arrow, disc, noosc, bow, thunder, disc, goad. The Digambara image, on the other hand, is represented as having either twelve or four hands. In case of twelve, the attributes are these :-cight discs, citrus Varada Mudrā, and two Fajras. The four-handed figure holds two discs.2
A good number of images of Cakreśvari, both as detached and as part of the Rṣabha Jina figure, has been found in Jaina places. The abundance of her image is due to her important cult-position as the Sāsanadevi of the first Tirtharikara.3
By her naune and symbols of disc., Garuda etc., she pertains to the nature of Vaisnavi, the wife of Visnu, whose one name is Cakresvara. Some texts give her the symbol of citron, which brings her into connection with the Yaksa class. Thus, as pointed out before, the Yaksinis, as a rule, combine in them influences from the Brahmanic goddesses as well as those of the Yakṣa demi-divinities.
नामतोतिचक्रेति हेमाभा गरुडासना | वरप्रदेषुभृच्चक्रिपा शिभिदक्षिणैर्भुजैः ।। वामहस्तैर्धनुर्वज्ज्रचक्राङ्कुशधरैर्युता ॥
Hemacandra's Adisconcerte. Parva : Sarga .
Cf. The Prac coana-sāroddhāra, Dvára 26. वामे चक्रेश्वरी देवी स्थाप्या द्वादश पड्भुजा । धत्ते हस्तद्वये वज्रे चक्राणि च तथाष्टसु ॥ एकेन बीजपूरं तु वरदा कमलासना । चतुर्भुजाऽथवा चक्रं द्वयोर्गरुडवाहना ।।
Vasunandi's Pratisthāsarasamgraha.
सूर्याभाद्यकरद्वयात्तकुलिशा चक्राङ्कहस्ताण्टका सव्यासव्यशयोल्लसत्फलवरा पण्मूर्तिरास्तेऽम्बुजे । तार्क्ष्यवासुकिचक्रयुग्मरुचकत्यागैश्चतुभिः करैः
Vide, Cakreśvari Fig. 8-9/499, Lucknow Sculpture; Fig. Deogarh Fort, Annual Report, Arch. Dept., 1917-1918 Plate II; Another Fig. on the Pillar across the Western gate, Deogarh Fort; Gwalior Fort, Cave, Eastern roof: Fig. No. D6 Mathura Museum has been wrongly identified by Dr. Vogel as Vaisnavi. The hands of the Yaksini do not seem to be quite regular. The Mathura image has ten hands, the Deogarh image (first) has 16 arms, the other one bas 8 arms. A twelve-handed fig. 5 in the Barabhuj Gumpha, Udayagiri, Distt. Puri.