(13) Dav Karma : Putting fields, forest etc. on fire. (14) Shoshan Karma : Pump sets for wells, ponds and lakes,
cisterns, underground tanks etc. (15) Asati Poshan Karma : Don't keep dogs, cats, parrots,
Cacakauas and harlots. Try to lead your life in a least sinful way; observe as many vows as possible and try to be a 'viratidhar' (non-attached) householder. It may not be possible to observe all that is descrided here due to practical problems, but while selecting one's trade, one should see that the aspect of sinning is reduced to the minimum.
Sachita Ahar Bhakshan : Abstain from eating what
possesses life. (2) Sachita Pratibaddha Bhakshan ; Abstain from eating a
thing mixed with something that possesses life. Apakva Ahar Bhakshan : Avoid eating preparations of
uncooked flour or unripe fruits. (4) Duspakva Bhakshan : Don't eat half-fried things like
roasted corn. (5) Tuchhaupadhi Bhakshan : Don't eat spoiled or trifle fruits.
8. ANARTHA DAND VIRMAN VRATA : (To refrain from all unvirtuous acts that serve no purpose-Third Gunvrata)
अवज्झाण पावउवएस हिंसाणुदाणप्पमायाचरिएहिं ।
जं चउहा सो मुक्कइ गुणव्वयं भवे तईयं ।। Reflections out of evil tendencies of mind (out of either Artra-that which arises out of pain or raudra-that which arises ou of cruelty), advice for sinful activities, such donation that involves violence and negligent conduct-these four are given up in this Gunvrata.
Certain activities have to be carried on even though they are found to be unvirtuous to support one's self or to promote the interests of the dear one's. But, being directed by some purpose, they are called Artha Kriays. What is intended to be given up here
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