Thus as said in the beginning in "Iriyavahi", one apologies to 563 kinds of jivas 18, 24.120 ways of sinning when we waik, we are careful, lest out foot may fall into mud, we should be likewise, also careful in not doing sinful activities.
We should bear in mind that to avoid sin is much better than to do it first and try to eradicate it thereafter as to control an action is for easier than to overcome the consequencsis of what is done.
Jayana (Carefulness in Practising Non-Violence) :
The spirit of non-violence is the foundation on which edifice of Dharma stands. Hence, utmost care (Jayana) is necessary in all our activities to protect living beings. Though we know enough about it, we do not remain attentive to observing the right conduct with the result that one becomes indifferent to observing non-violence. We spend a lot of money to protect lives; but many a living being can be saved without spending any money provided we are careful in conduct. In Samayik we comtemplate to protect all the six kinds of living organisins in 14 Raj lokas. We must, no doubt, be very careful in practising non-violence in our daily activities. What are the ways of practising non-violence ?
Ways of Practising Non-Violence (Jayana) : (1) Don't use undistilled or unfiltered water. A bad-kothali should not be tied on a water tap because Nigoud life is secreted therein.
(2) Clean with a tender broom (pujani) the place where you live.
(3) Clean fuels like wood, cow-dung cakes, stove and gas stove with care to see that no living being is killed or injured.
(4) Keep the food grains clean. It should be shifted in a sieve and should be so stored that no living being are bred into it.
(5) Do not use rotten vegetables, etc. and be careful to see that no insects or living beings are killed.
(6) Clean stone-mill or pestle and motor before using.
(7) Don't leave off any extra food in your eating plate. If you can, do make the dish you have eaten from, quite clean by drinking water from it. Otherwise, minute living beings are born in it! immediately. The idea is not to leave behind any food particles.
(8) Don't throw away extra cooked food in a way that involves the birth and killing of living beings.
(9) Don't keep pots of milk, oil, ghee etc. uncovered.
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