शिवमस्तु सर्वजगतः, परहितनिरता भवन्तु भूतगणाः । दोषाः प्रयान्तु नाशं सर्वत्र सुखी भवतु लोकः ॥
Preliminary जे केवि गया मोक्खं, गच्छंति गमिस्सन्ति ।
ते सव्वे सामाइयस्स-भावेण मुणेयव्वा || (Know that) Those who were liberated or are being liberated presently or will realise liberation in future, all of them do so, by observing Samayik-cultivating equanimity of mind. Upadhaya you Umaswatiji has said in the Tatvarth Sutra that infinite number of persons have attained liberation only by Samayik pada.
WHAT IS SAMAYIK ? Sam means equanimity, a state of mind in which there is no discord in which it is absorbed in quiet Self-contemplation. It is also getting rid of a discord inherited by soul since time immemorial. It again means sympathy, friendliness and brotherhood for all living beings. To treat others the same way as we would expect to be treated ourselves is Samayik. Besides, it means a state which is free from both-the attachment and aversion and the prejudice of likes and dislikes.
Samayik is a determination not to cause pain to others and conscious efforts to cultivate brotherhood with all.
A Glimpse into one's Self : It is also the first Shiksha Vrata and forms the Ninth Vrata out of the 12 vows of a householder. It alms at living carefully in a praticular way, without troubling, harassing or killing any living beings. It involves giving up the sinful actvities and a partial observation of the way of life of a monk. As a remedy it washes off the dust of karmas and a vow to protect Six kinds of Living Organisms (viz. earth, water, light, air, vegetation and moving beings).
It is a careful adjustment of pesonal life so that no living being is caused any fear, pain, torture or beating.
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