( xxviii)
The Aparājitaprcchă mentions a two-armed image of Siddhāyikā as below :
द्विभुजा कनकाभा च पुस्तकं चाभयं तथा । सिद्धायिका तु कर्तव्या भद्रासनसमन्विता ॥
-Aparājitaprcchā, 221, 38.
The Jaina literature classifies the subsidiary divinities into four classes, namely, Jyotisi, Vimanavāsi, Bhavanapati and Vyantara, based on their natural and individual affiliations. The Rūpamandana mentions the names of twenty-four Nakşatras! and twelve Rāsis, but does not give their iconographic features. It also narrates the eight Pratihāryas, viz., Indra, Indrajaya,
Mahendra, Vijaya, Dharanendra, Padmaka, Sunabha, Suradundubhi and furnishes details about each of them. The description appears to be based on the Aparăjitapşcchã.4
The developed iconometry of the Jaina pantheon and the profuse number of Jaina images during the medieval period tend to indicate thc growing Tāntric influence which had gained ground during this period. It also shows that the Hindu Purāņic religion had its 'inter-action on the medieval Indian culture including the field of plastic art.
Besides a few iconographic texts referred to above, there are several other literary works like the Abhidhāna-Cintāmani,
1. Ripamandana, VI, 7-8. 2. Ibid., 10-11. 3. Ibid., 28-32. 4. Cr. फलं वज्राङकुशौ दण्ड इन्द्रोऽसव्ये इन्द्रजयः ।
द्वौ वज्रौ फलदण्डी च महेन्द्रोऽसव्ये विजयः ? ॥ तदायुधयोगोद्भवास्त्रिपञ्चाश्वफणा (ग्रहा) मताः । धरणेन्द्र: पद्मकश्च सर्वे शान्तिकराः स्मृताः ।। यक्षरूपाधिकाराश्च निधिहस्ताः शुभोदराः । सर्वशान्तिप्रदावेवं सुनाभः सुरदुन्दुभिः ॥ इत्यष्टौ च जिनेन्द्रस्य प्रतिहाराश्च शान्तिदाः । नगरादौ पुरे ग्रामे सर्वविघ्नप्रणाशमाः ।।
-Aparajitaprcchā, 220, 35-38.