the threc principal group of vocations to be adjusted to the thirce principal classes of people viz. thc highest the middle and the lowest classes of people to avoid chaos in locations that is io climinate vocational mal adjustment. Though in the Mahabharata the element of caste system is advocated in voca tional choice yet premiuin is placed upon efficiency and intelligence in vocational training and placement. This the following verse till support our claim
"कश्चिन्मुण्या महत्स्पे मध्यमेपुच मध्यमा ।
अधन्याश्व जघन्येषु भूत्पाासुयोजिता" Rigidity of the caste system was not strictly adhered 10 in vocational and educational selection during the Buddhist period and education was completely democratized Scholars in collaboration with their parent or parents made a thorough selection of their life s calling so as to fit the profession into their natural bent of mind which woulil enable them to live as a self respecting citizen in the State The follow ing quotation will support our contention When Jiwaka who was also called Kumarbhacha was seven or eight years of age he was plat ing with the princes in the hall and they reproached him with having no mother Ashamed he went to Abhaya and asked who was hus
40 Manu p 418 surse nos. 96 97 41 Vailhanasa Smärtasutram, t by D W 41 Mahabharatăm p 46 verse no 43
Caland p 225 p 231