"Live and Help Live"
karmas. We know that every human being has karmas. This was hard for me to understand to suffer the consequences of their own at first but slowly I am getting it. To make any karmas. The paap and punya actions are not situation better, that is to get rid of my only physical but also mental. By mental, I karmas, I have to first of all accept that mean that if the thoughts that come in my moment and then even if it's not my fault, I mind are bad I would be doing collecting bad need to forgive the people who have caused karmas so I have to be very careful about me pain. what I think. Jainism has given us lots of means to collect good karma as well as told us that bad thoughts or bad deeds arises from the four (10) Bhavana and its importance - kashays anger, ego, deceit, and greed. We Neha Mehta need to overcome the Kashays by practicing the four Bhavnas which are very simple. The There are 12 Bhavnas and 4 auxilary Bhavnas. first is Pramod Bhavna which tells me to Bhavna means reflection on your inner self. appreciate other people's success. I used to feel bad when my brother would do good in The 12 Bhavnas are: sports but now I have started cheering him on Anitya Bhavna - Anitya Bhavna means and that has made me happy. The Karuna
impermanence. The external substance Bhavna teaches me to be compassionate plus the body are transitory; therefore we towards all human beings, with this should not be attached to them. knowledge. I do not walk on grass any more . Asharan Bhavna - Asharan Bhavna means thinking about the poor little creatures. The helplessness. When human beings are Maitreyi Bhavna tells me to be friends with
experiencing tremendous agitation, no one everyone. This was really hard for me but I
can save a Jina who is helpless. Everything am trying to remember this feeling of
you possess like family, wealth, etc. you friendship with everyone. The Madhyastha
have to give up. Bhavna tells me that I should be neutral . Sansar Bhavna - Sansar Bhavna means towards all my friends and try not to take cycle of life and death. You go through a sides and hurt one of them.
cycle like a mother becoming a wife. You This year in my Pathshala class we learned
should not have attachment for it. more about Paap and Punya. I now know that
Ektava Bhavna - Ektava Bhavna means as a Jain our goal is to escape the cycle of
solitariness. You will be alone for birth and death. To attain this goal we have
everything. You will die alone, be born the three jewels to help us which are Samyag
alone, you are alone, sick alone, suffer Darshan (right perception), Samyag Gnan
alone, and experience Karmas alone. (right knowledge), and Samyag Charitra (right
Therefore you should be cautious and stay conduct). The right knowledge means the
away from attachment. proper knowledge of the six universal
Anyatva Bhavna - Anyatya Bhavna means substances and the nine principles or nine
otherness of the body. Your body is tattvas which include Paap and Punya.
transitory. Your soul is also perishable. They are different from you therefore you
should discard attachment. I now know very well that whatever happens
Ashuchi Bhavna - Ashuchi Bhavna means to me is because of me. I'm responsible for all
impurity of the body. Impure substances my actions. I have a choice to make every
are nourishing your body. You will get moment of the day; which would earn me
away from attachment and engage yourself Paap (bad karma) or Punya (good karma). If I
in self-discipline, renuncation, and spiritual face situations like my friends leaving me or
endeavors. teasing me it's somehow related to my karmas
Asrava Bhavna - Asrava Bhavna means and if something really bad were to happen to
inflow of Karma. You are thinking on inflow me it also would be because of my past