The Three Jewels 29
3. It implies that the soul which proceeds on this royal road automatically stops Influx by Prevention, over-comes Bondage by Separation and thus achieves Liberation (as explained in the previous chapter). Thus while the Seven Fundamentals provide the theoretical background, the Three Jewels provide the practical path to realize the destiny of the soul.
4. For the sake of comparative information it may be mentioned that some important religious systems have also summarised their beliefs in three groups e.g. three jewels of Buddha are "The Buddha (Buddham), The Law (Dhammam) and The Order (Sangam). Parsi trio is Holy Mind, Holy Speech and Holy Deed. Mohammedan triad is Happiness, Mercy and Prayer. Christian jewels are Faith, Hope and Love (with reference to a personal redeemer).
5. The three jewels are described one by one in the succeeding paras. However, it may be clarified that Right Conduct includes Right Penance, though some treat it separately and call it a four-fold path.
6. Right Vision (Samayag Darshan)-This has been defined and described by various authorities in different terms. Most acceptable, broad and general definition is that Right Vision means to hold truth as truth and untruth as untruth. Elsewhere Right Vision is described as inclination towards validly determining the true nature of things aimed at spiritual development.
7. To make it more circumspect and practicable Right Vision has been described in a restricted way as :
(a) belief in two-fold division of the universe in the distinctive living and
non-living elements. (b) belief in the interplay of soul and matter through the process of seven
fundamentals; and (c) belief in True Prophets (like Jain Tirthankars) True Scriptures (like Jain
Shastras) and True Preceptors (like Jain saints).
8. The above describes the positive side of the Right Vision.
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