nion, cook part in politics and lic also oncc lcd an army against the Ling of Ujjain
During the latter part of tlus lcclurc nc haie mainly cwelt upon thic intcllectual activitics of thic Jainas which may be said to have cons Luc a period of Ronnussance which is associated with its develogy ment of liictaturc sccular arts and sciences. Its carlicr part has mainly clcalı sit religious 7CUIT LICs which may be said to hasc represented the Rcformation moiement History docs not always rcpeat itself aftcr all In Furopycan history the Renaissance movement proceded the Rcformation inoi cment Herc the order was reversed What we hasc designated as thic Jaina Rcformilion was associated with religroli and plulosopliy 'c haic discussed religion some dat in detail but uc harc rcsrained froin dusclling on philosophy almost altogether be cause of 117nt of sprcc