Śrutadevi and Vidyādevis
She is called in the Svetambara literature Acyuptā and described as riding a horse and holding a bow, sword, shield and arrowl. Acyutā as represented by the Digambaras equally rides a horse and holds the symbol of a sword.
Mānasi of Svetāmbara conception has two types in iconography. According to one, she rides a swan and bears the attributes of Varada and Vajral. According to another, shc sits on a lion and has four hands carrying Varada mudrā, Vaira, rosary and again Vajra". The Digambara Mānasi seats hersclf on a snake vchicles.
Mānasi by name and by the symbol of swan, Vajra and lion scems to be based upon a mixture of ideas. The swan symbol is very apt and is in keeping with the traditional emblem of the goddess of Icarning. The Buddhist deity of learning called Vāgīśvaris, who has a famous temple in Benares rides on a lion. Thus, there must be some undercurrent of interrelation in the symbolism. She rides a tiger. In this case, the Digambara Vidyādevi rides a snake. This appears to be due to the fact of Mānasi and Manasā having the same literal sense.
1. सव्यपाणि-धृतकार्मुकवराऽन्यस्फुरद्विशिखखङ्गधारिणी । विद्युद्दामतनुरश्ववाहनाऽच्युप्तिका भगवती।
Acaradinakara. २. धौतासिहस्तां हयगेऽच्युते त्वां हेमप्रभां त्वां प्रणतां प्रणौमि ।
___Pratisthāsāroddhāra. 3. हंसासनासीना वरदेन्द्रायुधान्विता । मानसी मानसीं पीडां हन्तु जाम्बुनदच्छविः ।
Acīradinokara. 4. मानसीं धवलवर्णा सिंहवाहनां चतुर्भुजां वरदवज्रालङ्कृतदक्षिणकरामक्षवलयाशनियुक्तवामकराम् ।
Nirrānakalika. रक्ताहिगा तत्प्रगतप्रणाममुद्रान्विता मानसि' · ।
Pratisțhūsāroddhāra. 5. वागीश्वरी=सरस्वती।