(b) Avoid co-habitation with hijadas, married women or
female animals, and goddesses. (c) Avoid co-habitation with virgins, windows and harlots. (d) Be careful of general contact with females and sexual
dreams, which are considered exceptions. AVOID FIVE ATICHARAS (FAILURES OF CONDUCT) : (i) Aparigrihitagaman : To enjoy a woman not looked after by
any one. (ii) Itwargrihitagaman : To enjoy a woman kept by some one
else. (iii) Anangkrida : To gaze sensuously at the limbs of
woman's body or make sexual
gestures. (iv) Parvivahkaran : To arrange some one else's marriage. (v) Tivra-anurag : Intense desire for sexual act.
BENEFIT OF CHASTITY : Nine lacs of living germs in sperm, innumerable beings of two senses and many a sammurchhim human beings will be prote by avoidance of a single intercourse. This is the main benefit of/observing celibacy.
(Minor scale vrata of Non-attachment for possessions) There are nine type of possessions : (1) Wealth (2) Food grains (3) Land (4) Buildings (5) Silver (6) Gold (7) All metals (8) Servants (9) Birds and beasts.
Things are innumerable. A householder should give up attachment or craving for them and should abstain to an extent possible, from nine types of possesions as laid down in the Fifth Anuvrata.
If it is not convenient to limit the value of every article and real estate-moveable and immoveable properties, houses, shops, land, cash, ornaments, shares, loans, furnitures etc., that were possessed. One should limit the total value of all the possessions and should not acquire additional possessions exceeding the value fixed. In case there is extra income or acquisition of a property, give them away in charity. When one crosses the limit of the total
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