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Ghäti Karma Ghäti karma subdue the innate qualities of a soul namely; infinite happiness (rational faith and conduct), infinite knowledge, infinite perception or vision, and infinite power or energy. They are divided into four categories. Mohaniya Karma Deluding Karma
obscures blissful nature or happiness or samyak faith, samyak knowledge, and samyak conduct of the
soul Jnänävaraniya Obscures infinite Karma
Knowledge of the soul Darshanävaraniya Obscures infinite Karma
Perception of the soul Antaraya karma Obstructs infinite
Power and Energy of the soul
they produce a favorable environment conducive to spiritual life such as human life, healthy body, comfort, moral family etc. A person may use such circumstances to progress himself spiritually or a person may use it to increase his power, fame, luxury, and/or comfort. This depends upon the person's free will or self determination (Purushärtha). However, if a person decides to progress further spiritually his Punya karma have created a proper environment for him to do so. All Tirthankars fall into this category.
Aghäti karma Aghäti karma are non-destructive to the innate qualities of the soul but are responsible for the creation of the physical body, physical mind, social environment, and life span for the soul. They are also divided into 4 categories. Vedaniya Creates Favorable or Karma
Unfavorable Physical Environment for the Soul (healthy body or unhealthy
body) Näm karma Physical Body and Physique
Determining Karma Gotra karma Status Determining Karma Ayu karma Life Span Determining Karma
In contrast however a few Chakravarti kings used this type of environment to increase their power throughout their life and went to hell to suffer. Pap or Sinful Karma We acquire Pap or Sinful karma when we perform or reflect on any non-virtuous work associated with violence, dishonesty, stealing, not behaving chastely, attachment to worldly objects, anger, conceit, deceit, lust, revenge, and having impure thoughts. When the päp karma mature and the results come to fruition, they will create an unfavorable environment which may bring misery, discomfort, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction to the living being. Under such an environment, one rarely progresses spiritually. Muni Kuragudu's life is one example that comes close to this situation. Due to Punya karma, he attained human life and became monk. However due to some Pap karma he could not fast (Upaväs) even on Samvatsari day. Yet he attained keval-Jnän and liberation because he remained equanimous under very adverse circumstances. Relationship among Ghäti, Aghäti, Punya and Pap karma Jain philosophy states that the following karma related events occur in the life of every living being:
At each and every moment all 8 categories of karma (4 Ghäti karma and 4 Aghäti karma) together produce their results and then they get separated from the soul. At every moment 7 out of 8 categories of new karma are attached to the soul. Only
The above 8 categories of karma are divided into many (around from 96 to 157 depending upon author and sect) sub-categories. These sub-categories are further classified into Punya and Pap karma categories. Punya or Pious Karma We acquire Punya or Pious karma when we perform or reflect upon virtuous activity with or without a feeling of self-satisfaction and accomplishment. When Punya karma matures