Faina Iconography find him, in later literature, connected with the procreation of children. He is known to have two aspects, one beneficent another malevolent.
The conception of the god does not seem to us to be wholly original as Prof. Keith has supposed. The three ideas connected with the deity, namely, the deer-face, goat-face and power of procreation, we conjecture were derived from the mythology of Daksa Prajāpati. As Prajapati, he is fundamentally associated with work of creation and procreation. The Brāhmaṇic mythology refers to the incident in which Śiva at the self-immolation of his wife, Sati, being enraged, pursued Dakşa, who assumed the form of a deer and at last decapitated him. But Śiva is said to have afterwards restored him to life. According to another account, a demon camc out from a torn hair of Śiva in rage, who beheaded Daksa and put a goat's head on his neck.
In the Svetāmbara books, we meet with two descriptions of this god. From one, we gather he has twenty hands with many weapons, matted hair, a snake as his holy thread and rides a dog. He is surrounded by Ananda and other Bhairavas and leads the sixty-four Yoginis.3 The other description makes him six-handed, the attributes being a club, noose, Damaru, bow, goad and Geţika ?
Images of this divinity have been discovered in many places but lie unidentified. The figures that I have studied,
1. "Now Sulasă was from childhood a worshipper of the god Harinega
meşi. She causcd to be made an image of Harinegameşi and every morning shc bathed. So in compassion for the lady Sulasi, thc god Harincgameşi made both her and thee to become pregnant at the same tiine." The Antaguda-Dasāu (Oriental Translation Fund), pp. 36, 37. Indian Alythology (Mythology of all races scries) by A.B. Keith.
A[ythology of the Jainas. 3. श्रीक्षेत्रपालाय' - 'विंशतिभुजदण्डाय बर्बरकेशाय जटाजूटमण्डिताय वासुकी
कृतजिनोपवीताय · 'प्रेतासनाय कुक्कुरवाहनाय त्रिलोचनाय आनन्दभैरवाद्यष्टभैरवपरिवृताय चतुःषष्टियोगिनीमध्यगताय ।।
Acātadinakara. + क्षेत्रपालं बर्बरकेशं षट्भुजं मुद्गरपाशडमरुकान्वितदक्षिणपाणि चापाङ्कुशitseile FranhyifoTH..