rakşas and Sāsana-devatās
will have green colour, wbile the Digambaras will have golden colour for the Yaksa.1
We do not know images of Mahāyakșa except in the case of attendant miniature figures as can be seen in the sculpture of Ajitanātha.Correspondence between the descriptions given above and the figures may be maintained.
The Yakşa's symbol of an elephant should be interpreted as clirectly concerned with his master's symbol of the same animal. His eight arms naturally correspond with his four faces.
Trimukha is Sambhavanātha's attendant disciple. Tests of both the Svetāmbaras and Digambaras are concordant in describing this Yakșa as possessed of three faces, sis arms and riding on a peacock. With respect to articles held in the hands, the books vary in some respects. The Svetambara texts give him a mongoose, club, Abhaya-Mudri (for his right hands) and a ci!rus garland and rosary (for his left hands).3 The Digambara text, on the contrary, gives the following attributes for his six arms-a disc, sword, Smi (goad) staff, trident and dagger.. 1. चक्रत्रिशूलकमलाङ्कुशवामहस्तो निस्त्रिशदण्डपरशुप्रवरान्यपाणिः । चामीकरद्युतिप्रभाङ्कनतो महादिर्यक्षोऽजितो गजरथश्चतुराननोऽसौ ॥
Pratisthāšāro!dkārn, p. 66. Cf. अजितस्य महायक्षो हेमवर्णश्चतुर्मुखः ।।
गजेन्द्रवाहनारूढः स्वोचिताष्टभुजायुधः ॥ Vasunandi's Pratisthāsāra-sangraha MSS, Jaina Collection, Arrah. 2. The figure of Mahai-Yaksa occurs in the Sculpture of Ajitanatha, Dro
garh Fort, Jhansi. Cr. Aich. Scrial No. 2225. 3. त्रिनेत्रस्त्रिमुखः श्यामः पड्बाहुबहिवाहनः । दक्षिण कुलधरः गदाभृदभयप्रदैः । युक्तो वामैर्भुजैर्मातुलिङ्गदामाक्षसूत्रिमिः ॥
Hemacandra's Sumbhavacurita. Cf. श्यामवर्णो मयूरवाहनः पड्भुजो नकुलगदाऽभययुक्तदक्षिणकरकमलः मातुलिङ्गदामाक्षसूत्रयुक्तवामपाणिः
Pravacana:āroddhāra MSS, Jaina Bhandar Chhani Baroda, 4. चक्रासिशृण्युपगसव्यसयोन्यहस्तैर्दण्डत्रिशूलमुपयन् शितकर्तिकां च । वाजिध्वजप्रभुनतः शिखिगोऽजनाभस्त्र्यक्षः प्रतीक्षतु बलि त्रिमुखाख्ययक्षः ॥
Pratisthā-säroddhāra. Cf. the same details in Mandira Pralisthāridhāna MSS. Jaina bhavana, Arrah.